32 #define IEVENTNORM_HH 1
INTNB GetNbValueBins()
Not used, so throw an error and Exit.
FLTNB GetMultiplicativeCorrections()
FLTNB GetAttenuationCorrectionFactor()
FLTNB GetEventValue(int a_bin)
Not used, so throw an error and Exit.
iEventNorm constructor. Initialize the member variables to their default values.
void Describe()
This function can be used to get a description of the event printed out.
void SetEventValue(int a_bin, FLTNBDATA a_value)
Not used, so throw an error and Exit.
FLTNB m_attenuationCorrectionFactor
void SetAttenuationCorrectionFactor(FLTNBDATA a_value)
Cast the FLTNBDATA value passed as parameter in FLTNB, and set it to the attenuation correction facto...
FLTNB GetAdditiveCorrections(int a_bin)
Not used, so throw an error and Exit.
FLTNB m_normalizationFactor
void SetNormalizationFactor(FLTNBDATA a_value)
Cast the FLTNBDATA value passed as parameter in FLTNB, and set it to the normalization term...
Declaration of class vEvent.
Inherit from vEvent. Used for normalization events for sensitivity computation.
Mother class for the Event objects.
void MultiplyAdditiveCorrections(FLTNB a_factor)
Not used, so throw an error and Exit.
iEventNorm destructor
int AllocateSpecificData()
Inherited and pure virtual from vEvent.
FLTNB GetNormalizationFactor()