62 oMatrix(uint16_t nl, uint16_t nc);
74 void Allocate(uint16_t nl, uint16_t nc);
This header file is mainly used to declare some macro definitions and all includes needed from the st...
int Inverse(oMatrix *ap_MtxResult)
Inverse the matrix on which the function is called An error is returned if the matrix is not square...
FLTNB GetMatriceElt(uint16_t l, uint16_t c)
oMatrix destructor. Free memory of the oMatrix object.
oMatrix constructor. Initialize the member variables to their default values.
int SetMatriceElt(uint16_t l, uint16_t c, FLTNB a_val)
Set the matrix element corresponding to the argument indices with the provided value.
void Describe()
Display the element of the matrix.
int SetZRotMtx(FLTNB ang)
Set a (3,3) Z-axis rotation matrix using the provided angle.
Declaration of class sOutputManager.
int SetXRotMtx(FLTNB ang)
Set a (3,3) X-axis rotation matrix using the provided angle.
int SetYRotMtx(FLTNB ang)
Set a (3,3) Y-axis rotation matrix using the provided angle.
Structure designed for basic matrices operations.
int Multiplication(oMatrix *ap_Mtx, oMatrix *ap_MtxResult)
Multiply the member matrix with the matrix provided in 1st parameter Return the result in the matric ...
int Transpose(oMatrix *a_MtxResult)
Transpose the elements of the matrix.
void Allocate(uint16_t nl, uint16_t nc)
Instanciate a Matrix structure with the number of lines and colons provided in parameters.