virtual INTNB GetNbValueBins()=0
Get the number of event value bins.
void SetScatterRate(FLTNBDATA a_value)
Cast the FLTNBDATA value passed as parameter in FLTNB, and set it to the scatter correction rate...
Inherit from vEvent. Main CT class for the Event objects.
virtual int AllocateSpecificData()=0
Pure virtual function implemented in the child classes, dedicated to the allocation of specific data ...
void MultiplyAdditiveCorrections(FLTNB a_factor)
Divide additive corrections by the provided factor (scatters)
virtual ~iEventCT()
iEventCT destructor.
virtual void Describe()
This function can be used to get a description of the event printed out.
iEventCT constructor. Initialize the member variables to their default values.
Declaration of class vEvent.
virtual void SetEventValue(int a_bin, FLTNBDATA a_value)=0
Set the event value, this is a pure virtual function implemented in the child classes.
void SetBlankValue(FLTNBDATA a_value)
Cast the FLTNBDATA value passed as parameter in FLTNB, and set it to the blank value.
Mother class for the Event objects.
FLTNB GetAdditiveCorrections(int a_bin)
virtual FLTNB GetEventValue(int a_bin)=0
Pure virtual function implemented in the child classes.
FLTNB GetMultiplicativeCorrections()