Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- g -
- GenerateExtraRdmNber()
: sRandomNumberGenerator
- GenerateIRISRdmPos()
: iProjectorIRIS
- GenerateRdmNber()
: sRandomNumberGenerator
- GetAdditiveCorrections()
: iEventCT
, iEventHistoPET
, iEventListPET
, iEventNorm
, iEventPET
, iEventSPECT
, vEvent
- GetAffectCardDimensionFlag()
: vImageProcessingModule
- GetAffectRespDimensionFlag()
: vImageProcessingModule
- GetAffectTimeDimensionFlag()
: vImageProcessingModule
- GetAngles()
: iDataFileCT
, iDataFileSPECT
- GetAtnCorrectionFlag()
: iDataFilePET
- GetAtnCorrFactor()
: iEventPET
- GetAttenuationCorrectionFactor()
: iEventNorm
- GetAvailableScanners()
: sScannerManager
- GetBaseName()
: sOutputManager
- GetBedIndex()
: vDataFile
- GetBedOffset()
: oProjectionLine
- GetBedPosition()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetBedPositionFlag()
: vDataFile
- GetBlankCorrectionFlag()
: iDataFileCT
- GetBlankValue()
: iEventCT
, vEvent
- GetBufferOrientation1()
: oProjectionLine
- GetBufferOrientation2()
: oProjectionLine
- GetBufferPosition1()
: oProjectionLine
- GetBufferPosition2()
: oProjectionLine
- GetCalibrationFactor()
: vDataFile
- GetCardBasisCoefficient()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetCardStaticFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetCompatibilityWithCompression()
: vProjector
- GetCompatibilityWithSPECTAttenuationCorrection()
: oSystemMatrix
, vProjector
- GetComputationStrategy()
: oProjectionLine
, oProjectorManager
- GetCORtoDetectorDistance()
: iDataFileSPECT
- GetCTSpecificParameters()
: iScannerCT
, sScannerManager
, vScanner
- GetCurrentCardGate()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetCurrentCardImage()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetCurrentNbVoxels()
: oProjectionLine
- GetCurrentPMotionIndex()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetCurrentRespGate()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetCurrentRespImage()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetCurrentTimeFrame()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetData()
: oMemoryMapped
- GetDataFileName()
: sOutputManager
, vDataFile
- GetDataMode()
: vDataFile
, vEvent
- GetDataModeToString()
: vDataFile
- GetDataSpec()
: vDataFile
- GetDataSpecToString()
: vDataFile
- GetDataType()
: vDataFile
, vEvent
- GetDataTypeToString()
: vDataFile
- GetDefaultBedDisplacementInMm()
: vScanner
- GetDetectionElementSizeAxial()
: iScannerCT
, iScannerPET
, iScannerSPECTConv
, vScanner
- GetDetectionElementSizeTrans()
: iScannerCT
, iScannerPET
, iScannerSPECTConv
, vScanner
- GetDetectorRotDirection()
: iDataFileCT
- GetDuration()
: vDataFile
- GetEdgesCenterPositions()
: iScannerCT
, iScannerPET
, iScannerSPECTConv
, vScanner
- GetEvent()
: vDataFile
- GetEventID1()
: vEvent
- GetEventID2()
: vEvent
- GetEventIndexStartAndStop()
: vDataFile
- GetEventKindFlag()
: iDataFileCT
, iDataFilePET
, iDataFileSPECT
- GetEventNbTOFBins()
: iEventHistoPET
- GetEventRdmRate()
: iEventPET
- GetEventScatRate()
: iEventCT
, iEventHistoPET
, iEventListPET
, iEventSPECT
- GetEventSize()
: vDataFile
- GetEventSpecific()
: iDataFileCT
, iDataFilePET
, iDataFileSPECT
, vDataFile
- GetEventValue()
: iEventCT
, iEventHistoCT
, iEventHistoPET
, iEventHistoSPECT
, iEventListCT
, iEventListPET
, iEventListSPECT
, iEventNorm
, iEventPET
, iEventSPECT
, vEvent
- GetExtraGenerator()
: sRandomNumberGenerator
- GetFinalTimeStopInMs()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFinalTimeStopInSec()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFlipOutX()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFlipOutY()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFlipOutZ()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFOVOutPercent()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFOVSizeX()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFOVSizeY()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFOVSizeZ()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFrameDurationInMs()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFrameDurationInSec()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFrameTimeStartInMs()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFrameTimeStartInSec()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFrameTimeStopInMs()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetFrameTimeStopInSec()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetGeometricInfoFromDataFile()
: iScannerCT
, iScannerPET
, iScannerSPECTConv
, sScannerManager
, vScanner
- GetHeaderDataFileName()
: vDataFile
- GetHeadRotDirection()
: iDataFileSPECT
- GetID1()
: vEvent
- GetID2()
: vEvent
- GetIgnoreAttnCorrectionFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetIgnoreBratCorrectionFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetIgnoreCaliCorrectionFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetIgnoreDecaCorrectionFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetIgnoreFdurCorrectionFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetIgnoreNormCorrectionFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetIgnorePOIFlag()
: vDataFile
- GetIgnoreRandCorrectionFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetIgnoreScatCorrectionFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetIgnoreTOFFlag()
: iDataFilePET
- GetIndex1()
: oProjectionLine
- GetIndex2()
: oProjectionLine
- GetInitialValue()
: oOptimizerManager
, vOptimizer
- GetInstance()
: sAddonManager
, sChronoManager
, sOutputManager
, sRandomNumberGenerator
, sScannerManager
- GetIsotope()
: iDataFilePET
, iDataFileSPECT
- GetKind()
: iEventListCT
, iEventListPET
, iEventListSPECT
- GetLayer()
: iScannerPET
- GetLength()
: oProjectionLine
- GetLogFile()
: sOutputManager
- GetMatriceElt()
: oMatrix
- GetMaxAxialDiffmm()
: iDataFilePET
- GetMaxNumberOfLinesPerEvent()
: iDataFilePET
- GetMaxRingDiff()
: vDataFile
- GetModalityFromString()
: sScannerManager
- GetMPIRank()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetMPISize()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetMtx()
: oMatrix
- GetMultiplicativeCorrections()
: iEventCT
, iEventNorm
, iEventPET
, iEventSPECT
, vEvent
- GetNb1stMotImgsForLMS()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNb2ndMotImgsForLMS()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbBackwardImages()
: oImageSpace
, oOptimizerManager
, vOptimizer
- GetNbBeds()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbBins()
: iDataFileSPECT
- GetNbCardBasisFunctions()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbCardGates()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbHeads()
: iDataFileSPECT
- GetNbIPatMotionSubsets()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbLines()
: vEvent
- GetNbMiscellaneousImages()
: oImageSpace
- GetNbMultiModalImages()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbProjections()
: iDataFileCT
, iDataFileSPECT
- GetNbRespBasisFunctions()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbRespGates()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbSensImagesCardDeformation()
: oDeformationManager
- GetNbSensImagesRespDeformation()
: oDeformationManager
- GetNbSliceOutMask()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbThreadsForImageComputation()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbThreadsForProjection()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbThreadsMax()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbTimeBasisFunctions()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbTimeFrames()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbTOFBins()
: iDataFilePET
, oProjectionLine
, oProjectorManager
- GetNbValueBins()
: iEventCT
, iEventHistoCT
, iEventHistoPET
, iEventHistoSPECT
, iEventListCT
, iEventListPET
, iEventListSPECT
, iEventNorm
, iEventPET
, iEventSPECT
, vEvent
- GetNbVoxDiagonal()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbVoxX()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbVoxXY()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbVoxXYZ()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbVoxY()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNbVoxZ()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetNormalizationFactor()
: iEventNorm
- GetNormCorrectionFlag()
: iDataFilePET
, iDataFileSPECT
- GetNormFactor()
: iEventPET
, iEventSPECT
- GetOffsetX()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetOffsetY()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetOffsetZ()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetOrientation1()
: oProjectionLine
- GetOrientation2()
: oProjectionLine
- GetPageSize()
: oMemoryMapped
- GetPathName()
: sOutputManager
- GetPathToConfigDir()
: sOutputManager
- GetPathToScannerFile()
: sScannerManager
- GetPathToSensitivityImage()
: oSensitivityGenerator
- GetPMotionFirstIndexForLMS()
: oDynamicDataManager
, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetPOI()
: iEventListSPECT
- GetPOI1()
: iEventListPET
, oProjectionLine
- GetPOI2()
: iEventListPET
, oProjectionLine
- GetPOIDirectionFlag()
: vDataFile
- GetPOIInfoFlag()
: vDataFile
- GetPOIResolution()
: vDataFile
- GetPosition1()
: oProjectionLine
- GetPosition2()
: oProjectionLine
- GetPositionsAndOrientations()
: iScannerCT
, iScannerPET
, iScannerSPECTConv
, vScanner
- GetPositionWithRandomDepth()
: iScannerCT
, iScannerPET
, iScannerSPECTConv
, vScanner
- GetProvidedBedPositionFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetQuantificationFactor()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetRandCorrectionFlag()
: iDataFilePET
- GetRdmPositionsAndOrientations()
: iScannerCT
, iScannerPET
, iScannerSPECTConv
, vScanner
- GetRelativeBedPosition()
: vDataFile
- GetRespBasisCoefficient()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetRespStaticFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetScannerName()
: sScannerManager
, vDataFile
- GetScannerObject()
: sScannerManager
- GetScannerType()
: sScannerManager
, vScanner
- GetScannerTypeString()
: vScanner
- GetScatCorrectionFlag()
: iDataFileCT
, iDataFilePET
, iDataFileSPECT
- GetSize()
: vDataFile
- GetSPECTSpecificParameters()
: iScannerSPECTConv
, sScannerManager
, vScanner
- GetStartTime()
: vDataFile
- GetSystemNbElts()
: iScannerCT
, iScannerPET
, iScannerSPECTConv
, sScannerManager
, vScanner
- GetThreadNumber()
: oProjectionLine
- GetTimeBasisCoefficient()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetTimeInMs()
: vEvent
- GetTimeStaticFlag()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetTOFBinSize()
: iDataFilePET
, oProjectionLine
- GetTOFInfoFlag()
: iDataFilePET
- GetTOFMeasurement()
: iEventListPET
, oProjectionLine
- GetTOFMeasurementRange()
: iDataFilePET
- GetTOFResolution()
: iDataFilePET
, oProjectionLine
- GetTwoCorners()
: iScannerCT
, iScannerPET
, iScannerSPECTConv
, vScanner
- GetVerbose()
: vDataFile
- GetVoxelIndex()
: oProjectionLine
- GetVoxelWeights()
: oProjectionLine
- GetVoxSizeX()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetVoxSizeY()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
- GetVoxSizeZ()
: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification