This header file is mainly used to declare some macro definitions and all includes needed from the st...
void ShowHelpDynamicModel()
Show help about all implemented dynamic models.
This class is designed to manage the automatic declaration of 'addon' classes.
void ShowHelpDeformation()
Show help about all implemented deformations.
This class is designed to generically described any on-the-fly projector.
This is the mother class of dynamic model classes.
void ShowHelpImageProcessingModule()
Show help about all implemented image processing modules.
std::map< string, maker_scanner > mp_listOfScannerTypes
void ShowHelpPenalty()
Show help about all implemented penalties.
static sAddonManager * GetInstance()
std::map< string, maker_optimizer > mp_listOfOptimizers
Declaration of class vProjector.
This abstract class is the generic image processing module class used by the oImageProcessingManager...
The constructor of sAddonManager.
Declaration of class vOptimizer.
Declaration of class vPenalty.
This class is designed to generically described any penalty applied to MAP algorithms.
std::map< string, maker_projector > mp_listOfProjectors
void ShowHelpProjector()
Show help about all implemented projectors.
This class is designed to generically described any iterative optimizer.
std::map< string, maker_image_processing_module > mp_listOfImageProcessingModules
The destructor of sAddonManager.
std::map< string, maker_deformation > mp_listOfDeformations
std::map< string, maker_dynamic_model > mp_listOfDynamicModels
std::map< string, maker_image_convolver > mp_listOfImageConvolvers
void ShowHelpScanner()
Show help about all implemented scanners.
std::map< string, maker_penalty > mp_listOfPenalties
Declaration of class vDynamicModel.
Declaration of class vImageConvolver.
void ShowHelpOptimizer()
Show help about all implemented optimizers.
static sAddonManager * mp_Instance
Declaration of class vImageProcessingModule.
Generic class for scanner objects.
This abstract class is the generic image convolver class used by the oImageConvolverManager.
void ShowHelpImageConvolver()
Show help about all implemented image convolvers.