CASToR  1.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT)
Public Attributes
Intf_fields Class Reference

Interfile fields.
This structure contains all the Interfile keys currently managed by CASToR
Declared in oInterfileIO.hh. More...

#include <oInterfileIO.hh>

List of all members.

Public Attributes

string path_to_image
uint8_t endianness
uint32_t data_offset
string nb_format
uint8_t nb_dims
uint32_t mtx_size [7]
FLTNB vox_size [3]
FLTNB slice_thickness_mm
uint16_t ctr_to_ctr_separation
uint16_t nb_time_frames
uint16_t nb_resp_gates
uint16_t nb_card_gates
uint32_t nb_total_imgs
uint8_t nb_bytes_pixel
int8_t slice_orientation
int8_t pat_rotation
int8_t pat_orientation
FLTNB rescale_slope
FLTNB rescale_intercept
uint32_t cmtx_size [3]
FLTNB cvox_size [3]
bool is_mtx_size_different
int data_type
FLTNB study_duration
vector< FLTNBimage_duration
uint32_t nb_time_windows
string process_status
uint32_t nb_img_in_frame_groups
vector< FLTNBframe_group_pause
uint16_t nb_detector_heads
uint32_t nb_energy_windows
uint16_t nb_projections
FLTNB extent_rotation
string direction_rotation
FLTNB first_angle
string projection_angles
string radius

Detailed Description

Interfile fields.
This structure contains all the Interfile keys currently managed by CASToR
Declared in oInterfileIO.hh.

Definition at line 214 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Member Data Documentation

(C)astor reconstruction dimensions of the images (x,y,z).
Initialized only if interpolation is required on a recovered image.

Definition at line 281 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Recovered from the key 'centre-centre slice separation (pixels)'. Not currently implemented.
Used to compute gap between two slices (gap = ctr-ctr slice separation - slice_thickness_mm).

Definition at line 243 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

(C)astor voxel size of the reconstructed images (x,y,z).
Initialized only if interpolation is required on a recovered image.

Definition at line 285 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Data offset in the image file, as defined by the fields "data offset in bytes" or "data starting block".
Associated with 'imagedata byte order' intf key.

Definition at line 222 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Type of projeted/reconstructed dataset (Static|Dynamic|Gated|Tomographic|Curve|ROI|GSPECT|Other).
(Curve|ROI|Other) are considered as 'Static'.
Associated with 'type of data' intf key.

Definition at line 291 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Direction of rotation : CCW (counter-clockwise), CW (clockwise).
Associated with 'direction of rotation' intf key.

Definition at line 340 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Indicate if bytes follow a Little Endian or Big Endian ordering.
Associated with 'imagedata byte order' intf key.

Definition at line 219 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Angular span ex: 180, 360.
Associated with 'extent of rotation' intf key.

Definition at line 337 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Angle of the first view.
Associated with 'start angle' intf key.

Definition at line 344 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

< Pause between time windows ?
Should be specific to each time frame.
Not used in the current implementation.
Associated with 'pause between images (sec)' intf key. ""pause between frame groups (sec)".
Associated with 'pause between frame groups (sec) ' intf key.

Definition at line 323 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

"image duration (sec)". Duration of the frame.
Should be specific to each time frame.
Associated with 'image duration (sec)' intf key.

Definition at line 299 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Bool indicating the original matric/voxel sizes are different to the reconstruction size,
hence requiring interpolation if the image is read.

Definition at line 288 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

uint32_t Intf_fields::mtx_size[7]

Dimensions of the images (x,y,z) and non-spatial dimensions, such as number of frames.
Support for sinogram reading (and sinogram dimensions) is not yet implemented.
Associated with the 'matrix size[x]' and 'number of time frames' intf key.

Definition at line 231 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

number of bytes for each pixel/voxel of the image data.
Associated with 'number of bytes per pixel' intf key.

Definition at line 258 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Number of cardiac gates in a dynamic series of images.
Associated with 'number of cardiac gates' intf key (CASToR-specific key).

Definition at line 252 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Number of detector heads in the system.
Associated with 'number of detector heads' intf key.

Definition at line 327 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Total number of dimensions in the image data.
=3 by default. Computed from the other interfile keys

Definition at line 228 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Total number of energy windows.
Associated with 'number of energy windows' intf key.

Definition at line 330 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Type of each pixel/voxel data. Assumed to be similar for each slice.
Associated with 'number format' intf key.

Definition at line 225 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

number of images in a frame.
Associated with 'number of images this frame group' intf key.

Definition at line 313 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Number of projection in acquired data.
Associated with 'number of projections' intf key.

Definition at line 333 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Number of respiratory gates in a dynamic series of images.
Associated with 'number of respiratory gates' intf key (CASToR-specific key).

Definition at line 249 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Number of time frames in a dynamic series of images.
Associated with 'number of time frames' intf key.

Definition at line 246 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Number of time windows.
This key is not used in the current implementation.
To define a number of gates, 'number of respiratory gates' and 'number of cardiac gates' must be used.
Associated with 'number of time windows' intf key.

Definition at line 303 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Total number of images in the associated data files.
Associated with 'total number of images' intf key.

Definition at line 255 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

slice orientation : head-in (=0, default), feet-in (=1).
Associated with 'patient orientation' intf key.
NOT used in the current implementation.

Definition at line 269 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

patient rotation : supine (=0, default), prone (=1).
Associated with 'patient rotation' intf key.
NOT used in the current implementation.

Definition at line 265 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Absolute or relative path to the image file. Will be converted to absolute path in the struct.
Associated with 'name of data file' intf key.

Definition at line 216 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

"acquired" or "reconstructed" (default).
Associated with 'process status' intf key.

Definition at line 308 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

All projection angles (for each view).
Associated with 'projection_angles' intf key.

Definition at line 347 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Distance between center of rotation and detector, for each view.
Associated with 'Center of rotation to detector distance' and 'Radius' intf keys.

Definition at line 350 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

additive (intercept) calibration values.
Associated with 'uantification units' and 'rescale intercept' intf keys.

Definition at line 278 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

multiplicative calibration values. Initialized from 'quantification units' and/or 'rescale slope'.
Associated with 'imagedata byte order' intf key.

Definition at line 274 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

slice orientation : transverse (=0, default), sagittal (=1), coronal (=2).
Associated with 'slice orientation' intf key.
NOT used in the current implementation.

Definition at line 261 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Read from the key 'slice thickness (pixels)'.
Conversely to the key name, the value is assumed to be given in mm.

Definition at line 240 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Acquisition duration.
Associated with 'study duration (sec)' intf key.

Definition at line 296 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

Voxel dimensions in mm.
Associated with 'scaling factor (mm/pixel) [x]' intf key.

Definition at line 236 of file oInterfileIO.hh.

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