Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT/CT)
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iDataFileCT | Inherit from vDataFile. Class that manages the reading of a CT input file (header + data) |
iDataFilePET | Inherit from vDataFile. Class that manages the reading of a PET input file (header + data) |
iDataFileSPECT | Inherit from vDataFile. Class that manages the reading of a SPECT input file (header + data) |
iDeformationTemplate | This class is a child of the vDeformation class implementing a template squeleton |
iDynamicModelTemplate | This class is a child of the vDynamicModel class implementing a template squeleton |
iEventCT | Inherit from vEvent. Main CT class for the Event objects |
iEventHistoCT | Inherit from iEventCT. Class for CT histogram mode events |
iEventHistoPET | Inherit from iEventPET. Class for PET histogram mode events |
iEventHistoSPECT | Inherit from iEventSPECT. Class for SPECT histogram mode events |
iEventListCT | Inherit from iEventCT. Class for CT list-mode events |
iEventListPET | Inherit from iEventPET. Class for PET list-mode events |
iEventListSPECT | Inherit from iEventSPECT. Class for SPECT list-mode events |
iEventNorm | Inherit from vEvent. Used for normalization events for sensitivity computation |
iEventPET | Inherit from vEvent. Main PET class for the Event objects |
iEventSPECT | Inherit from vEvent. Main SPECT class for the Event objects |
iImageConvolverStationaryGaussian | This class is an image convolver module implementing stationary gaussian filtering |
iImageConvolverTemplate | This class is a template of an image convolver module to serve as an example |
iImageProcessingTemplate | This class is a template of an image processing module to serve as an example |
Intf_fields | Interfile fields. This structure contains all the Interfile keys currently managed by CASToR Declared in oInterfileIO.hh |
Intf_key | Interfile key elements. This structure is used to recover and process the elements of an Interfile key ( key := value #anycomment) Declared in oInterfileIO.hh |
iOptimizerLandweber | This class implements the Landweber algorithm |
iOptimizerMLEM | This class implements the Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization algorithm |
iOptimizerMLTR | This class implements a version of the Maximum Likelihood Transmission algorithm |
iOptimizerNEGML | This class implements the NEGML algorithm |
iOptimizerOriginalAML | This class implements the original AML algorithm (AB-EMML with B to infinity) |
iOptimizerTemplate | This class is a child of the vOptimizer class implementing a template squeleton |
iProjectorClassicSiddon | This class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the classic Siddon ray tracer |
iProjectorDistanceDriven | This class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the distance driven ray tracer |
iProjectorIncrementalSiddon | This class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the incremental Siddon ray tracer |
iProjectorIncrementalSiddonMulti | This class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the multi incremental Siddon ray tracer |
iProjectorIRIS | This class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the IRIS projector |
iProjectorJoseph | This class is a child of the vProjector class implementing the Joseph ray tracer |
iProjectorTemplate | This class is a child of the vProjector class implementing a template squeleton |
iScannerCT | This class is used to represent any CT camera with either a CBCT ascii description or a LUT file for any style of detector |
iScannerPET | This class is used to represent any cylindrical PET scanner |
iScannerSPECTConv | This class is used to represent any SPECT camera with parallel/convergent collimator |
oDeformationManager | This class is designed to manage the image-based deformation part of the reconstruction |
oDynamicDataManager | This class gathers the information about the dynamic splitting of the data |
oDynamicModelManager | This class is designed to manage the use of dynamic model in the reconstruction |
oImageConvolverManager | This class is designed to manage the different image convolvers and to apply them |
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification | This class is designed to manage all dimensions and quantification related stuff |
oImageProcessingManager | This class is designed to manage the different image processing modules and to apply them |
oImageSpace | This class holds all the matrices in the image domain that can be used in the algorithm: image, forward-image, correction, additional image, sensitivity image |
oIterativeAlgorithm | This is the main class for iterative reconstructions, that manages the iteration loops. This class manages an iterative reconstruction of any kind, using a vDataFile, and through the use of an oProjector, an oOptimizer, a oConvolver, a oImageSpace |
oMatrix | Structure designed for basic matrices operations |
oMemoryMapped | Portable read-only memory mapping (Windows and Linux) |
oOptimizerManager | This class is designed to manage the optimization part of an iterative reconstruction |
oProjectionLine | This class is designed to manage and store system matrix elements associated to a vEvent |
oProjectorManager | This class is designed to manage the projection part of the reconstruction |
oSensitivityGenerator | This class is designed to manage the computation of the sensitivity image |
oSystemMatrix | This class is designed to manage pre-computed system matrices |
sAddonManager | This class is designed to manage the automatic declaration of 'addon' classes |
sChronoManager | This class is designed to manage some profiling of the code |
sOutputManager | Singleton class that manages output writing on disk (images, sinograms, etc). It also manages logging and printing on screen |
sRandomNumberGenerator | Singleton class that generate a thread-safe random generator number for openMP As singleton, it can be called from any class requiring RNGs |
sScannerManager | Singleton class that Instantiate and initialize the scanner object |
vDataFile | This class is designed to be a mother virtual class for DataFile |
vDeformation | This is the mother class of image-based transformation class |
vDynamicModel | This is the mother class of dynamic model classes |
vEvent | Mother class for the Event objects |
vImageConvolver | This abstract class is the generic image convolver class used by the oImageConvolverManager |
vImageProcessingModule | This abstract class is the generic image processing module class used by the oImageProcessingManager |
vOptimizer | This class is designed to generically described any iterative optimizer |
vPenalty | This class is designed to generically described any penalty applied to MAP algorithms |
vProjector | This class is designed to generically described any on-the-fly projector |
vScanner | Generic class for scanner objects |