45 #define KIND_UNKNOWN 0
FLTNB GetPOI1(uint8_t axis)
void SetEventValue(int a_bin, FLTNBDATA a_value)
Throw a warning (depending of verbosity) as the event value of a list-mode Event should be equal to 1...
void SetScatterRate(int a_bin, FLTNBDATA a_value)
Cast the FLTNBDATA value passed as parameter in FLTNB, and set it to the scatter correction rate in 1...
iEventListPET constructor. Initialize the member variables to their default values.
void SetPOI2(int a_axis, FLTNBDATA a_value)
Initialize the POI of the crystal #2 with a value for the specific axis.
iEventListPET destructor.
void SetKind(uint8_t a_value)
Set the kind of coincidence.
void SetPOI1(int a_axis, FLTNBDATA a_value)
Initialize the POI of the crystal #1 with a value for the specific axis.
void SetTOFMeasurement(FLTNB a_value)
Initialize the TOFmeasurement with a value passed in parameters.
FLTNB GetEventValue(int a_bin)
FLTNB GetTOFMeasurement()
Inherit from iEventPET. Class for PET list-mode events.
void MultiplyAdditiveCorrections(FLTNB a_factor)
Divide additive corrections by the provided factor (scatters and randoms)
void SetSpatialTOFMeasurementRange(FLTNB a_value)
Initialize the spatialTOFMeasurementRange with a value passed in parameters.
FLTNB GetPOI2(uint8_t axis)
void SetHasTOFinfo(bool a_hasTOFinfo)
Set whether this event contains TOF information or not, awareness of TOF info existence is important ...
void Describe()
This function can be used to get a description of the event printed out.
FLTNB GetAdditiveCorrections(int a_bin)
FLTNB m_spatialTOFMeasurementRange
Inherit from vEvent. Main PET class for the Event objects.
Declaration of class iEventPET.
INTNB GetNbValueBins()
Get the number of event value bins.
int AllocateSpecificData()
Function allowing the allocation of specific data. Return 0 by default for iEventListPET.
FLTNB GetEventScatRate(int a_bin)