CASToR  1.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00016 #include "gVariables.hh"
00017 #include "gOptions.hh"
00018 #include "iDataFilePET.hh"
00019 #include "sOutputManager.hh"
00020 #include "sScannerManager.hh"
00021 #include <iomanip> //std::setprecision
00023 #ifdef CASTOR_ROOT
00024   #include "TROOT.h"
00025   #include "TApplication.h"
00026   #include "TGClient.h"
00027   #include "TCanvas.h"
00028   #include "TSystem.h"
00029   #include "TTree.h"
00030   #include "TBranch.h"
00031   #include "TFile.h"
00032 #endif
00038 void ShowHelp(int a_returnCode)
00039 {
00040     cout << endl;
00041     cout << "NOTE : This program is an example code providing guidance regarding how to generate a PET CASToR datafile from any system datafile " << endl;
00042     cout << "       It does NOT perform any conversion by itself and must be adjusted to the conversion of any system dataset !" << endl;
00043     cout << endl;
00044     cout << endl;
00045     cout << "Usage:  castor-datafileConversionEx -ih input_datafile : (if datafile is histogram mode)" << endl;
00046     cout << "                                    -il input_datafile : (if datafile is list-mode)" << endl;
00047     cout << "                                    -o  output_datafile" << endl;
00048     cout << "                                    -s  scanner_alias "<< endl;
00049     cout << "                                   [-nc  norm_factors_file" << endl;
00050     cout << "                                   [-sc  scat_factors_file" << endl;
00051     cout << "                                   [-rc  rdm_factors_file" << endl;
00052     cout << "                                   [-ac  atn_factors_file" << endl;
00053     cout << "                                   [-cf  calibration factor" << endl;
00054     cout << "                                   [-ist isotope_alias" << endl;
00056     //cout << "                                [-poi  flag for POI]" << endl;
00057     //cout << "                                [-tof  flag for TOF]" << endl;
00059     cout << "                                   [-vb   verbosity]" << endl;
00060     cout << endl;
00062     cout << endl;
00063     cout << "[Main settings]:" << endl;
00064     cout << "  -ih path_to_histo_datafile   : provide an input histogram datafile to convert" << endl;
00065     cout << "  -il path_to_listm_datafile   : provide an input list-mode datafile to convert" << endl;
00066     cout << "  -o  path_to_cstr_file.cdh    : provide the path to the output file will be created inside this folder (no default)" << endl;
00067     cout << "  -s  scanner_alias            : provide the name of the scanner used for to acquire the original data" << endl;
00068     cout << "                               : Must correspond to a .geom or .hscan file in the config/scanner repository." << endl;
00069     cout << endl;
00070     cout << "[Optional settings]:" << endl;
00071     cout << "  -nc norm_factors_file        : provide a file containing normalization correction factors" << endl;
00072     cout << "  -sc scat_factors_file        : provide a file containing scatter correction factors" << endl;
00073     cout << "  -rc rdm_factors_file         : provide a file containing random correction factors" << endl;
00074     cout << "  -ac atn_factors_file         : provide a file containing attenuation correction factors" << endl;
00075     cout << "  -cf calibration factor       : provide a calibration factor" << endl;
00076     cout << "  -ist isotope_alias           : provide alias of the isotope used in the input datafile"<< endl;
00077     cout << "                                 Supported PET isotopes and their parameters are listed in config/misc/isotopes_pet"<< endl;
00078     cout << "                                 Other isotopes can be added in the same file"<< endl;
00079     cout << endl;
00080     cout << "[Miscellaneous settings]:" << endl;
00081     cout << "  -vb                          : give the verbosity level, from 0 (no verbose) to above 5 (at the event level) (default: 1)." << endl;
00082     cout << endl;
00084   Exit(a_returnCode);
00085 }
00088 /*
00089   Main program
00090 */
00091 int main(int argc, char** argv)
00092 {
00093   // No argument, then show help
00094   if (argc==1) ShowHelp(0);
00096   // ============================================================================================================
00097   // Parameterized variables with their default values
00098   // ============================================================================================================
00100   // String containing the path to the input data filename provided by the user
00101   string path_to_input_file = "";
00103   // Datafile mode (histogram or list (default)
00104   int data_mode = MODE_LIST;
00106   // Path to user provided data
00107   string path_to_out_file = "";
00108   string path_to_data_file = "";
00109   string path_to_header_file = "";
00110   string path_to_norm_file = "";
00111   string path_to_scat_file = "";
00112   string path_to_rdm_file = "";
00113   string path_to_acf_file = "";
00114   FLTNB calib_factor = 1.;
00116   string scanner_alias = "";
00117   string istp_alias = "";
00119   // Verbosity
00120   int vb = 1;
00122   // Input datafile is histogram
00123   bool is_histogram_flag = 0;
00126   // ============================================================================================================
00127   // Read command-line parameters
00128   // ============================================================================================================
00130   for (int i=1; i<argc; i++)
00131   {
00132     string option = (string)argv[i];
00134     // Provide an histogram datafile to convert
00135     if (option=="-ih")
00136     {
00137       if (!path_to_input_file.empty())
00138       {
00139         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: the following file names have already been provided (either -ih or -il option must be used): " << endl);    
00140         Cout(path_to_input_file << endl); 
00141         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00142       }
00143       else
00144       {
00145         if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00146         {
00147           Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00148           Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00149         }
00150         else
00151           path_to_input_file = (string)argv[i+1];
00153         data_mode = MODE_HISTOGRAM;
00154         i++;
00155       }
00156     }
00158     // Provide a list-mode datafile to convert
00159     if (option=="-il")
00160     {
00161       if (!path_to_input_file.empty())
00162       {
00163         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: the following file names have already been provided (either -ih or -il option must be used): " << endl);    
00164         Cout(path_to_input_file << endl); 
00165         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00166       }
00167       else
00168       {
00169         if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00170         {
00171           Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00172           Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00173         }
00174         else
00175           path_to_input_file = (string)argv[i+1];
00177         data_mode = MODE_LIST;
00178         i++;
00179       }
00180     }
00182     // Output CASToR datafile
00183     else if (option=="-o")
00184     {
00185       if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00186       {
00187         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00188         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00189       }
00190       else
00191         path_to_out_file = (string)argv[i+1];
00192       i++;
00193     }
00195     // Scanner alias
00196     else if (option=="-s")
00197     {
00198       if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00199       {
00200         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00201         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00202       }
00203       else
00204         scanner_alias = (string)argv[i+1];
00205       i++;
00206     }
00208     // Provide a norm correction file
00209     else if (option=="-nc")
00210     {
00211       if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00212       {
00213         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00214         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00215       }
00216       else
00217         path_to_norm_file = (string)argv[i+1];
00219       i++;
00220     }
00222     // Provide a scatter correction file
00223     else if (option=="-sc")
00224     {
00225       if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00226       {
00227         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00228         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00229       }
00230       else
00231         path_to_scat_file = (string)argv[i+1];
00233       i++;
00234     }
00236     // Provide a rdm correction file
00237     else if (option=="-rc")
00238     {
00239       if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00240       {
00241         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00242         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00243       }
00244       else
00245         path_to_rdm_file = (string)argv[i+1];
00247       i++;
00248     }
00250     // Provide an acf correction file
00251     else if (option=="-ac")
00252     {
00253       if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00254       {
00255         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00256         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00257       }
00258       else
00259         path_to_acf_file = (string)argv[i+1];
00261       i++;
00262     }
00264     // Provide a calibration factor
00265     else if (option=="-cf")
00266     {
00267       if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00268       {
00269         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00270         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00271       }
00272       else
00273       {
00274         string val_str = (string)argv[i+1];
00275         if(ConvertFromString(val_str, &calib_factor) )
00276         {
00277           Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: Exception when trying to read'" << val_str << " for option: " << option << endl);
00278           Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00279         }
00280       }
00281       i++;
00282     }
00284     // Provide an isotope alias
00285     else if (option=="-ist")
00286     {
00287       if (argv[i+1] == NULL)
00288       {
00289         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00290         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00291       }
00292       else
00293         istp_alias = (string)argv[i+1];
00295       i++;
00296     }
00298     // Verbosity level
00299     else if (option=="-vb")
00300     {
00301       if (i>=argc-1)
00302       {
00303         Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: Argument missing for option: " << option << endl);
00304         Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00305       }
00306       vb = atoi(argv[i+1]);
00307       i++;
00308     }
00310     else
00311     {
00312       Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: Unknown option '" << option << "' !" << endl);
00313       Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00314     }
00315   }
00318   // ============================================================================================================
00319   // Basic initialization checks (minimal initializations mandatory for the next steps)
00320   // ============================================================================================================
00322   // data files
00323   if (path_to_input_file.empty() )
00324   {
00325     Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: Please provide at least one data filename (-ih for histogram, -il for list-mode)" << endl);
00326     cout << "  -input filename   : give an input datafile (no default)." << endl;
00327     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00328   }
00330   // output directory
00331   if (path_to_out_file.empty() )
00332   {
00333     Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: Please provide the output file name (-o)" << endl);
00334     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00335   }
00337   // scanner
00338   if (scanner_alias.empty())
00339   {
00340     Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: Please provide a scanner alias (-s) :" << endl);
00341     Cout("                                     It must correspond to a .geom or .hscan (user-made LUT) file in the config/scanner directory." << endl);
00342     ShowHelp(0);
00343     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00344   }
00346   // Throw error by default.
00347   // These two lines must be erased when implementing any datafile converter!
00348   //Cerr("castor-GATERootToCastor :: This script is only for demonstration purposes " << endl);
00349   //Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00352   // ============================================================================================================
00353   // SOutputManager object initialisation:
00354   // (Used for log file)
00355   // ============================================================================================================
00357   sOutputManager* p_outputManager = sOutputManager::GetInstance();  
00358   // Set verbose level
00359   p_outputManager->SetVerbose(vb);
00360   // Set MPI rank
00361   p_outputManager->SetMPIRank(0);
00363   // Set path to the config directory
00364   if (p_outputManager->CheckConfigDir(""))
00365   {
00366     Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: A problem occured while checking for the config directory path !" << endl);
00367     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00368   }
00369   // Initialize output directory and base name
00370   if (p_outputManager->InitOutputDirectory(path_to_out_file, ""))
00371   {
00372     Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: A problem occured while initializing output directory !" << endl);
00374     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00375   }
00376   // Log command line
00377   if (p_outputManager->LogCommandLine(argc,argv))
00378   {
00379     Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx :: A problem occured while logging command line arguments !" << endl);
00380     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00381   }
00383   // Output progression options
00384   cout << std::fixed;
00385   cout << std::setprecision(2);
00387   // ============================================================================================================
00388   // ScannerManager object initialization
00389   // (Basic initialization to locate scanner geometry files)
00390   // ============================================================================================================
00392   sScannerManager* p_scannermanager = sScannerManager::GetInstance();  
00393   p_scannermanager->SetVerbose(vb);
00395   // Check if the scanner exists and get the name from ScannerManager
00396   scanner_alias = (scanner_alias.find(OS_SEP)) ? 
00397                   scanner_alias.substr(scanner_alias.find_last_of(OS_SEP)+1) :
00398                   scanner_alias;
00400   if(p_scannermanager->FindScannerSystem(scanner_alias) )
00401   {
00402     Cerr("**** castor-datafileConversionEx :: A problem occurred while searching for scanner system !" << endl);
00403     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00404   } 
00406   // Build output file names
00407   path_to_data_file = path_to_out_file + ".Cdf";
00408   path_to_header_file = path_to_out_file + ".Cdh";
00410   // ============================================================================================================
00411   // Instanciate/Initialize CASToR Datafile
00412   // (Enable/Disable optionnal field to be written)
00413   // ============================================================================================================
00415   // Instantiate & Initialize oImageDimensionsAndQuantification object, required for datafile generation (number of threads)
00416   oImageDimensionsAndQuantification* p_ID = new oImageDimensionsAndQuantification(); 
00418   // Instanciate & Initialize iDataFilePET and Event objects
00419   iDataFilePET* Out_data_file = NULL;
00420   vEvent* Event = NULL;
00422   // ===> This variable set the maximum number of LORs contained in one event
00423   // ===> in the whole dataset (for compression purposes)
00424   // ===> This depends on the dataset to convert
00425   uint16_t max_nb_lines_per_event = 1;
00427   // Create datafile and set variables
00428   Out_data_file = new iDataFilePET();
00430   // Set the image oImageDimensionsAndQuantification object (required for initialization)
00431   Out_data_file->SetImageDimensionsAndQuantification(p_ID);
00433   // Set path to header datafile
00434   Out_data_file->SetHeaderDataFileName(path_to_header_file);
00436   // Just required for initialization
00437   Out_data_file->SetPercentageLoad(0);
00439   // Set verbosity
00440   Out_data_file->SetVerbose(vb);
00442   // Set data mode (list/hitogram)
00443   Out_data_file->SetDataMode(data_mode);
00445   // Set modality
00446   Out_data_file->SetDataType(TYPE_PET);
00448   // Set maximum number of LORs contained in one event
00449   Out_data_file->SetMaxNberLinesPerEvent(max_nb_lines_per_event);
00451   // Set calibration factor
00452   Out_data_file->SetCalibrationFactor(calib_factor);
00454   // Set isotope
00455   if(!istp_alias.empty())
00456   {
00457     if(p_ID->SetPETIsotope(0, istp_alias) )
00458     {
00459       Cerr("**** castor-datafileConversionEx :: A problem occurred while checking isotope name !" << endl);
00460       Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);  
00461     }
00462     Out_data_file->SetIsotope(istp_alias);
00463   }
00465   // Allocate the Event structure (containing all information for a listmode
00466   // or histogram event, depending on data mode)
00467   if(data_mode == MODE_HISTOGRAM)
00468   {
00469     // Instanciate list-mode Event 
00470     Event = new iEventHistoPET();
00471     Event->SetNbLines(max_nb_lines_per_event);
00472     Event->AllocateID();
00473   }
00474   else
00475   {
00476     // Instanciate histogram Event 
00477     Event = new iEventListPET();
00478     Event->SetNbLines(max_nb_lines_per_event);
00479     Event->AllocateID();
00480   }
00483   // ============================================================================================================
00484   // ===> Read sinogram correction file(s) (if any) and set datafile flag for each correction
00485   // ============================================================================================================
00487   // ===> Compute sinogram dimensions.
00488   // ===> Values must be adjusted to the dataset to convert.
00489   uint32_t nbins = 1;
00490   uint32_t nangles = 1;
00491   uint32_t nsinos = 1;
00492   uint32_t nb_cor_factors = nbins 
00493                           * nangles 
00494                           * nsinos;
00496   // --- Normalization correction factors ---
00498   // FLTNBDATA is either a float (default) or double type.
00499   // Defined in /management/gVariables.hh
00500   FLTNBDATA *p_norm = NULL;
00501   bool norm_flag = false; 
00503   if( !path_to_norm_file.empty() )
00504   {
00505     if(vb>=2) Cout("--> Reading the norm correction factors file = " << path_to_norm_file << "..." << endl);
00506     ifstream ifile(path_to_norm_file.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in);
00508     if (!ifile)
00509     {
00510       Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx ::  Error reading normalization factor file: "<< path_to_norm_file <<" !" << endl);
00511       Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00512     }
00513     else
00514     {
00515       // Allocate buffer storing the normalisation
00516       p_norm = new FLTNBDATA [nb_cor_factors * sizeof( FLTNBDATA )];
00517 < char* > (p_norm), nb_cor_factors * sizeof( FLTNBDATA));
00518       ifile.close();
00519     }
00521     // ===> Set normalization correction flag in datafile objet
00522     // ===> (required to indicate that normalization correction will be provided)
00523     Out_data_file->SetNormCorrectionFlagOn();
00524     norm_flag = true;
00525   }
00527   // --- Scatter correction factors file ---
00528   FLTNBDATA *p_scat = NULL;
00529   bool scat_flag = false; 
00531   if( !path_to_scat_file.empty() )
00532   {
00533     if(vb>=2) Cout("--> Reading the scatter correction factors file = " << path_to_scat_file << "..." << endl);
00534     ifstream ifile(path_to_scat_file.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in);
00536     if (!ifile)
00537     {
00538       Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx ::  Error reading scatter factor file: "<< path_to_scat_file <<" !" << endl);
00539       Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00540     }
00541     else
00542     {
00543       // Allocating buffer storing the scatter
00544       p_scat = new FLTNBDATA [nb_cor_factors * sizeof( FLTNBDATA )];
00545 < char* > (p_scat), nb_cor_factors * sizeof( FLTNBDATA));
00546       ifile.close();
00547     }
00549     // ===> Set scatter correction flag in datafile objet
00550     // ===> (required to indicate that scatter correction will be provided)
00551     Out_data_file->SetScatterCorrectionFlagOn();
00552     scat_flag = true;
00553   }
00555   // --- Random correction factors file ---
00556   FLTNBDATA *p_rdm = NULL;
00557   bool rdm_flag = false; 
00559   if( !path_to_rdm_file.empty() )
00560   {
00561     if(vb>=2) Cout("--> Reading the random correction factors file = " << path_to_rdm_file << "..." << endl);
00562     ifstream ifile(path_to_rdm_file.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in);
00564     if (!ifile)
00565     {
00566       Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx ::  Error reading random correction factor file: "<< path_to_rdm_file <<" !" << endl);
00567       Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00568     }
00569     else
00570     {
00571       // Allocating buffer storing the random
00572       p_rdm = new FLTNBDATA [nb_cor_factors * sizeof( FLTNBDATA )];
00573 < char* > (p_rdm), nb_cor_factors * sizeof( FLTNBDATA));
00574       ifile.close();
00575     }
00577     // ===> Set random correction flag in datafile objet
00578     // ===> (required to indicate that random correction will be provided)
00579     Out_data_file->SetRandomCorrectionFlagOn();
00580     rdm_flag = true;
00581   }
00583   // --- Attenuation correction factors file ---
00584   FLTNBDATA *p_acf = NULL;
00585   bool acf_flag = false; 
00587   if( !path_to_acf_file.empty() )
00588   {
00589     if(vb>=2) Cout("--> Reading the attenuation correction factors file = " << path_to_acf_file << "..." << endl);
00590     ifstream ifile(path_to_acf_file.c_str(), ios::binary | ios::in);
00592     if (!ifile)
00593     {
00594       Cerr("***** castor-datafileConversionEx ::  Error reading attenuation correction factor file: "<< path_to_acf_file <<" !" << endl);
00595       Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00596     }
00597     else
00598     {
00599       // Allocating buffer storing the acf
00600       p_acf = new FLTNBDATA [nb_cor_factors * sizeof( FLTNBDATA )];
00601 < char* > (p_acf), nb_cor_factors* sizeof( FLTNBDATA));
00602       ifile.close();
00603     }
00605     // ===> Set attenuation correction flag in datafile objet
00606     // ===> (required to indicate that attenuation correction will be provided)
00607     Out_data_file->SetAtnCorrectionFlagOn();
00608     acf_flag = true;
00609   }
00611   // Initialize datafile object
00612   Out_data_file->PROJ_InitFile();
00614   // Compute the event size relatively to the mandatory 
00615   // and optionnal (correction factors) elements
00616   Out_data_file->ComputeSizeEvent();
00618   // Init Datafile
00619   Out_data_file->PrepareDataFile();
00622   // ============================================================================================================
00623   // *********************************************** CONVERSION *************************************************
00624   // ============================================================================================================
00625   Cout(" --- Start conversion of datafile : " << path_to_input_file <<  endl
00626     << "     CASToR output header datafile: " << path_to_header_file << endl
00627     << "     CASToR output binary datafile: " << path_to_data_file << endl << endl);
00630   // ============================================================================================================
00631   // Init variables
00632   // ============================================================================================================
00634   // Index for progression printing
00635   uint32_t printing_index = 0;
00637   // ===> Recover the total number of events (number of coincidences or 
00638   // ===> histogram bins) from the dataset metadata
00639   uint32_t nEvents = 0;
00642   // ===> Acquisition duration and start time in seconds
00643   // ===> This should be recovered from the dataset metadata)
00644   FLTNB start_time_sec = 0.; 
00645   FLTNB stop_time_sec = 1.; 
00646   FLTNB duration_sec = stop_time_sec - start_time_sec; 
00648   // ===> Scanner variables (blocs, modules, submodules, crystals etc..)
00649   // ===> depending on the system.
00650   uint32_t nRsectorsPerRing = 70;
00651   uint32_t nb_crystals_trs = 9, 
00652            nb_crystals_axl = 6; 
00653   uint32_t nb_crystals_per_ring = nRsectorsPerRing
00654                                 * nb_crystals_trs;
00656   // ===> Variables to recover indices of the two crystals for each potential
00657   // ===> LORs contributing to the event
00658   uint32_t *castor_id1 = new uint32_t[max_nb_lines_per_event]; 
00659   uint32_t *castor_id2 = new uint32_t[max_nb_lines_per_event];
00661   // --------------------------------
00662   // Initialization of root variables
00663   // The following lines are just required for the demonstration dataset used in this sample code,
00664   // Must be erased when adjusting this code to the conversion of any dataset
00666   // ROOT objects/variables
00667   int32_t rSectorID1, rSectorID2;
00668   int32_t moduleID1, moduleID2;
00669   int32_t crystalID1, crystalID2;
00671   #ifdef CASTOR_ROOT
00672     TApplication *Tapp = new TApplication("tapp",0,0);
00673     TTree* Coincidences = new TTree;
00674     TFile* Tfile_root = new TFile(path_to_input_file.c_str(),"READ","ROOT file with histograms");
00675     Coincidences = (TTree*)Tfile_root->Get("Coincidences");
00676     nEvents += Coincidences->GetEntries();
00678     //------------- ROOT branches
00679     double_t time1=0; 
00680     Coincidences->SetBranchAddress("time1",&time1);
00681     Coincidences->SetBranchAddress("rsectorID1",&rSectorID1);
00682     Coincidences->SetBranchAddress("moduleID1",&moduleID1);
00683     Coincidences->SetBranchAddress("crystalID1",&crystalID1);
00685     double_t time2=0;
00686     Coincidences->SetBranchAddress("time2",&time2);
00687     Coincidences->SetBranchAddress("rsectorID2",&rSectorID2);
00688     Coincidences->SetBranchAddress("moduleID2",&moduleID2);
00689     Coincidences->SetBranchAddress("crystalID2",&crystalID2); 
00691     // Recover acquisition start time from the first event
00692     Coincidences->GetEntry(0);
00693   #endif
00694   // --------------------------------
00696   // Just for progression output
00697   uint32_t printing_ratio = (nEvents>1000) ? 1000 : nEvents/10;
00699   // Loop on the data elements (histogram bins or LORs)
00700   for (uint32_t i=0; i<nEvents ; i++)
00701   {
00702     // ===> Recover event value (list-mode, or dynamic histogram dataset)
00703     uint32_t time_ms = 0;
00704     stop_time_sec = (FLTNB)time_ms/1000;
00706     // ===> Recover the number of lines in the event (if compression).
00707     int nb_lines_in_event = 1;
00709     // -----------------------------------------------------------------
00710     // The following lines are just required for the demonstration dataset used in this sample code.
00711     // Must be erased/adapted when adjusting this code to the conversion of any dataset
00712     #ifdef CASTOR_ROOT
00713     Coincidences->GetEntry(i);
00714     time_ms = time1;
00715     #endif
00717     // ===> Compute CASToR indexation depending on the system layout
00718     // ===> This directly depends on the type of scanner file used to
00719     // ===> described the system geometry.
00720     // ===> See documentation for more information
00721     uint32_t crystals_trs_id1 = (uint32_t)(crystalID1/nb_crystals_trs);
00723     uint32_t ringID1 = moduleID1*nb_crystals_axl 
00724                      + crystals_trs_id1;
00726     uint32_t crystals_trs_id2 = (uint32_t)(crystalID2/nb_crystals_trs);
00728     uint32_t ringID2 = moduleID2*nb_crystals_axl 
00729                      + crystals_trs_id2;
00731     // Loop on the LORs contained in the event
00732     for(int l=0 ; l<nb_lines_in_event ; l++)
00733     {
00734       // Recover the CASToR ID position of the two crystals according to
00735       // the LUT corresponding to this scanner
00736       castor_id1[l] = ringID1*nb_crystals_per_ring 
00737                     + rSectorID1*nb_crystals_trs 
00738                     + crystalID1%nb_crystals_trs ;
00740       castor_id2[l] = ringID2*nb_crystals_per_ring 
00741                     + rSectorID2*nb_crystals_trs
00742                     + crystalID2%nb_crystals_trs ;
00743     }
00744     // -----------------------------------------------------------------
00746     // --- Histo-mode event ---
00747     if(is_histogram_flag) // histogram mode event
00748     {
00749       // Set the number of lines in this event
00750       Event->SetNbLines(nb_lines_in_event);
00752       // Set CASToR IDs in the event structure for each contributing line
00753       for(int l=0 ; l<nb_lines_in_event ; l++)
00754       {
00755         Event->SetID1(l, castor_id1[l]);  // 1st argument : line, 2nd argument : index
00756         Event->SetID2(l, castor_id2[l]);  // 1st argument : line, 2nd argument : index
00757       }
00759       // Set information related to each TOF bin
00760       int nb_tof_bins = 1;
00761       for (int b=0; b<nb_tof_bins; b++)
00762       {
00763         // ===> Recover and set event value (histogram dataset)
00764         FLTNB event_value = 1.;
00765         Event->SetEventValue(b, event_value);  // 1st argument : TOF bin, 2nd argument : event value
00767         // ===> Set scatter correction factor (if any)
00768         // ===> Require computation of the scatter correction value for
00769         // ===> this LOR from the factors loaded in the "p_scat" buffer
00770         if(scat_flag)
00771         {
00772           FLTNB scat_correction_coeff = 0.; // computed from p_scat
00773           ((iEventHistoPET*)Event)->SetScatterRate(b, scat_correction_coeff);
00774         }
00775       }
00777       // ===> Set timestamp of the event in ms (global timestamp for histogram)
00778       // ===> i.e : 0, or timestamp of a dynamic frame
00779       Event->SetTimeInMs(time_ms); // uint32_t
00781       // ===> Set random correction factor (if any)
00782       // ===> Require computation of the random correction value for
00783       // ===> this LOR from the factors loaded in the "p_rdm" buffer
00784       if(rdm_flag)
00785       {
00786         FLTNB rdm_correction_coeff = 0.; // computed from p_rdm
00787         ((iEventPET*)Event)->SetRandomRate(rdm_correction_coeff);
00788       }
00790       // ===> Set normalization correction factor (if any)
00791       // ===> Require computation of the norm correction value for
00792       // ===> this LOR from the factors loaded in the "p_norm" buffer
00793       if(norm_flag)
00794       {
00795         FLTNB norm_correction_coeff = 0.; // computed from p_norm
00796        ((iEventPET*)Event)->SetNormalizationFactor(norm_correction_coeff);
00797       }
00799       // ===> Set attenuation correction factor (if any)
00800       // ===> Require computation of the atn correction value for
00801       // ===> this LOR from the factors loaded in the "p_acf" buffer
00802       if(acf_flag)
00803       {
00804         FLTNB atn_correction_coeff = 0.; // computed from p_acf
00805         ((iEventPET*)Event)->SetAttenuationCorrectionFactor(atn_correction_coeff);
00806       }
00808       // Write event in the datafile
00809       // ('0' argument is just thread-related. No change required)
00810       Out_data_file->PROJ_WriteEvent(Event, 0);
00811     }
00813     // --- List-mode event ---
00814     else 
00815     {
00816       // Set the number of lines in this event
00817       Event->SetNbLines(nb_lines_in_event);
00819       // Set CASToR ID in the event structure
00820       for(int l=0 ; l<nb_lines_in_event ; l++)
00821       {
00822         Event->SetID1(l, castor_id1[l]); // 1st argument : line, 2nd argument :index
00823         Event->SetID2(l, castor_id2[l]); // 1st argument : line, 2nd argument :index
00824       }
00826       // ===> Set scatter correction factor (if any)
00827       // ===> Require computation of the scatter correction value for
00828       // ===> this LOR from the factors loaded in the "p_scat" buffer
00829       if(scat_flag)
00830       {
00831         FLTNB scat_correction_coeff = 0.; // computed from p_scat
00832         // First argument '0' by default for list-mode (it is used for histograms with TOF bins).
00833         ((iEventListPET*)Event)->SetScatterRate(0, scat_correction_coeff); 
00834       }
00836       // ===> Set timestamp of the event in ms
00837       Event->SetTimeInMs(time_ms); // uint32_t
00839       // ===> Set random correction factor (if any)
00840       // ===> Require computation of the random correction value for
00841       // ===> this LOR from the factors loaded in the "p_rdm" buffer
00842       if(rdm_flag)
00843       {
00844         FLTNB rdm_correction_coeff = 0.; // computed from p_rdm
00845         ((iEventPET*)Event)->SetRandomRate(rdm_correction_coeff);
00846       }
00848       // ===> Set normalization correction factor (if any)
00849       // ===> Require computation of the norm correction value for
00850       // ===> this LOR from the factors loaded in the "p_norm" buffer
00851       if(norm_flag)
00852       {
00853         FLTNB norm_correction_coeff = 0.; // computed from p_norm
00854        ((iEventPET*)Event)->SetNormalizationFactor(norm_correction_coeff);
00855       }
00857       // ===> Set attenuation correction factor (if any)
00858       // ===> Require computation of the atn correction value for
00859       // ===> this LOR from the factors loaded in the "p_acf" buffer
00860       if(acf_flag)
00861       {
00862         FLTNB atn_correction_coeff = 0.; // computed from p_acf
00863         ((iEventPET*)Event)->SetAttenuationCorrectionFactor(atn_correction_coeff);
00864       }
00866       // Write event in the datafile
00867       // ('0' argument is just thread-related. No change required)
00868       Out_data_file->PROJ_WriteEvent(Event, 0);
00869     }
00871     // Progression output
00872     if (printing_index%printing_ratio==0)
00873     {
00874       FLTNB percent = ( ((FLTNB)(printing_index+1))/((FLTNB)nEvents) ) * ((FLTNB)100);
00875       cout << "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b      "
00876            << percent << " \%                    ";
00877     }
00878     printing_index++;
00879   }
00881   Cout("The simulated dataset contained " << nEvents << " coincidences / bins" << endl);
00883   // Set duration and nb of events in datafile
00884   Out_data_file->SetStartTime(start_time_sec); 
00885   Out_data_file->SetDuration(duration_sec); 
00886   Out_data_file->SetNbEvents(nEvents);
00888   // Write datafile header
00889   Out_data_file->PROJ_WriteHeader(); 
00891   // Write raw datafile
00892   Out_data_file->PROJ_WriteData(); 
00894   // Delete tmp writing file (if any)
00895   Out_data_file->PROJ_DeleteTmpDatafile();
00897   cout << endl;
00899   // ============================================================================================================
00900   // End
00901   // ============================================================================================================
00903   // Free Root objects
00904   #ifdef CASTOR_ROOT
00905   delete Coincidences;
00906   delete Tfile_root;
00907   delete Tapp;
00908   #endif
00910   delete[] castor_id1;
00911   delete[] castor_id2;
00913   if(p_acf != NULL) delete[] p_acf;
00914   if(p_rdm != NULL) delete[] p_rdm;
00915   if(p_scat != NULL) delete[] p_scat;
00916   if(p_norm != NULL) delete[] p_norm;
00918   // Delete objects
00919   if (Event)
00920   {
00921     if (is_histogram_flag) 
00922       delete (iEventHistoPET*)Event; 
00923     else 
00924       delete (iEventListPET*)Event;
00925   }
00927   delete Out_data_file;
00928   delete p_ID;
00930   return 0;
00931 }
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