CASToR  2.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT/CT)
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Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123]
oCIntf_fieldsInterfile fields.
This structure contains all the Interfile keys currently managed by CASToR
Declared in oInterfileIO.hh
oCIntf_keyInterfile key elements.
This structure is used to recover and process the elements of an Interfile key ( key := value #anycomment)
Declared in oInterfileIO.hh
oCoDeformationManagerThis class is designed to manage the image-based deformation part of the reconstruction
oCoDynamicDataManagerThis class gathers the information about the dynamic splitting of the data
oCoDynamicModelManagerThis class is designed to manage the use of dynamic model in the reconstruction
oCoImageConvolverManagerThis class is designed to manage the different image convolvers and to apply them
oCoImageDimensionsAndQuantificationThis class is designed to manage all dimensions and quantification related stuff
oCoImageProcessingManagerThis class is designed to manage the different image processing modules and to apply them
oCoImageSpaceThis class holds all the matrices in the image domain that can be used in the algorithm: image, forward-image, correction, additional image, sensitivity image
oCoIterativeAlgorithmThis is the main class for iterative reconstructions, that manages the iteration loops.
This class manages an iterative reconstruction of any kind, using a vDataFile, and through the use of an oProjector, an oOptimizer, a oConvolver, a oImageSpace
oCoMatrixStructure designed for basic matrices operations
oCoMemoryMappedPortable read-only memory mapping (Windows and Linux)
oCoOptimizerManagerThis class is designed to manage the optimization part of an iterative reconstruction
oCoProjectionLineThis class is designed to manage and store system matrix elements associated to a vEvent
oCoProjectorManagerThis class is designed to manage the projection part of the reconstruction
oCoSensitivityGeneratorThis class is designed to manage the computation of the sensitivity image
oCoSystemMatrixThis class is designed to manage pre-computed system matrices
oCsAddonManagerThis class is designed to manage the automatic declaration of 'addon' classes
oCsChronoManagerThis class is designed to manage some profiling of the code
oCsOutputManagerSingleton class that manages output writing on disk (images, sinograms, etc).
It also manages logging and printing on screen
oCsRandomNumberGeneratorSingleton class that generate a thread-safe random generator number for openMP
As singleton, it can be called from any class requiring RNGs
oCsScannerManagerSingleton class that Instantiate and initialize the scanner object
oCvDataFileThis class is designed to be a mother virtual class for DataFile
|oCiDataFileCTInherit from vDataFile. Class that manages the reading of a CT input file (header + data)
|oCiDataFilePETInherit from vDataFile. Class that manages the reading of a PET input file (header + data)
|\CiDataFileSPECTInherit from vDataFile. Class that manages the reading of a SPECT input file (header + data)
oCvDeformationThis is the mother class of image-based transformation class
|\CiDeformationTemplateThis class is a child of the vDeformation class implementing a template squeleton
oCvDynamicModelThis is the mother class of dynamic model classes
|\CiDynamicModelTemplateThis class is a child of the vDynamicModel class implementing a template squeleton
oCvEventMother class for the Event objects
|oCiEventCTInherit from vEvent. Main CT class for the Event objects
||oCiEventHistoCTInherit from iEventCT. Class for CT histogram mode events
||\CiEventListCTInherit from iEventCT. Class for CT list-mode events
|oCiEventNormInherit from vEvent. Used for normalization events for sensitivity computation
|oCiEventPETInherit from vEvent. Main PET class for the Event objects
||oCiEventHistoPETInherit from iEventPET. Class for PET histogram mode events
||\CiEventListPETInherit from iEventPET. Class for PET list-mode events
|\CiEventSPECTInherit from vEvent. Main SPECT class for the Event objects
| oCiEventHistoSPECTInherit from iEventSPECT. Class for SPECT histogram mode events
| \CiEventListSPECTInherit from iEventSPECT. Class for SPECT list-mode events
oCvImageConvolverThis abstract class is the generic image convolver class used by the oImageConvolverManager
|oCiImageConvolverStationaryGaussianThis class is an image convolver module implementing stationary gaussian filtering
|\CiImageConvolverTemplateThis class is a template of an image convolver module to serve as an example
oCvImageProcessingModuleThis abstract class is the generic image processing module class used by the oImageProcessingManager
|\CiImageProcessingTemplateThis class is a template of an image processing module to serve as an example
oCvOptimizerThis class is designed to generically described any iterative optimizer
|oCiOptimizerLandweberThis class implements the Landweber algorithm
|oCiOptimizerMLEMThis class implements the Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization algorithm
|oCiOptimizerMLTRThis class implements a version of the Maximum Likelihood Transmission algorithm
|oCiOptimizerNEGMLThis class implements the NEGML algorithm
|oCiOptimizerOriginalAMLThis class implements the original AML algorithm (AB-EMML with B to infinity)
|\CiOptimizerTemplateThis class is a child of the vOptimizer class implementing a template squeleton
oCvPenaltyThis class is designed to generically described any penalty applied to MAP algorithms
oCvProjectorThis class is designed to generically described any on-the-fly projector
|oCiProjectorClassicSiddonThis class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the classic Siddon ray tracer
|oCiProjectorDistanceDrivenThis class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the distance driven ray tracer
|oCiProjectorIncrementalSiddonThis class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the incremental Siddon ray tracer
|oCiProjectorIncrementalSiddonMultiThis class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the multi incremental Siddon ray tracer
|oCiProjectorIRISThis class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the IRIS projector
|oCiProjectorJosephThis class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the Joseph ray tracer
|\CiProjectorTemplateThis class is a child of the vProjector class implementing a template squeleton
\CvScannerGeneric class for scanner objects
 oCiScannerCTThis class is used to represent any CT camera with either a CBCT ascii description or a LUT file for any style of detector
 oCiScannerPETThis class is used to represent any cylindrical PET scanner
 \CiScannerSPECTConvThis class is used to represent any SPECT camera with parallel/convergent collimator