CASToR  1.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT)
The precision of the computation and I/O operations


#define FLTNB   float
#define FLTNBDATA   float
#define FLTNBLUT   float
#define INTNB   int

Define Documentation

#define FLTNB   float

Define the precision of the program implementation (for matrices and computations)

Definition at line 50 of file gVariables.hh.

#define FLTNBDATA   float

Define the precision of the input/output datafile read/write

Definition at line 54 of file gVariables.hh.

#define FLTNBLUT   float

Define the precision of the input/output scanner LUT read/write

Definition at line 56 of file gVariables.hh.


Define the precision of the program implementation (for matrices and computations), specific to MPI operations

Definition at line 52 of file gVariables.hh.

#define INTNB   int

Define the integer type for matrices dimensions

Definition at line 59 of file gVariables.hh.

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