CASToR  1.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 /*
00003   Implementation of class oProjectionLine
00005   - separators: done
00006   - doxygen: done
00007   - default initialization: done
00008   - CASTOR_DEBUG: 
00009   - CASTOR_VERBOSE: 
00010   - TODO: Implement projection functions with attenuation for SPECT: ForwardProjectWithAttenuation() and BackwardProjectWithAttenuation()
00011 */
00019 #include "oProjectionLine.hh"
00020 #include "sOutputManager.hh"
00021 #include "vProjector.hh"
00023 // =====================================================================
00024 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00025 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00026 // =====================================================================
00028 oProjectionLine::oProjectionLine()
00029 {
00030   // Default all values
00031   m_verbose = 0;
00032   m_checked = false;
00033   m_initialized = false;
00034   m_nbTOFBins = -1;
00035   m_currentTOFBin = 0;
00036   m_TOFResolution = -1.;
00037   m_TOFMeasurement = 0.;
00038   mp_POI1 = NULL;
00039   mp_POI2 = NULL;
00040   mp_POIResolution = NULL;
00041   m_UseMatchedProjectors = false;
00042   mp_ForwardProjector = NULL;
00043   mp_BackwardProjector = NULL;
00044   m_length = 0.;
00045   m2p_allocatedNbVoxels = NULL;
00046   m2p_currentNbVoxels = NULL;
00047   m3p_voxelIndices = NULL;
00048   m3p_voxelWeights = NULL;
00049   mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification = NULL;
00050   m_computationStrategy = -1;
00051   mp_position1 = NULL;
00052   mp_position2 = NULL;
00053   mp_orientation1 = NULL;
00054   mp_orientation2 = NULL;
00055   mp_bufferPosition1 = NULL;
00056   mp_bufferPosition2 = NULL;
00057   mp_bufferOrientation1 = NULL;
00058   mp_bufferOrientation2 = NULL;
00059   m_threadNumber = -1;
00060   m_multiplicativeCorrection = 1.;
00061   m_index1 = -1;
00062   m_index2 = -1;
00063 }
00065 // =====================================================================
00066 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00067 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00068 // =====================================================================
00070 oProjectionLine::~oProjectionLine() 
00071 {
00072   // Go through the destructor only if the object was initialized
00073   if (m_initialized)
00074   {
00075     // Delete voxels lists
00076     for (int b=0; b<m_nbTOFBins; b++)
00077     {
00078       if (m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][b])
00079       {
00080         if (m_computationStrategy==ADAPTATIVE_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY) free(m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][b]);
00081         else delete m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][b];
00082       }
00083       if (m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][b])
00084       {
00085         if (m_computationStrategy==ADAPTATIVE_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY) free(m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][b]);
00086         else delete m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][b];
00087       }
00088       if (!m_UseMatchedProjectors)
00089       {
00090         if (m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][b])
00091         {
00092           if (m_computationStrategy==ADAPTATIVE_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY) free(m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][b]);
00093           else delete m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][b];
00094         }
00095         if (m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][b])
00096         {
00097           if (m_computationStrategy==ADAPTATIVE_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY) free(m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][b]);
00098           else delete m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][b];
00099         }
00100       }
00101     }
00102     // Delete rest
00103     if (m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD]) delete[] m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD];
00104     if (m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD]) delete[] m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD];
00105     if (!m_UseMatchedProjectors)
00106     {
00107       if (m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD]) delete[] m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD];
00108       if (m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD]) delete[] m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD];
00109     }
00110     if (m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD]) delete m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD];
00111     if (m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD]) delete m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD];
00112     if (!m_UseMatchedProjectors)
00113     {
00114       if (m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD]) delete m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD];
00115       if (m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD]) delete m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD];
00116     }
00117   }
00118 }
00120 // =====================================================================
00121 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00122 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00123 // =====================================================================
00125 int oProjectionLine::CheckParameters()
00126 {
00127   // Check mandatory parameters
00128   if (m_nbTOFBins<=0)
00129   {
00130     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::CheckParameters() -> Forbidden number of TOF bins (" << m_nbTOFBins << ") !" << endl);
00131     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
00132   }
00133   if (m_computationStrategy!=IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY && m_computationStrategy!=FIXED_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY && m_computationStrategy!=ADAPTATIVE_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00134   {
00135     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::CheckParameters() -> Computation strategy incorrectly set !" << endl);
00136     return 1;
00137   }
00138   if (mp_POIResolution==NULL)
00139   {
00140     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::CheckParameters() -> POI resolution not set !" << endl);
00141     return 1;
00142   }
00143   if (mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification==NULL)
00144   {
00145     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::CheckParameters() -> oImageDimensionsAndQuantification not set !" << endl);
00146     return 1;
00147   }
00148   if (m_threadNumber<0)
00149   {
00150     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::CheckParameters() -> The thread number associated to this line is not set !" << endl);
00151     return 1;
00152   }
00153   // End
00154   m_checked = true;
00155   return 0;
00156 }
00158 // =====================================================================
00159 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00160 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00161 // =====================================================================
00163 int oProjectionLine::Initialize()
00164 {
00165   // Forbid initialization without check
00166   if (!m_checked)
00167   {
00168     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::Initialize() -> Must call CheckParameters() before Initialize() !" << endl);
00169     return 1;
00170   }
00172   // Verbose
00173   if (m_verbose>=4) Cout("oProjectionLine::Initialize() -> Initialize this projection line for thread " << m_threadNumber << endl);
00175   // Default LOR length
00176   m_length = 0.;
00178   // Allocate pointers that depend on forward or backward projectors
00179   m2p_allocatedNbVoxels = new INTNB*[2];
00180   m2p_currentNbVoxels = new INTNB*[2];
00181   m3p_voxelIndices = new INTNB**[2];
00182   m3p_voxelWeights = new FLTNB**[2];
00184   // Allocate number of voxels and lists for forward projector
00185   m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD] = new INTNB[m_nbTOFBins];
00186   m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD] = new INTNB[m_nbTOFBins];
00187   m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD] = new INTNB*[m_nbTOFBins];
00188   m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD] = new FLTNB*[m_nbTOFBins];
00190   // Allocate number of voxels and lists for backward projector
00191   if (m_UseMatchedProjectors)
00192   {
00193     // If one single projector, then simply link pointers
00194     m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD] = m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD];
00195     m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD] = m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD];
00196     m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD] = m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD];
00197     m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD] = m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD];
00198   }
00199   else
00200   {
00201     // If separated projectors, then allocate
00202     m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD] = new INTNB[m_nbTOFBins];
00203     m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD] = new INTNB[m_nbTOFBins];
00204     m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD] = new INTNB*[m_nbTOFBins];
00205     m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD] = new FLTNB*[m_nbTOFBins];
00206   }
00208   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00209   // Image computation strategy
00210   if (m_computationStrategy==IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00211   {
00212     // This image computation strategy is not compatible with system matrix projectors
00213     if (mp_ForwardProjector==NULL || mp_BackwardProjector==NULL)
00214     {
00215       Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::Initialize() -> Image computation strategy is not compatible with the use of system matrix projectors !" << endl);
00216       return 1;
00217     }
00218     // Verbose
00219     if (m_verbose>=5) Cout("  --> Choose the image computation strategy" << endl);
00220     // The number of voxels is held fixed to the image dimensions
00221     INTNB nb_voxels = mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbVoxXYZ();
00222     // Set numbers and allocate
00223     for (int b=0; b<m_nbTOFBins; b++)
00224     {
00225       // Just to remember the size of the image
00226       m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] = nb_voxels;
00227       m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] = nb_voxels;
00228       // Voxel indices are useless with this computation strategy
00229       m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][b] = NULL;
00230       // Voxel weights
00231       m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][b] = new FLTNB[nb_voxels];
00232       // Do the same for backward projector if needed
00233       if (!m_UseMatchedProjectors)
00234       {
00235         // Just to remember the size of the image
00236         m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] = nb_voxels;
00237         m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] = nb_voxels;
00238         // Voxel indices are useless with this computation strategy
00239         m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][b] = NULL;
00240         // Voxel weights
00241         m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][b] = new FLTNB[nb_voxels];
00242       }
00243     }
00244   }
00245   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00246   // Fixed list computation strategy
00247   else if (m_computationStrategy==FIXED_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00248   {
00249     // Verbose
00250     if (m_verbose>=5) Cout("  --> Choose the fixed list computation strategy" << endl);
00251     // Set numbers and allocate
00252     for (int b=0; b<m_nbTOFBins; b++)
00253     {
00254       // For the system matrix case
00255       if (mp_ForwardProjector==NULL)
00256       {
00257         // Verbose
00258         if (m_verbose>=5) Cout("  --> System matrix for forward projection" << endl);
00259         // The number of allocated voxels is fixed with this strategy
00260         m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] = 0;
00261         m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] = 0;
00262         // Voxel indices set to NULL for the moment because the pointer will be copied during the execution
00263         m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][b] = NULL;
00264         // Voxel weights also set to NULL
00265         m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][b] = NULL;
00266       }
00267       // For the projector case
00268       else
00269       {
00270         // The number of allocated voxels is fixed with this strategy
00271         m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] = mp_ForwardProjector->EstimateMaxNumberOfVoxelsPerLine();
00272         m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] = 0;
00273         // Verbose
00274         if (m_verbose>=5) Cout("  --> Projector for forward projection using " << m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] << " allocated voxels" << endl);
00275         // Voxel indices
00276         m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][b] = new INTNB[m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD][b]];
00277         // Voxel weights
00278         m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][b] = new FLTNB[m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD][b]];
00279       }
00280       // Do the same for backward projector if needed
00281       if (!m_UseMatchedProjectors)
00282       {
00283         // For the system matrix case
00284         if (mp_BackwardProjector==NULL)
00285         {
00286           // Verbose
00287           if (m_verbose>=5) Cout("  --> System matrix for backward projection" << endl);
00288           // The number of allocated voxels is fixed with this strategy
00289           m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] = 0;
00290           m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] = 0;
00291           // Voxel indices set to NULL for the moment because the pointer will be copied during the execution
00292           m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][b] = NULL;
00293           // Voxel weights also set to NULL
00294           m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][b] = NULL;
00295         }
00296         // For the projector case
00297         else
00298         {
00299           // The number of allocated voxels is fixed with this strategy
00300           m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] = mp_BackwardProjector->EstimateMaxNumberOfVoxelsPerLine();
00301           m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] = 0;
00302           // Verbose
00303           if (m_verbose>=5) Cout("  --> Projector for backward projection using " << m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] << " allocated voxels" << endl);
00304           // Voxel indices
00305           m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][b] = new INTNB[m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b]];
00306           // Voxel weights
00307           m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][b] = new FLTNB[m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b]];
00308         }
00309       }
00310     }
00311   }
00312   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00313   // Adaptative list computation strategy
00314   else if (m_computationStrategy==ADAPTATIVE_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00315   {
00316     // This image computation strategy is not compatible with system matrix projectors
00317     if (mp_ForwardProjector==NULL || mp_BackwardProjector==NULL)
00318     {
00319       Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::Initialize() -> Adaptative list computation strategy is not compatible with the use of system matrix projectors !" << endl);
00320       return 1;
00321     }
00322     // The number of voxels is set to the diagonal as a first guess
00323     INTNB nb_voxels = mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbVoxDiagonal();
00324     // Verbose
00325     if (m_verbose>=5) Cout("  --> Choose the adaptative list computation strategy, starting with " << nb_voxels << " allocated voxels" << endl);
00326     // Set numbers and allocate
00327     for (int b=0; b<m_nbTOFBins; b++)
00328     {
00329       // The number of allocated voxels is fixed with this strategy
00330       m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] = nb_voxels;
00331       m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] = 0;
00332       // Voxel indices
00333       m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][b] = (INTNB*)malloc(nb_voxels*sizeof(INTNB));
00334       // Voxel weights
00335       m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][b] = (FLTNB*)malloc(nb_voxels*sizeof(FLTNB));
00336       // Do the same for backward projector if needed
00337       if (!m_UseMatchedProjectors)
00338       {
00339         // The number of allocated voxels is fixed with this strategy
00340         m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] = nb_voxels;
00341         m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] = 0;
00342         // Voxel indices
00343         m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][b] = (INTNB*)malloc(nb_voxels*sizeof(INTNB));
00344         // Voxel weights
00345         m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][b] = (FLTNB*)malloc(nb_voxels*sizeof(FLTNB));
00346       }
00347     }
00348   }
00350   // Allocate position and orientation of end points (as well as buffers)
00351   mp_position1 = (FLTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(FLTNB));
00352   mp_position2 = (FLTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(FLTNB));
00353   mp_orientation1 = (FLTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(FLTNB));
00354   mp_orientation2 = (FLTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(FLTNB));
00355   mp_bufferPosition1 = (FLTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(FLTNB));
00356   mp_bufferPosition2 = (FLTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(FLTNB));
00357   mp_bufferOrientation1 = (FLTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(FLTNB));
00358   mp_bufferOrientation2 = (FLTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(FLTNB));
00360   // End
00361   m_initialized = true;
00362   return 0;
00363 }
00365 // =====================================================================
00366 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00367 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00368 // =====================================================================
00370 void oProjectionLine::ComputeLineLength()
00371 {
00372   #ifdef CASTOR_DEBUG
00373   if (!m_initialized)
00374   {
00375     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::ComputeLineLength() -> Called while not initialized !" << endl);
00376     Exit(EXIT_DEBUG);
00377   }
00378   #endif
00380   #ifdef CASTOR_VERBOSE
00381   if (m_verbose>=10) Cout("oProjectionLine::ComputeLineLength() -> Compute length of the line" << endl);
00382   #endif
00384   m_length = sqrt( (mp_position1[0]-mp_position2[0])*(mp_position1[0]-mp_position2[0]) +
00385                    (mp_position1[1]-mp_position2[1])*(mp_position1[1]-mp_position2[1]) +
00386                    (mp_position1[2]-mp_position2[2])*(mp_position1[2]-mp_position2[2]) );
00387 }
00389 // =====================================================================
00390 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00391 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00392 // =====================================================================
00394 bool oProjectionLine::NotEmptyLine()
00395 {
00396   #ifdef CASTOR_DEBUG
00397   if (!m_initialized)
00398   {
00399     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::NotEmptyLine() -> Called while not initialized !" << endl);
00400     Exit(EXIT_DEBUG);
00401   }
00402   #endif
00404   #ifdef CASTOR_VERBOSE
00405   if (m_verbose>=10) Cout("oProjectionLine::NotEmptyLine() -> Look if line is empty" << endl);
00406   #endif
00408   // Just look in all TOF bins whether there are some contributing voxels
00409   for (int b=0; b<m_nbTOFBins; b++) if (m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][b]!=0) return true;
00410   return false;
00411 }
00413 // =====================================================================
00414 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00415 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00416 // =====================================================================
00418 void oProjectionLine::Reset()
00419 {
00420   #ifdef CASTOR_DEBUG
00421   if (!m_initialized)
00422   {
00423     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::Reset() -> Called while not initialized !" << endl);
00424     Exit(EXIT_DEBUG);
00425   }
00426   #endif
00428   #ifdef CASTOR_VERBOSE
00429   if (m_verbose>=10) Cout("oProjectionLine::Reset() -> Reset buffers of the line" << endl);
00430   #endif
00432   // Set the length to zero
00433   m_length = 0.;
00434   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00435   // Image computation strategy
00436   if (m_computationStrategy==IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00437   {
00438     // Loop on the TOF bins
00439     for (int b=0; b<m_nbTOFBins; b++)
00440     {
00441       // Set all voxel weights to zero
00442       for (int v=0; v<m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[FORWARD][b]; v++) m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][b][v] = 0.;
00443       if (!m_UseMatchedProjectors) for (int v=0; v<m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b]; v++) m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][b][v] = 0.;
00444     }
00445   }
00446   // --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
00447   // List computation strategy
00448   else if ( m_computationStrategy==FIXED_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY ||
00449             m_computationStrategy==ADAPTATIVE_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY )
00450   {
00451     // Loop on the TOF bins
00452     for (int b=0; b<m_nbTOFBins; b++)
00453     {
00454       // Only reset the number of current voxels, no need to reset matrices
00455       m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][b] = 0;
00456       if (!m_UseMatchedProjectors) m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD][b] = 0;
00457     }
00458   }
00459 }
00461 // =====================================================================
00462 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00463 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00464 // =====================================================================
00466 void oProjectionLine::ApplyOffset()
00467 {
00468   #ifdef CASTOR_DEBUG
00469   if (!m_initialized)
00470   {
00471     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::ApplyOffset() -> Called while not initialized !" << endl);
00472     Exit(EXIT_DEBUG);
00473   }
00474   #endif
00476   #ifdef CASTOR_VERBOSE
00477   if (m_verbose>=10) Cout("oProjectionLine::ApplyOffset() -> Apply the global offset to the line end points" << endl);
00478   #endif
00480   // Offset position 1
00481   mp_position1[0] += mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetOffsetX();
00482   mp_position1[1] += mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetOffsetY();
00483   mp_position1[2] += mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetOffsetZ();
00484   // Offset position 2
00485   mp_position2[0] += mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetOffsetX();
00486   mp_position2[1] += mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetOffsetY();
00487   mp_position2[2] += mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetOffsetZ();
00488 }
00490 // =====================================================================
00491 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00492 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00493 // =====================================================================
00495 INTNB oProjectionLine::GetVoxelIndex(int a_direction, int a_TOFBin, INTNB a_voxelInLine)
00496 {
00497   #ifdef CASTOR_DEBUG
00498   if (!m_initialized)
00499   {
00500     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::GetVoxelIndex() -> Called while not initialized !" << endl);
00501     Exit(EXIT_DEBUG);
00502   }
00503   #endif
00505   #ifdef CASTOR_VERBOSE
00506   if (m_verbose>=12)
00507   {
00508     string direction = "";
00509     if (a_direction==FORWARD) direction = "forward";
00510     else direction = "backward";
00511     Cout("oProjectionLine::GetVoxelIndex() -> Get voxel index of voxel number " << a_voxelInLine << " in TOF bin " << a_TOFBin << " of " << direction << " projector" << endl);
00512   }
00513   #endif
00515   // If image computation strategy, then simply return the voxel index itself
00516   if (m_computationStrategy==IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00517     return a_voxelInLine;
00518   // Otherwise, look up for it in the voxel indices table
00519   else
00520     return m3p_voxelIndices[a_direction][a_TOFBin][a_voxelInLine];
00521 }
00523 // =====================================================================
00524 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00525 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00526 // =====================================================================
00528 void oProjectionLine::AddVoxelInTOFBin(int a_direction, int a_TOFBin, INTNB a_voxelIndex, FLTNB a_voxelWeight)
00529 {
00530   #ifdef CASTOR_DEBUG
00531   if (!m_initialized)
00532   {
00533     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::AddVoxelInTOFBin() -> Called while not initialized !" << endl);
00534     Exit(EXIT_DEBUG);
00535   }
00536   #endif
00538   #ifdef CASTOR_VERBOSE
00539   if (m_verbose>=12)
00540   {
00541     string direction = "";
00542     if (a_direction==FORWARD) direction = "forward";
00543     else direction = "backward";
00544     Cout("oProjectionLine::AddVoxelInTOFBin() -> Add voxel index " << a_voxelIndex << " of weight " << a_voxelWeight <<
00545          " into TOF bin " << a_TOFBin << " of " << direction << " projector" << endl);
00546   }
00547   #endif
00549   // Different way of doing for each computation strategy
00550   if (m_computationStrategy==IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00551   {
00552     // Simply add the contribution to this voxel index
00553     m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][a_TOFBin][a_voxelIndex] += a_voxelWeight;
00554   }
00555   else if (m_computationStrategy==FIXED_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00556   {
00557     // No buffer overflow checks for this computation strategy
00558     m3p_voxelIndices[a_direction][a_TOFBin][m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]] = a_voxelIndex;
00559     m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][a_TOFBin][m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]] = a_voxelWeight;
00560     m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]++;
00561   }
00562   else if (m_computationStrategy==ADAPTATIVE_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00563   {
00564     // Check if the number of contributing voxels is equal to the allocated size
00565     if (m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]==m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin])
00566     {
00567       // We realloc for one more voxel
00568       m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]++;
00569       m3p_voxelIndices[a_direction][a_TOFBin] = (INTNB*)realloc(m3p_voxelIndices[a_direction][a_TOFBin],m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]*sizeof(INTNB));
00570       m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][a_TOFBin] = (FLTNB*)realloc(m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][a_TOFBin],m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]*sizeof(FLTNB));
00571     }
00572     // Then register this voxel contribution
00573     m3p_voxelIndices[a_direction][a_TOFBin][m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]] = a_voxelIndex;
00574     m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][a_TOFBin][m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]] = a_voxelWeight;
00575     m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][a_TOFBin]++;
00576   }
00577 }
00579 // =====================================================================
00580 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00581 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00582 // =====================================================================
00584 void oProjectionLine::AddVoxel(int a_direction, INTNB a_voxelIndex, FLTNB a_voxelWeight)
00585 {
00586   #ifdef CASTOR_DEBUG
00587   if (!m_initialized)
00588   {
00589     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::AddVoxel() -> Called while not initialized !" << endl);
00590     Exit(EXIT_DEBUG);
00591   }
00592   #endif
00594   #ifdef CASTOR_VERBOSE
00595   if (m_verbose>=12)
00596   {
00597     string direction = "";
00598     if (a_direction==FORWARD) direction = "forward";
00599     else direction = "backward";
00600     Cout("oProjectionLine::AddVoxel() -> Add voxel index " << a_voxelIndex << " of weight " << a_voxelWeight <<
00601          " in " << direction << " projector" << endl);
00602   }
00603   #endif
00605   // No TOF here
00606   int no_tof_bin = 0;
00608   // Different way of doing for each computation strategy
00609   if (m_computationStrategy==IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00610   {
00611     // Simply add the contribution to this voxel index
00612     m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][no_tof_bin][a_voxelIndex] += a_voxelWeight;
00613   }
00614   else if (m_computationStrategy==FIXED_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00615   {
00616     // No buffer overflow checks for this computation strategy
00617     m3p_voxelIndices[a_direction][no_tof_bin][m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]] = a_voxelIndex;
00618     m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][no_tof_bin][m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]] = a_voxelWeight;
00619     m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]++;
00620   }
00621   else if (m_computationStrategy==ADAPTATIVE_LIST_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00622   {
00623     // Check if the number of contributing voxels is equal to the allocated size
00624     if (m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]==m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin])
00625     {
00626       // We realloc for one more voxel
00627       m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]++;
00628       m3p_voxelIndices[a_direction][no_tof_bin] = (INTNB*)realloc(m3p_voxelIndices[a_direction][no_tof_bin],m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]*sizeof(INTNB));
00629       m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][no_tof_bin] = (FLTNB*)realloc(m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][no_tof_bin],m2p_allocatedNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]*sizeof(FLTNB));
00630     }
00631     // Then register this voxel contribution
00632     m3p_voxelIndices[a_direction][no_tof_bin][m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]] = a_voxelIndex;
00633     m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][no_tof_bin][m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]] = a_voxelWeight;
00634     m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][no_tof_bin]++;
00635   }
00636 }
00638 // =====================================================================
00639 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00640 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00641 // =====================================================================
00643 FLTNB oProjectionLine::ForwardProject(FLTNB* ap_image)
00644 {
00645   // The forward projection value
00646   FLTNB value = 0.;
00647   // If image is NULL, then assume 1 everywhere
00648   if (ap_image==NULL)
00649   {
00650     // Loop over voxels inside the current TOF bin
00651     for (int v=0; v<m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin]; v++)
00652       value += m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v];
00653   }
00654   // Otherwise, project the image
00655   else
00656   {
00657     if (m_computationStrategy==IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00658     {
00659       // Loop over the whole image
00660       for (int v=0; v<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbVoxXYZ(); v++)
00661         value += m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v] * ap_image[v];
00662     }
00663     else
00664     {
00665       // Loop over voxels inside the current TOF bin
00666       for (int v=0; v<m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin]; v++)
00667         value += m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v]
00668                * ap_image[ m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v] ];
00669     }
00670   }
00671   // Apply multiplicative correction term
00672   value /= m_multiplicativeCorrection;
00673   // Return the value
00674   return value;
00675 }
00677 // =====================================================================
00678 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00679 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00680 // =====================================================================
00682 FLTNB oProjectionLine::ForwardProjectWithSPECTAttenuation(FLTNB* ap_attenuation, FLTNB* ap_image)
00683 {
00684   #ifdef CASTOR_DEBUG
00685   // This function cannot be used by definition when using the image computation strategy
00686   if (m_computationStrategy==IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00687   {
00688     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::ForwardProjectWithSPECTAttenuation() -> Cannot be used with an image computation strategy over the projection line !" << endl);
00689     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // Have to exit
00690   }
00691   // This function cannot be used with an incompatible projector
00692   if (mp_ForwardProjector!=NULL && !mp_ForwardProjector->GetCompatibilityWithSPECTAttenuationCorrection())
00693   {
00694     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::ForwardProjectWithSPECTAttenuation() -> Cannot be used with an incompatible projector !" << endl);
00695     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // Have to exit
00696   }
00697   // Note that normally, the incompatibilities are checked before launching the reconstruction
00698   #endif
00700   // The forward projection value
00701   FLTNB value = 0.;
00703   // If image is NULL, then assume 1 everywhere in the emission object
00704   if (ap_image==NULL)
00705   {
00706     // Loop over the element in the line
00707     for (int v=0; v<m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin]; v++)
00708     {
00709       FLTNB atn_sum = 0.0;
00710       // Compute the attenuation of an element belonging to the line
00711       for (int w=v; w<m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin]; w++)
00712         atn_sum += ap_attenuation[ m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][w] ] * m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][w];
00713       // Take the inverse exponential to save a division after that (and convert from cm-1 to mm-1)
00714       atn_sum = std::exp( -atn_sum *0.1 );
00715       value += m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v] * atn_sum;
00716     }
00717   }
00718   // Otherwise, project the image
00719   else
00720   {
00721     // Loop over the element in the line
00722     for (int v=0; v<m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin]; v++)
00723     {
00724       FLTNB atn_sum = 0.0;
00725       // Compute the attenuation of an element belonging to the line
00726       for (int w=v; w<m2p_currentNbVoxels[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin]; w++)
00727         atn_sum += ap_attenuation[ m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][w] ] * m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][w];
00728       // Take the inverse exponential to save a division after that (and convert from cm-1 to mm-1)
00729       atn_sum = std::exp( -atn_sum *0.1 );
00730       // Update projection
00731       value += m3p_voxelWeights[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v] * ap_image[ m3p_voxelIndices[FORWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v] ] * atn_sum;
00732     }
00733   }
00734   // Apply multiplicative correction term
00735   value /= m_multiplicativeCorrection;
00736   // Return the value
00737   return value;
00738 }
00740 // =====================================================================
00741 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00742 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00743 // =====================================================================
00745 void oProjectionLine::BackwardProject(FLTNB* ap_image, FLTNB a_value)
00746 {
00747   // Apply multiplicative correction term
00748   a_value /= m_multiplicativeCorrection;
00749   // Image-based strategy
00750   if (m_computationStrategy==IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00751   {
00752     // Loop over the whole image
00753     for (int v=0; v<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbVoxXYZ(); v++)
00754       ap_image[v] += a_value * m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v];
00755   }
00756   // List-based strategies
00757   else
00758   {
00759     // Loop over voxels inside the current TOF bin
00760     for (int v=0; v<m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin]; v++)
00761       ap_image[ m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v] ] += a_value * m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v];
00762   }
00763 }
00765 // =====================================================================
00766 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00767 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00768 // =====================================================================
00770 void oProjectionLine::BackwardProjectWithSPECTAttenuation(FLTNB* ap_attenuation, FLTNB* ap_image, FLTNB a_value)
00771 {
00772   #ifdef CASTOR_DEBUG
00773   // This function cannot be used by definition when using the image computation strategy
00774   if (m_computationStrategy==IMAGE_COMPUTATION_STRATEGY)
00775   {
00776     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::BackwardProjectWithSPECTAttenuation() -> Cannot be used with an image computation strategy over the projection line !" << endl);
00777     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // Have to exit
00778   }
00779   // This function cannot be used with an incompatible projector
00780   if (mp_BackwardProjector!=NULL && !mp_BackwardProjector->GetCompatibilityWithSPECTAttenuationCorrection())
00781   {
00782     Cerr("***** oProjectionLine::BackwardProjectWithSPECTAttenuation() -> Cannot be used with an incompatible projector !" << endl);
00783     Exit(EXIT_FAILURE); // Have to exit
00784   }
00785   // Note that normally, the incompatibilities are checked before launching the reconstruction
00786   #endif
00788   // Apply multiplicative correction term
00789   a_value /= m_multiplicativeCorrection;
00791   // Loop over the element in the line
00792   for (int v=0; v<m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin]; v++)
00793   {
00794     FLTNB atn_sum = 0.0;
00795     // Compute the attenuation of an element belonging to the line
00796     for (int w=v; w<m2p_currentNbVoxels[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin]; w++)
00797       atn_sum += ap_attenuation[ m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin][w] ] * m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin][w];
00798     // Take the inverse exponential to save a division after that (and convert from cm-1 to mm-1)
00799     atn_sum = std::exp( -atn_sum *0.1 );
00800     // Update image
00801     ap_image[ m3p_voxelIndices[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v] ] += m3p_voxelWeights[BACKWARD][m_currentTOFBin][v] * a_value * atn_sum;
00802   }
00803 }
00805 // =====================================================================
00806 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00807 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00808 // =====================================================================
00810 FLTNB oProjectionLine::ComputeLineIntegral(int a_direction)
00811 {
00812   // Will be the cumulative integral
00813   FLTNB integral = 0.;
00814   // Simply loop over all voxels weights and sum them
00815   for (int v=0; v<m2p_currentNbVoxels[a_direction][m_currentTOFBin]; v++)
00816     integral += m3p_voxelWeights[a_direction][m_currentTOFBin][v];
00817   // Return the result
00818   return integral;
00819 }
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