CASToR  1.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 /*
00003   Implementation of class oImageDimensionsAndQuantification
00005   - separators: X
00006   - doxygen: 
00007   - default initialization: X
00008   - CASTOR_DEBUG: 
00009   - CASTOR_VERBOSE: 
00010 */
00018 #include "oImageDimensionsAndQuantification.hh"
00020 // =====================================================================
00021 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00022 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00023 // =====================================================================
00025 oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::oImageDimensionsAndQuantification()
00026 {
00027   // Set all members to default values
00028   m_nbVoxX = -1;
00029   m_nbVoxY = -1;
00030   m_nbVoxZ = -1;
00031   m_nbVoxXY = -1;
00032   m_nbVoxXYZ = -1;
00033   m_voxSizeX = -1.;
00034   m_voxSizeY = -1.;
00035   m_voxSizeZ = -1.;
00036   m_fovSizeX = -1.;
00037   m_fovSizeY = -1.;
00038   m_fovSizeZ = -1.;
00039   m_fovOutPercent = 0.;
00040   m_flipOutX = false;
00041   m_flipOutY = false;
00042   m_flipOutZ = false;
00043   m_offsetX = 0.;
00044   m_offsetY = 0.;
00045   m_offsetZ = 0.;
00046   m_frameList = "";
00047   m_nbTimeFrames = 1;
00048   m_nbTimeBasisFunctions = -1;
00049   m2p_timeBasisFunctions = NULL;
00050   m2p_frameDurationsInMs = NULL;
00051   m2p_frameTimeStartInMs = NULL;
00052   m2p_frameTimeStopInMs = NULL;
00053   m_timeBasisFunctionsFile = "";
00054   m_timeStaticFlag = false;
00055   m3p_quantificationFactors = NULL;
00056   m_ignoredCorrectionsList = "";
00057   m_ignoreAttnCorrectionFlag = false;
00058   m_ignoreNormCorrectionFlag = false;
00059   m_ignoreRandCorrectionFlag = false;
00060   m_ignoreScatCorrectionFlag = false;
00061   m_ignoreDecaCorrectionFlag = false;
00062   m_ignoreBratCorrectionFlag = false;
00063   m_ignoreFdurCorrectionFlag = false;
00064   m_ignoreCaliCorrectionFlag = false;
00065   m_nbRespGates = 1;
00066   m_nbRespBasisFunctions = -1;
00067   m2p_respBasisFunctions = NULL;
00068   m_respBasisFunctionsFile = "";
00069   m_respStaticFlag = false;
00070   m_nbCardGates = 1;
00071   m_nbCardBasisFunctions = -1;
00072   m2p_cardBasisFunctions = NULL;
00073   m_cardBasisFunctionsFile = "";
00074   m_cardStaticFlag = false;
00075   m_nbThreadsForProjection = 1;
00076   m_nbThreadsForImageComputation = 1;
00077   m_mpiRank = 0;
00078   m_mpiSize = 1;
00079   m_nbBeds = -1;
00080   m_verbose = 0;
00081   m_checked = false;
00082   m_initialized = false;
00083   // Allocate Dynamic data manager object
00084   mp_DynamicDataManager = new oDynamicDataManager();
00085 }
00087 // =====================================================================
00088 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00089 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00090 // =====================================================================
00092 oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::~oImageDimensionsAndQuantification()
00093 {
00094   // Free frame duration
00095   if (m2p_frameDurationsInMs)
00096   {
00097     for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++) if (m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed]) delete m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed];
00098     delete m2p_frameDurationsInMs;
00099   }
00100   // Free frame time start
00101   if (m2p_frameTimeStartInMs)
00102   {
00103     for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++) if (m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed]) delete m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed];
00104     delete m2p_frameTimeStartInMs;
00105   }
00106   // Free frame time stop
00107   if (m2p_frameTimeStopInMs)
00108   {
00109     for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++) if (m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed]) delete m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed];
00110     delete m2p_frameTimeStopInMs;
00111   }
00112   // Free quantification factors
00113   if (m3p_quantificationFactors)
00114   {
00115     for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00116     {
00117       if (m3p_quantificationFactors[bed])
00118       {
00119         for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++)
00120           if (m3p_quantificationFactors[bed][fr]) delete m3p_quantificationFactors[bed][fr];
00121       }
00122       delete m3p_quantificationFactors[bed];
00123     }
00124     delete m3p_quantificationFactors;
00125   }
00126   // Delete the dynamic data manager
00127   delete mp_DynamicDataManager;
00128 }
00130 // =====================================================================
00131 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00132 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00133 // =====================================================================
00135 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetFlipOut(const string& a_flipOut)
00136 {
00137   // If empty, then put all flags to false and return
00138   if (a_flipOut=="")
00139   {
00140     m_flipOutX = false;
00141     m_flipOutY = false;
00142     m_flipOutZ = false;
00143     return 0;
00144   }
00145   // Test all possible settings !
00146   if (a_flipOut=="x" || a_flipOut=="X")
00147   {
00148     m_flipOutX = true;
00149     m_flipOutY = false;
00150     m_flipOutZ = false;
00151   }
00152   else if (a_flipOut=="y" || a_flipOut=="Y")
00153   {
00154     m_flipOutX = false;
00155     m_flipOutY = true;
00156     m_flipOutZ = false;
00157   }
00158   else if (a_flipOut=="z" || a_flipOut=="Z")
00159   {
00160     m_flipOutX = false;
00161     m_flipOutY = false;
00162     m_flipOutZ = true;
00163   }
00164   else if (a_flipOut=="xy" || a_flipOut=="yx" || a_flipOut=="XY" || a_flipOut=="YX")
00165   {
00166     m_flipOutX = true;
00167     m_flipOutY = true;
00168     m_flipOutZ = false;
00169   }
00170   else if (a_flipOut=="zy" || a_flipOut=="yz" || a_flipOut=="ZY" || a_flipOut=="YZ")
00171   {
00172     m_flipOutX = false;
00173     m_flipOutY = true;
00174     m_flipOutZ = true;
00175   }
00176   else if (a_flipOut=="xz" || a_flipOut=="zx" || a_flipOut=="XZ" || a_flipOut=="ZX")
00177   {
00178     m_flipOutX = true;
00179     m_flipOutY = false;
00180     m_flipOutZ = true;
00181   }
00182   else if ( a_flipOut=="xyz" || a_flipOut=="xzy" || a_flipOut=="yxz" || a_flipOut=="yzx" || a_flipOut=="zxy" || a_flipOut=="zyx" ||
00183             a_flipOut=="XYZ" || a_flipOut=="XZY" || a_flipOut=="YXZ" || a_flipOut=="YZX" || a_flipOut=="ZXY" || a_flipOut=="ZYX" )
00184   {
00185     m_flipOutX = true;
00186     m_flipOutY = true;
00187     m_flipOutZ = true;
00188   }
00189   // Otherwise, throw an error
00190   else
00191   {
00192     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetFlipOut() -> Output flip settings is incorrect !" << endl);
00193     return 1;
00194   }
00195   // Normal end
00196   return 0;
00197 }
00199 // =====================================================================
00200 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00201 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00202 // =====================================================================
00204 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetNbThreads(const string& a_nbThreads)
00205 {
00206   // The number of threads can be given as two separated numbers to distinguish between the number of threads for projection computation
00207   // and the number of threads for image computation. Be careful that the thread-safe images are allocated with respect to the number
00208   // of projection threads; the number of threads used for image computation are strictly used for computation over images (i.e. when
00209   // using a loop over voxels.
00211   // Look for a comma and check that there is only one comma without missing parameters
00212   size_t first_comma = a_nbThreads.find_first_of(",");
00213   size_t last_comma = a_nbThreads.find_last_of(",");
00214   if (first_comma!=last_comma || first_comma==0 || first_comma==a_nbThreads.length()-1)
00215   {
00216     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetNbThreads() -> Wrong syntax in the thread parameters ! See help." << endl);
00217     return 1;
00218   }
00220   // Case for a single parameter
00221   if (first_comma==string::npos)
00222   {
00223     m_nbThreadsForProjection = atoi( a_nbThreads.c_str() );
00224     m_nbThreadsForImageComputation = m_nbThreadsForProjection;
00225   }
00226   // Case for two parameters
00227   else
00228   {
00229     m_nbThreadsForProjection = atoi( (a_nbThreads.substr(0,first_comma)).c_str() );
00230     m_nbThreadsForImageComputation = atoi( (a_nbThreads.substr(first_comma+1)).c_str() );
00231   }
00233   // Checks for negative threads numbers
00234   if (m_nbThreadsForProjection<0)
00235   {
00236     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetNbThreads() -> Negative number of threads provided for projection computation !" << endl);
00237     return 1;
00238   }
00239   if (m_nbThreadsForImageComputation<0)
00240   {
00241     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetNbThreads() -> Negative number of threads provided for image computation !" << endl);
00242     return 1;
00243   }
00245   #ifdef CASTOR_OMP
00246   // If number of threads is 0, we automatically determine the maximum number of threads using OMP functions
00247   if (m_nbThreadsForProjection==0) m_nbThreadsForProjection = omp_get_max_threads();
00248   if (m_nbThreadsForImageComputation==0) m_nbThreadsForImageComputation = omp_get_max_threads();
00249   // At this step, set by default the number of threads for image operations
00250   omp_set_num_threads(m_nbThreadsForImageComputation);
00251   #endif
00253   // End
00254   return 0;
00255 }
00257 // =====================================================================
00258 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00259 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00260 // =====================================================================
00262 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckParameters()
00263 {
00264   // Number of threads
00265   if (m_nbThreadsForProjection<=0)
00266   {
00267     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckParameters() -> Should provide a strictly positive number of threads !" << endl);
00268     return 1;
00269   }
00270   // Number of voxels
00271   if (m_nbVoxX<=0 || m_nbVoxY<=0 || m_nbVoxZ<=0)
00272   {
00273     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckParameters() -> Should provide strictly positive number of voxels !" << endl);
00274     return 1;
00275   }
00276   // When FOV and voxel sizes are both not provided
00277   if ((m_voxSizeX<=0. || m_voxSizeY<=0. || m_voxSizeZ<=0.) && (m_fovSizeX<=0. || m_fovSizeY<=0. || m_fovSizeZ<=0.))
00278   {
00279     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckParameters() -> Should provide strictly positive voxel or FOV dimensions !" << endl);
00280     return 1;
00281   }
00282   // When both FOV and voxel sizes are provided
00283   if (m_voxSizeX>0. && m_voxSizeY>0. && m_voxSizeZ>0. && m_fovSizeX>0. && m_fovSizeY>0. && m_fovSizeZ>0.)
00284   {
00285     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckParameters() -> Both FOV and voxels dimensions provided, should not provide both !" << endl);
00286     return 1;
00287   }
00288   // Check output transaxial FOV which is in percent (0 means we do not apply any FOV masking)
00289   if (m_fovOutPercent<0. || m_fovOutPercent>100.)
00290   {
00291     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckParameters() -> Output transaxial FOV percentage must be in ]0:100] !" << endl);
00292     return 1;
00293   }
00294   // Check that the number of axial slices to be masked is between 0 and dimZ/2
00295   if (m_nbSliceOutMask<0 || m_nbSliceOutMask>m_nbVoxZ/2)
00296   {
00297     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckParameters() -> Number of output axial slices to be masked is incorrectly set !" << endl);
00298     return 1;
00299   }
00300   // Check whether the DynamicDataManager object has been instanciated or not
00301   if (!mp_DynamicDataManager)
00302   {
00303     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckParameters() -> Error : DynamicDataManager object not initialized !" << endl);
00304     return 1;
00305   }
00306   // Unlock
00307   m_checked = true;
00308   // End
00309   return 0;
00310 }
00312 // =====================================================================
00313 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00314 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00315 // =====================================================================
00317 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::Initialize()
00318 {
00319   // Mandatory check
00320   if (!m_checked)
00321   {
00322     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::Initialize() -> Cannot initialize before a call to CheckParameters() !" << endl);
00323     return 1;
00324   }
00326   // Verbose
00327   if (m_verbose>=2) Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::Initialize() -> Initialize image dimensions, basis functions and quantification" << endl);
00329   // Precompute number of voxels in a slice (XY) and total number of voxels (XYZ)
00330   m_nbVoxXY = m_nbVoxX * m_nbVoxY;
00331   m_nbVoxXYZ = m_nbVoxXY * m_nbVoxZ;
00333   // If FOV dimensions are provided, then compute the voxel dimensions
00334   if (m_fovSizeX>0. && m_fovSizeY>0. && m_fovSizeZ>0.)
00335   {
00336     m_voxSizeX = m_fovSizeX / ((FLTNB)m_nbVoxX);
00337     m_voxSizeY = m_fovSizeY / ((FLTNB)m_nbVoxY);
00338     m_voxSizeZ = m_fovSizeZ / ((FLTNB)m_nbVoxZ);
00339   }
00340   // If voxel dimensions are provided, then compute the voxel dimensions
00341   else if (m_voxSizeX>0. && m_voxSizeY>0. && m_voxSizeZ>0.)
00342   {
00343     m_fovSizeX = m_voxSizeX * ((FLTNB)m_nbVoxX);
00344     m_fovSizeY = m_voxSizeY * ((FLTNB)m_nbVoxY);
00345     m_fovSizeZ = m_voxSizeZ * ((FLTNB)m_nbVoxZ);
00346   }
00348   // Deal with frame list and quantification factors
00349   if (InitializeFramingAndQuantification())
00350   {
00351     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::Initialize() -> A problem occured while initializing framing and quantification tabs !" << endl);
00352     return 1;
00353   }
00355   // Deal with time basis functions
00356   if (InitializeTimeBasisFunctions())
00357   {
00358     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::Initialize() -> A problem occured while initializing time basis functions !" << endl);
00359     return 1;
00360   }
00362   // Deal with respiratory basis functions
00363   if (InitializeRespBasisFunctions())
00364   {
00365     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::Initialize() -> A problem occured while initializing respiratory basis functions !" << endl);
00366     return 1;
00367   }
00369   // Deal with cardiac basis functions
00370   if (InitializeCardBasisFunctions())
00371   {
00372     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::Initialize() -> A problem occured while initializing cardiac basis functions !" << endl);
00373     return 1;
00374   }
00376   // Deal with ignored corrections
00377   if (InitializeIgnoredCorrections())
00378   {
00379     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::Initialize() -> A problem occured while initializing ignored corrections !" << endl);
00380     return 1;
00381   }
00383   // Verbose
00384   if (m_verbose>=2)
00385   {
00386     Cout("  --> Image dimensions: [" << m_nbVoxX << ";" << m_nbVoxY << ";" << m_nbVoxZ << "] voxels of [" << m_voxSizeX << ";" << m_voxSizeY << ";" << m_voxSizeZ << "] mm3" << endl);
00387     Cout("  --> FOV size: [" << m_fovSizeX << ";" << m_fovSizeY << ";" << m_fovSizeZ << "] mm3" << endl);
00388     if (m_nbTimeFrames>1)
00389     {
00390       if (m_timeStaticFlag) Cout("  --> Time frames: " << m_nbTimeFrames << endl);
00391       else Cout("  --> Time frames: " << m_nbTimeFrames << " | Time basis functions: " << m_nbTimeBasisFunctions << endl);
00392     }
00393     if (m_respBasisFunctionsFile!="")
00394     {
00395       if (m_respStaticFlag) Cout("  --> Respiratory gates: " << m_nbRespGates << endl);
00396       else Cout("  --> Respiratory gates: " << m_nbRespGates << " | Respiratory basis functions: " << m_nbRespBasisFunctions << endl);
00397     }
00398     if (m_cardBasisFunctionsFile!="")
00399     {
00400       if (m_cardStaticFlag) Cout("  --> Cardiac gates: " << m_nbCardGates << endl);
00401       else Cout("  --> Cardiac gates: " << m_nbCardGates << " | Cardiac basis functions: " << m_nbCardBasisFunctions << endl);
00402     }
00403     if (m_nbThreadsForProjection>1 || m_nbThreadsForImageComputation>1)
00404     {
00405       if (m_nbThreadsForImageComputation==m_nbThreadsForProjection) Cout("  --> Number of parallel threads: " << m_nbThreadsForProjection << endl);
00406       else Cout("  --> Number of parallel threads for projection / image computation: [" << m_nbThreadsForProjection << "/" << m_nbThreadsForImageComputation << "]" << endl);
00407     }
00408   }
00410   // Initialized
00411   m_initialized = true;
00413   // End
00414   return 0;
00415 }
00417 // =====================================================================
00418 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00419 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00420 // =====================================================================
00422 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeFramingAndQuantification()
00423 {
00424 // TODO: for whole body 4D dynamic acquisitions, will need to read a set of frames for each bed where the number of frames and frame durations
00425 //       should be the same for all beds, except which frame is dead and time start and stop also... Have to think about and manage this.
00426   // This function requires that the number of beds be set
00427   if (m_nbBeds<=0)
00428   {
00429     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeFramingAndQuantification() -> Number of beds must be set before setting the framing of the acquisition !" << endl);
00430     return 1;
00431   }
00433   // --------------------------------------------------
00434   // Allocate time start, stop and duration, to 1 frame
00435   m2p_frameDurationsInMs    = (uint32_t**)malloc(m_nbBeds*sizeof(uint32_t*));
00436   m2p_frameTimeStartInMs    = (uint32_t**)malloc(m_nbBeds*sizeof(uint32_t*));
00437   m2p_frameTimeStopInMs     = (uint32_t**)malloc(m_nbBeds*sizeof(uint32_t*));
00438   m3p_quantificationFactors = (FLTNB***)malloc(m_nbBeds*sizeof(FLTNB**));
00439   for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00440   {
00441     m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed]    = (uint32_t*)malloc(1*sizeof(uint32_t));
00442     m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed]    = (uint32_t*)malloc(1*sizeof(uint32_t));
00443     m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed]     = (uint32_t*)malloc(1*sizeof(uint32_t));
00444   }
00446   // ---------------------------------------
00447   // Particular case where the list is empty
00448   if (m_frameList=="")
00449   {
00450     // Set number of frames to 1
00451     m_nbTimeFrames = 1;
00452     // Init them to 0 (the vDataFile will set them to the appropriate value later through the oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetAcquisitionTime() function)
00453     for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00454     {
00455       m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed][0] = 0;
00456       m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed][0] = 0;
00457       m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed][0]  = 0;
00458       // Allocate quantification factors and set them to 1.
00459       m3p_quantificationFactors[bed] = (FLTNB**)malloc(1*sizeof(FLTNB*));
00460       m3p_quantificationFactors[bed][0] = (FLTNB*)malloc(m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates*sizeof(FLTNB));
00461       for (int g=0; g<m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates; g++) m3p_quantificationFactors[bed][0][g] = 1.;
00462     }
00463     // Exit the function
00464     return 0;
00465   }
00467   // --------------------------------------------------------------------
00468   // Otherwise, get the parameter as a non-constant string and process it
00469   string frame_list = m_frameList;
00470   // Current time start
00471   uint32_t time_start = 0;
00472   // Init number of frames
00473   m_nbTimeFrames = 0;
00474   // Loop on all commas found in the list
00475   size_t comma_pos = 0;
00476   while ((comma_pos=frame_list.find_first_of(","))!=string::npos)
00477   {
00478     // Extract the parameter before the comma
00479     string param = frame_list.substr(0,comma_pos);
00480     // Search for a dead-frame sign ";0"
00481     size_t semi_column_pos = param.find(";0");
00482     // If does not find then this is an actual frame
00483     if (semi_column_pos==string::npos)
00484     {
00485       // Increment number of frames
00486       m_nbTimeFrames++;
00487       // Realloc the time start, stop and duration
00488       for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00489       {
00490         m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed] = (uint32_t*)realloc( m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed], m_nbTimeFrames*sizeof(uint32_t) );
00491         m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed] = (uint32_t*)realloc( m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed], m_nbTimeFrames*sizeof(uint32_t) );
00492         m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed]  = (uint32_t*)realloc( m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed] , m_nbTimeFrames*sizeof(uint32_t) );
00493       }
00494       // Extract frame duration
00495       FLTNB duration = atof(param.c_str());
00496       if (duration<=0.)
00497       {
00498         Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeFramingAndQuantification() -> Found a duration which is negative or null !" << endl);
00499         return 1;
00500       }
00501       // Affect time start, stop and duration
00502       for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00503       {
00504         m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed][m_nbTimeFrames-1]    = ((uint32_t)(duration*1000.));
00505         m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed][m_nbTimeFrames-1]    = time_start;
00506       }
00507       time_start += m2p_frameDurationsInMs[0][m_nbTimeFrames-1];
00508       for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00509         m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed][m_nbTimeFrames-1] = time_start;
00510     }
00511     // Otherwise, this is a dead frame
00512     else
00513     {
00514       // Check that the keyword ";0" if at the end of the parameter
00515       if (semi_column_pos!=param.size()-2)
00516       {
00517         Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeFramingAndQuantification() -> Invalid dead frame format '" << param << "' !" << endl);
00518         return 1;
00519       }
00520       // Extract the dead frame duration
00521       FLTNB duration = atof( (param.substr(0,semi_column_pos)).c_str() );
00522       if (duration<=0.)
00523       {
00524         Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeFramingAndQuantification() -> Found a duration which is negative or null !" << endl);
00525         return 1;
00526       }
00527       // Increment time start
00528       time_start += ((uint32_t)(duration*1000.));
00529     }
00530     // Remove first parameter
00531     frame_list = frame_list.substr(comma_pos+1);
00532   }
00533   // Last parameter to extract; search for a dead-frame sign ";0"
00534   size_t semi_column_pos = frame_list.find(";0");
00535   // If does not find then this is an actual frame
00536   if (semi_column_pos==string::npos)
00537   {
00538     // Increment number of frames
00539     m_nbTimeFrames++;
00540     // Realloc the time start, stop and duration
00541     for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00542     {
00543       m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed]    = (uint32_t*)realloc(m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed],m_nbTimeFrames*sizeof(uint32_t));
00544       m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed]    = (uint32_t*)realloc(m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed],m_nbTimeFrames*sizeof(uint32_t));
00545       m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed]     = (uint32_t*)realloc(m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed] ,m_nbTimeFrames*sizeof(uint32_t));
00546     }
00547     // Extract frame duration
00548     FLTNB duration = atof(frame_list.c_str());
00549     if (duration<=0.)
00550     {
00551       Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeFramingAndQuantification() -> Found a duration which is negative or null !" << endl);
00552       return 1;
00553     }
00554     // Affect time start, stop and duration
00555     for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00556     {
00557       m2p_frameDurationsInMs[bed][m_nbTimeFrames-1]    = ((uint32_t)(duration*1000.));
00558       m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[bed][m_nbTimeFrames-1]    = time_start;
00559     }
00560     time_start += m2p_frameDurationsInMs[0][m_nbTimeFrames-1];
00561     for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00562       m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[bed][m_nbTimeFrames-1] = time_start;
00563   }
00564   // Otherwise, this is a dead frame, so we just ignore it as it is in last position
00565   else
00566   {
00567     ;
00568   }
00570   // ----------------------------------------------
00571   // Allocate and affect the quantification factors
00572   for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00573   {
00574     m3p_quantificationFactors[bed] = (FLTNB**)malloc(m_nbTimeFrames*sizeof(FLTNB*));
00575     for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++)
00576     {
00577       m3p_quantificationFactors[bed][fr] = (FLTNB*)malloc(m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates*sizeof(FLTNB));
00578       for (int g=0; g<m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates; g++) m3p_quantificationFactors[bed][fr][g] = 1.;
00579     }
00580   }
00582   // ---
00583   // End
00584   return 0;
00585 }
00587 // =====================================================================
00588 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00589 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00590 // =====================================================================
00592 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeTimeBasisFunctions()
00593 {
00594   // Case 1: no time basis functions file provided
00595   if (m_timeBasisFunctionsFile=="")
00596   {
00597     // Set the number of time basis functions to the number of frames
00598     m_nbTimeBasisFunctions = m_nbTimeFrames;
00599     // Allocate the conversion matrix from basis functions to frames
00600     m2p_timeBasisFunctions = (FLTNB**)malloc(m_nbTimeBasisFunctions*sizeof(FLTNB*));
00601     for (int tbf=0; tbf<m_nbTimeBasisFunctions; tbf++)
00602     {
00603       m2p_timeBasisFunctions[tbf] = (FLTNB*)malloc(m_nbTimeFrames*sizeof(FLTNB));
00604       for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++)
00605       {
00606         // Set diagonal to 1, the rest to 0
00607         if (tbf==fr) m2p_timeBasisFunctions[tbf][fr] = 1.;
00608         else m2p_timeBasisFunctions[tbf][fr] = 0.;
00609       }
00610     }
00611     // Set the static flag to true
00612     m_timeStaticFlag = true;
00613   }
00614   // Case 2: there is a file
00615   else
00616   {
00617     // Allocate the conversion matrix from basis functions to frames
00618     m2p_timeBasisFunctions = (FLTNB**)malloc(m_nbTimeBasisFunctions*sizeof(FLTNB*));
00619     for (int tbf=0; tbf<m_nbTimeBasisFunctions; tbf++) m2p_timeBasisFunctions[tbf] = (FLTNB*)malloc(m_nbTimeFrames*sizeof(FLTNB));
00620     // Open file
00621     ifstream fin(m_timeBasisFunctionsFile.c_str());
00622     if (!fin)
00623     {
00624       Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeTimeBasisFunctions() -> Input time basis functions file '" << m_timeBasisFunctionsFile << "' is missing or corrupted !" << endl);
00625       return 1;
00626     }
00627     // Read values
00628     for (int tbf=0; tbf<m_nbTimeBasisFunctions; tbf++) for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++) fin >> m2p_timeBasisFunctions[tbf][fr];
00629     // Close file
00630     fin.close();
00631   }
00632   // End
00633   return 0;
00634 }
00636 // =====================================================================
00637 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00638 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00639 // =====================================================================
00641 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeRespBasisFunctions()
00642 {
00643   // Case 1: no respiratory basis functions file provided
00644   if (m_respBasisFunctionsFile=="")
00645   {
00646     // Set the number of respiratory basis functions to the number of respiratory gates
00647     m_nbRespBasisFunctions = m_nbRespGates;
00649     // Allocate the conversion matrix from basis functions to respiratory gates
00650     m2p_respBasisFunctions = (FLTNB**)malloc(m_nbRespBasisFunctions*sizeof(FLTNB*));
00651     for (int rbf=0; rbf<m_nbRespBasisFunctions; rbf++)
00652     {
00653       m2p_respBasisFunctions[rbf] = (FLTNB*)malloc(m_nbRespGates*sizeof(FLTNB));
00654       for (int rg=0; rg<m_nbRespGates; rg++)
00655       {
00656         // Set diagonal to 1, the rest to 0
00657         if (rbf==rg) m2p_respBasisFunctions[rbf][rg] = 1.;
00658         else m2p_respBasisFunctions[rbf][rg] = 0.;
00659       }
00660     }
00661     // Set the static flag to true
00662     m_respStaticFlag = true;
00663   }
00664   // Case 2: there is a file
00665   else
00666   {
00667     // Allocate the conversion matrix from basis functions to respiratory gates
00668     m2p_respBasisFunctions = (FLTNB**)malloc(m_nbRespBasisFunctions*sizeof(FLTNB*));
00669     for (int rbf=0; rbf<m_nbRespBasisFunctions; rbf++) m2p_respBasisFunctions[rbf] = (FLTNB*)malloc(m_nbRespGates*sizeof(FLTNB));
00670     // Open file
00671     ifstream fin(m_respBasisFunctionsFile.c_str());
00672     if (!fin)
00673     {
00674       Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeRespBasisFunctions() -> Input respiratory basis functions file '" << m_respBasisFunctionsFile << "' is missing or corrupted !" << endl);
00675       return 1;
00676     }
00677     // Read values
00678     for (int rbf=0; rbf<m_nbRespBasisFunctions; rbf++) for (int rg=0; rg<m_nbRespGates; rg++) fin >> m2p_respBasisFunctions[rbf][rg];
00679     // Close file
00680     fin.close();
00681   }
00682   // End
00683   return 0;
00684 }
00686 // =====================================================================
00687 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00688 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00689 // =====================================================================
00691 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeCardBasisFunctions()
00692 {
00693   // Case 1: no cardiac basis functions file provided
00694   if (m_cardBasisFunctionsFile=="")
00695   {
00696     // Set the number of cardiac basis functions to the number of cardiac gates
00697     m_nbCardBasisFunctions = m_nbCardGates;
00698     // Allocate the conversion matrix from cardiac basis functions to cardiac gates
00699     m2p_cardBasisFunctions = (FLTNB**)malloc(m_nbCardBasisFunctions*sizeof(FLTNB*));
00700     for (int cbf=0; cbf<m_nbCardBasisFunctions; cbf++)
00701     {
00702       m2p_cardBasisFunctions[cbf] = (FLTNB*)malloc(m_nbCardGates*sizeof(FLTNB));
00703       for (int cg=0; cg<m_nbCardGates; cg++)
00704       {
00705         // Set diagonal to 1, the rest to 0
00706         if (cbf==cg) m2p_cardBasisFunctions[cbf][cg] = 1.;
00707         else m2p_cardBasisFunctions[cbf][cg] = 0.;
00708       }
00709     }
00710     // Set the static flag to true
00711     m_cardStaticFlag = true;
00712   }
00713   // Case 2: there is a file
00714   else
00715   {
00716     // Allocate the conversion matrix from basis functions to cardiac gates
00717     m2p_cardBasisFunctions = (FLTNB**)malloc(m_nbCardBasisFunctions*sizeof(FLTNB*));
00718     for (int cbf=0; cbf<m_nbCardBasisFunctions; cbf++) m2p_cardBasisFunctions[cbf] = (FLTNB*)malloc(m_nbCardGates*sizeof(FLTNB));
00719     // Open file
00720     ifstream fin(m_cardBasisFunctionsFile.c_str());
00721     if (!fin)
00722     {
00723       Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeCardBasisFunctions() -> Input cardiac basis functions file '" << m_cardBasisFunctionsFile << "' is missing or corrupted !" << endl);
00724       return 1;
00725     }
00726     // Read values
00727     for (int cbf=0; cbf<m_nbCardBasisFunctions; cbf++) for (int cg=0; cg<m_nbCardGates; cg++) fin >> m2p_cardBasisFunctions[cbf][cg];
00728     // Close file
00729     fin.close();
00730   }
00731   // End
00732   return 0;
00733 }
00735 // =====================================================================
00736 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00737 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00738 // =====================================================================
00740 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeIgnoredCorrections()
00741 {
00742   // If the m_ignoredCorrectionsList is empty, force all booleans to false and leave this function
00743   if (m_ignoredCorrectionsList=="")
00744   {
00745     m_ignoreAttnCorrectionFlag = false;
00746     m_ignoreNormCorrectionFlag = false;
00747     m_ignoreRandCorrectionFlag = false;
00748     m_ignoreScatCorrectionFlag = false;
00749     m_ignoreDecaCorrectionFlag = false;
00750     m_ignoreBratCorrectionFlag = false;
00751     m_ignoreFdurCorrectionFlag = false;
00752     m_ignoreCaliCorrectionFlag = false;
00753     return 0;
00754   }
00756   // Then, count the number of commas in the m_ignoredCorrectionsList to know the number of keywords
00757   size_t nb_keywords = count(m_ignoredCorrectionsList.begin(), m_ignoredCorrectionsList.end(), ',') + 1;
00759   // Read the keywords
00760   string *p_keywords = new string[nb_keywords];
00762   if (ReadStringOption(m_ignoredCorrectionsList, p_keywords, nb_keywords, ",", "Ignored corrections list"))
00763   {
00764     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeIgnoredCorrections() -> An error occured while reading the list of ignored corrections !" << endl);
00765     return 1;
00766   }
00768   // Process them
00769   for (size_t k=0; k<nb_keywords; k++)
00770   {
00771     // Test the different keywords
00772     if (p_keywords[k]=="attn") m_ignoreAttnCorrectionFlag = true;
00773     else if (p_keywords[k]=="norm") m_ignoreNormCorrectionFlag = true;
00774     else if (p_keywords[k]=="scat") m_ignoreScatCorrectionFlag = true;
00775     else if (p_keywords[k]=="rand") m_ignoreRandCorrectionFlag = true;
00776     else if (p_keywords[k]=="deca") m_ignoreDecaCorrectionFlag = true;
00777     else if (p_keywords[k]=="brat") m_ignoreBratCorrectionFlag = true;
00778     else if (p_keywords[k]=="fdur") m_ignoreFdurCorrectionFlag = true;
00779     else if (p_keywords[k]=="cali") m_ignoreCaliCorrectionFlag = true;
00780     else
00781     {
00782       Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitializeIgnoredCorrections() -> Unknown keyword '" << p_keywords[k] << "' in the provided ignored corrections list !" << endl);
00783       return 1;
00784     }
00785   }
00787   delete[] p_keywords;
00788   // Normal end
00789   return 0;
00790 }
00792 // =====================================================================
00793 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00794 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00795 // =====================================================================
00797 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetAcquisitionTime(int a_bed, FLTNB a_timeStartInSec, FLTNB a_durationInSec)
00798 {
00799   // Check if initialized
00800   if (!m_initialized)
00801   {
00802     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetAcquisitionTime() -> Object not initialized !" << endl);
00803     return 1;
00804   }
00805   // If the number of frames is more than one, then it was already specified, so we just update the quantification factors and exit
00806   if (m_nbTimeFrames>1)
00807   {
00808     if (!m_ignoreFdurCorrectionFlag)
00809     {
00810       for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++) for(int g=0 ; g<m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates ; g++)
00811         m3p_quantificationFactors[a_bed][fr][g] /= (((FLTNB)(m2p_frameDurationsInMs[a_bed][fr]))/1000.);
00812     }
00813   }
00814   // If timeStart, timeStop and duration are 0, then it means that it was not specified yet
00815   else if (m2p_frameDurationsInMs[a_bed][0]==0 && m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[a_bed][0]==0 && m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[a_bed][0]==0)
00816   {
00817     m2p_frameDurationsInMs[a_bed][0] = ((uint32_t)(a_durationInSec*1000.));
00818     m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[a_bed][0] = ((uint32_t)(a_timeStartInSec*1000.));
00819     m2p_frameTimeStopInMs[a_bed][0]  = m2p_frameTimeStartInMs[a_bed][0] + m2p_frameDurationsInMs[a_bed][0];
00820     // Apply frame's duration onto quantification factors
00821     if (!m_ignoreFdurCorrectionFlag)
00822     {
00823       for(int g=0 ; g<m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates ; g++)
00824         m3p_quantificationFactors[a_bed][0][g] /= a_durationInSec;
00825     }
00826   }
00827   // Verbose
00828   if (m_verbose>=2 && (a_bed==m_nbBeds-1))
00829   {
00830     // Case 1: a static single bed
00831     if (m_nbTimeFrames==1 && m_nbBeds==1)
00832     {
00833       Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetAcquisitionTime() -> Static single bed acquisition with duration [ " << GetFrameTimeStartInSec(0,0) << " : "
00834            << GetFrameTimeStopInSec(0,0) << " ] seconds" << endl);
00835     }
00836     // Case 2: a static multi beds
00837     else if (m_nbTimeFrames==1 && m_nbBeds>1)
00838     {
00839       Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetAcquisitionTime() -> Static " << m_nbBeds << " beds acquisition with following bed durations:" << endl);
00840       for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00841         Cout("  --> Bed " << bed+1 << " with duration [ " << GetFrameTimeStartInSec(bed,0) << " : " << GetFrameTimeStopInSec(bed,0) << " ] seconds" << endl);
00842     }
00843     // Case 3: a dynamic single bed
00844     else if (m_nbTimeFrames>1 && m_nbBeds==1)
00845     {
00846       Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetAcquisitionTime() -> Dynamic single bed acquisition with following " << m_nbTimeFrames << " frame durations:" << endl);
00847       for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++)
00848         Cout("  --> Frame " << fr+1 << " with duration [ " << GetFrameTimeStartInSec(0,fr) << " : " << GetFrameTimeStopInSec(0,fr) << " ] seconds" << endl);
00849     }
00850     // Case 4: a dynamic multi beds
00851     else
00852     {
00853       Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetAcquisitionTime() -> Dynamic " << m_nbBeds << " beds acquistion with following " << m_nbTimeFrames << " frame durations:" << endl);
00854       for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
00855       {
00856         Cout("  --> Bed " << bed+1 << " as following framing:" << endl);
00857         for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++)
00858           Cout("  |   Frame " << fr+1 << " with duration [ " << GetFrameTimeStartInSec(bed,fr) << " : " << GetFrameTimeStopInSec(bed,fr) << " ] seconds" << endl);
00859       }
00860     }
00861     // Correct for frame duration or not
00862     if (m_ignoreFdurCorrectionFlag) Cout("  --> Ignore frame duration correction" << endl);
00863     else Cout("  --> Correct for frame duration" << endl);
00864   }
00865   // End
00866   return 0;
00867 }
00869 // =====================================================================
00870 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00871 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00872 // =====================================================================
00874 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetCalibrationFactor(int a_bed, FLTNB a_calibrationFactor)
00875 {
00876   // Check if initialized
00877   if (!m_initialized)
00878   {
00879     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetCalibrationFactor() -> Object not initialized !" << endl);
00880     return 1;
00881   }
00882   // Ignore calibration factor if asked for
00883   if (m_ignoreCaliCorrectionFlag)
00884   {
00885     // Verbose
00886     if (m_verbose>=2 && a_bed==m_nbBeds-1) Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetCalibrationFactor() -> Ignore calibration factor correction" << endl);
00887     // Exit the function
00888     return 0;
00889   }
00890   // Check if calibration factor is strictly positive
00891   if (a_calibrationFactor<=0.)
00892   {
00893     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetCalibrationFactor() -> Provided calibration factor (" << a_calibrationFactor << ") is negative or null !" << endl);
00894     return 1;
00895   }
00896   // Affect quantification factor for all frames for this bed (even though the calibration factor should be the same
00897   // for all beds, we do not check it, it should be self consistent in the input files)
00898   if (!m_ignoreCaliCorrectionFlag)
00899   {
00900     for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++) for(int g=0 ; g<m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates ; g++)
00901       m3p_quantificationFactors[a_bed][fr][g] *= a_calibrationFactor;
00902   }
00903   // Verbose
00904   if (m_verbose>=2 && a_bed==m_nbBeds-1)
00905     Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetCalibrationFactor() -> Correct for following calibration factor: " << a_calibrationFactor << endl);
00906   // End
00907   return 0;
00908 }
00910 // =====================================================================
00911 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00912 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00913 // =====================================================================
00915 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetDynamicSpecificQuantificationFactors(const string& a_quantificationFile)
00916 {
00917   // Check if initialized
00918   if (!m_initialized)
00919   {
00920     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetDynamicSpecificQuantificationFactors() -> Object not initialized !" << endl);
00921     return 1;
00922   }
00924   // Provide the DynamicDataManager with a 2D array containing quantitative factors to update during initialization
00925   mp_DynamicDataManager->SetDynamicSpecificQuantificationFactors(m3p_quantificationFactors[0]);
00927   // Exit the function if no file provided
00928   if (a_quantificationFile=="") return 0;
00930   // Currently, it is not possible to reconstruction a multi-bed gated acquisition, so we throw an error in this function
00931   if (m_nbBeds>1)
00932   {
00933     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetDynamicSpecificQuantificationFactors() -> Multi-bed gated acquisitions cannot be reconstructed !" << endl);
00934     return 1;
00935   }
00937   // Verbose
00938   if (m_verbose>=2) Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetDynamicSpecificQuantificationFactors()-> Processing quantification file '" << a_quantificationFile << "'" << endl);
00944   // TODO : For now we assume the configuration file holds :
00945   // TODO : - frame quantification factors : specific to each bed & frame
00946   // TODO : - gate quantification factors : specific to each frame and gates
00947   // TODO : Might require a new ReadDataASCIIFile function to recover this
00948   //
00949   // TODO : Additionally, we should be careful in documentation and explained which gate quantitfication factors are natively taken into account or not 
00952   // Quantification factors for each bed/frame/gate, intialized to 1.
00953   FLTNB*** pp_dynamic_quantification_factors = new FLTNB**[m_nbBeds];
00954   for (int bed=0 ; bed<m_nbBeds ; bed++)
00955   {
00956     pp_dynamic_quantification_factors[bed] = new FLTNB*[m_nbTimeFrames];
00957     for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++)
00958     {
00959       pp_dynamic_quantification_factors[bed][fr] = new FLTNB[m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates];
00960       for (int g=0; g<m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates; g++) pp_dynamic_quantification_factors[bed][fr][g] = 1.;
00961     }
00962   }
00964   // Build bed-related key words
00965   string *bed_name = new string[m_nbBeds + 1];
00966   for(int bed=0 ; bed<m_nbBeds ; bed++)
00967   {
00968     ostringstream oss( ostringstream::out );
00969     oss << "bed" << bed+1;
00970     bed_name[bed] = oss.str();
00971   }
00972   bed_name[m_nbBeds] = "eof";
00974   for (int bed=0 ; bed<m_nbBeds ; bed++)
00975   {
00976     int return_value = ReadDataASCIIFile(a_quantificationFile, "QUANTIFICATION_FACTORS", pp_dynamic_quantification_factors[bed], m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates, m_nbTimeFrames, KEYWORD_MANDATORY, bed_name[bed], bed_name[bed+1]);
00977     if (return_value<0) // string not found error
00978     {
00979       Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetDynamicSpecificQuantificationFactors() -> Didn't found quantitative factors in file " << a_quantificationFile << " !" << endl);
00980       return 1;
00981     }
00982     else if(return_value == 1) // reading error
00983     {
00984       Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetDynamicSpecificQuantificationFactors() -> An error occured while trying to recover specific quantitative factors for frame !" << endl);
00985       return 1;
00986     }
00987     else if(return_value == 0) // correct reading
00988     {
00989       for(int bed=0 ; bed<m_nbBeds ; bed++)
00990         for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++)
00991           for (int g=0; g<m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates; g++)
00992             if (pp_dynamic_quantification_factors[bed][fr][g] <= 0)
00993             {
00994               Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetDynamicSpecificQuantificationFactors() -> Provided quantification factor (" << pp_dynamic_quantification_factors[bed][fr][g] << ") is negative or null !" << endl);
00995               return 1;
00996             }
00997             else
00998             {
00999               m3p_quantificationFactors[bed][fr][g] *= pp_dynamic_quantification_factors[bed][fr][g];
01000             }
01001     }
01002   }
01004   // Delete temporary tabs
01005   for (int bed=0; bed<m_nbBeds; bed++)
01006   {
01007     for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++) delete pp_dynamic_quantification_factors[bed][fr];
01008     delete[] pp_dynamic_quantification_factors[bed];
01009   }
01010   delete[] pp_dynamic_quantification_factors;
01011   delete bed_name;
01013   // End
01014   return 0;
01015 }
01017 // =====================================================================
01018 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01019 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01020 // =====================================================================
01022 FLTNB oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::GetQuantificationFactor(int a_bed, int a_frame, int a_respGate, int a_cardGate) 
01023 {
01024   // Make sure that if respiratory or cardiac motion is enabled, we will recover the factor corresponding to the first image
01025   // TODO TM : perhaps more logical to initialize the oImageDimensions with the actual number of gates even when motion is enabled 
01026   // TODO TM : (i.e : m_nbRespGates or m_nbCardGates will be equal to 1, but the sensitivity image (list-mode) will require quantification factor for each gate
01027   // TODO TM : and add GetNbRespImages() functions anywhere in the code we need to know the number of resp/card images to be reconstructed
01028   // SS: If the motion correction is enabled, then all gates are pulled together in the optimization process, so there is no need for any quantification factor specific to each gate...
01029   if (m_nbRespGates == 1) a_respGate = 0;
01030   if (m_nbCardGates == 1) a_cardGate = 0;
01031   return m3p_quantificationFactors[a_bed][a_frame][a_respGate*m_nbCardGates+a_cardGate];
01032 }
01034 // =====================================================================
01035 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01036 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01037 // =====================================================================
01039 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetSPECTIsotope(int a_bed, const string& a_isotope)
01040 {
01041   // Check if initialized
01042   if (!m_initialized)
01043   {
01044     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetSPECTIsotope() -> Object not initialized !" << endl);
01045     return 1;
01046   }
01048   // Not yet implemented
01050   // Normal end
01051   return 0;
01052 }
01054 // =====================================================================
01055 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01056 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01057 // =====================================================================
01059 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetPETIsotope(int a_bed, const string& a_isotope)
01060 {
01061   // Check if initialized
01062   if (!m_initialized)
01063   {
01064     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetPETIsotope() -> Object not initialized !" << endl);
01065     return 1;
01066   }
01068   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
01069   // Preliminary step is checking if we ignore isotope corrections
01070   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
01072   if (m_ignoreBratCorrectionFlag && m_ignoreDecaCorrectionFlag)
01073   {
01074     // Verbose
01075     if (m_verbose>=2 && a_bed==m_nbBeds-1)
01076       Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetPETIsotope() -> Ignore isotope dependent corrections" << endl);
01077     // Exit the function
01078     return 0;
01079   }
01081   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
01082   // Preliminary step is checking for unknown keyword
01083   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
01085   // Check if the isotope is named as unknown
01086   if (a_isotope=="UNKNOWN" || a_isotope=="Unknown" || a_isotope=="unknown")
01087   {
01088     // In this case we simply assume perfect branching ratio and infinite half-life
01089     if (m_verbose>=2 && a_bed==m_nbBeds-1)
01090       Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetPETIsotope() -> Un-specified isotope; no decay nor branching ratio correction" << endl);
01091     // Exit the function
01092     return 0;
01093   }
01095   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
01096   // First step is open the isotopes file and find the provided isotope
01097   // ------------------------------------------------------------------
01099   // Get oOutputManager instance and config directory
01100   sOutputManager* p_output_manager = sOutputManager::GetInstance();
01101   string config_dir = p_output_manager->GetPathToConfigDir();
01103   // Open the isotope file based on config directory
01104   string file_name = config_dir + "/misc/isotopes_pet.txt";
01105   ifstream fin(file_name.c_str());
01107   if (!fin)
01108   {
01109     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetPETIsotope() -> Failed to open PET isotopes data file '" << file_name << "' !" << endl);
01110     return 1;
01111   }
01113   // Loop on lines to find the isotope
01114   int line_max_size = 10240;
01115   char *line = new char[line_max_size];
01116   FLTNB half_life = -1.;
01117   FLTNB branching_ratio = -1.;
01118   bool found_it = false;
01119   fin.getline(line,line_max_size);
01120   while (!fin.eof())
01121   {
01122     // For the word position
01123     size_t found_position;
01124     // Cast the line into a string for convenience
01125     string test = (string)line;
01126     // Jump to next line if we find a # character as the first character
01127     if ((found_position=test.find("#"))==0)
01128     {
01129       // Read a new line before continuing
01130       fin.getline(line,line_max_size);
01131       continue;
01132     }
01133     // Check if we see the isotope name
01134     found_position = test.find(a_isotope);
01135     if (found_position!=string::npos)
01136     {
01137       // Each line is organised as follows: (some spaces/tabs) isotope_name (some spaces/tabs) half_life (some spaces/tabs) branching_ratio
01138       // We first remove the isotope name from the line
01139       test = test.substr(found_position+1+a_isotope.length());
01140       // Then we convert it into a string stream to ease the reading of both numbers
01141       istringstream fstr(test);
01142       fstr >> half_life >> branching_ratio;
01143       // We found it
01144       found_it = true;
01145       break;
01146     }
01147     // Read a new line
01148     fin.getline(line,line_max_size);
01149   }
01151   delete[] line;
01152   // Close file
01153   fin.close();
01155   // Check if we found it or not
01156   if (found_it)
01157   {
01158     // Check rationality of values
01159     if (branching_ratio<=0. || branching_ratio>1.)
01160     {
01161       Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetPETIsotope() -> Branching ratio (" << branching_ratio << ") is not in the ]0:1] range !" << endl);
01162       return 1;
01163     }
01164     // Verbose
01165     if (m_verbose>=2 && a_bed==m_nbBeds-1)
01166     {
01167       // If negative half-life, then we consider it is infinite (no half-life)
01168       if (half_life<=0.)
01169         Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetPETIsotope() -> Isotope " << a_isotope << " has infinite half life and " << branching_ratio << " branching ratio" << endl);
01170       else
01171         Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetPETIsotope() -> Isotope " << a_isotope << " has " << half_life << " seconds half life and " << branching_ratio << " branching ratio" << endl);
01172     }
01173   }
01174   else
01175   {
01176     // Throw error message
01177     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::SetPETIsotope() -> Did not find " << a_isotope << " isotope in the PET isotope data file, please add it !" << endl);
01178     return 1;
01179   }
01181   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
01182   // Second step is applying branching ratio and decay wrt to frame durations
01183   // ------------------------------------------------------------------------
01185   // Branching ratio
01186   if (!m_ignoreBratCorrectionFlag)
01187   {
01188     // Apply correction
01189     for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++)
01190     {
01191       for(int g=0 ; g<m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates ; g++)
01192         m3p_quantificationFactors[a_bed][fr][g] /= branching_ratio;
01193     }
01194     // Verbose
01195     if (m_verbose>=2 && a_bed==m_nbBeds-1) Cout("  --> Correct for branching ratio" << endl);
01196   }
01197   // Verbose
01198   else if (m_verbose>=2 && a_bed==m_nbBeds-1) Cout("  --> Ignore branching ratio correction" << endl);
01200   // Apply decay factors if half life is not negative (meaning no half-life)
01201   if (half_life>0.)
01202   {
01203     // We correct for it
01204     if (!m_ignoreDecaCorrectionFlag)
01205     {
01206       // Apply correction
01207       for (int fr=0; fr<m_nbTimeFrames; fr++)
01208       {
01209         FLTNB lambda = log(2.0)/half_life;
01210         for(int g=0 ; g<m_nbRespGates*m_nbCardGates ; g++)
01211         {
01212           // Time start decay correction
01213           m3p_quantificationFactors[a_bed][fr][g] *= exp(lambda*GetFrameTimeStartInSec(a_bed,fr));
01214           // Frame duration decay correction
01215           m3p_quantificationFactors[a_bed][fr][g] *= lambda*GetFrameDurationInSec(a_bed,fr)/(1.0-exp(-lambda*(GetFrameDurationInSec(a_bed,fr))));
01216         }
01217       }
01218       // Verbose
01219       if (m_verbose>=2 && a_bed==m_nbBeds-1) Cout("  --> Correct for half-life" << endl);
01220     }
01221     // Verbose
01222     else if (m_verbose>=2 && a_bed==m_nbBeds-1) Cout("  --> Ignore half-life correction" << endl);
01223   }
01225   // End
01226   return 0;
01227 }
01229 // =====================================================================
01230 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01231 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01232 // =====================================================================
01234 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitDynamicData( string a_pathTo4DDataSplittingFile,
01235                                                         int a_respMotionCorrectionFlag,
01236                                                         int a_cardMotionCorrectionFlag,
01237                                                         int a_invMotionCorrectionFlag,
01238                                                         int a_nbRespGates, int a_nbCardGates )
01239 {
01240   if (m_verbose>=5) Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitDynamicData()" << endl);
01241   mp_DynamicDataManager->SetVerbose(m_verbose);
01242   mp_DynamicDataManager->SetImageDimensionsAndQuantification(this);
01243   if (mp_DynamicDataManager->InitDynamicData( a_nbRespGates, a_nbCardGates, a_pathTo4DDataSplittingFile,
01244                                               a_respMotionCorrectionFlag, a_cardMotionCorrectionFlag, a_invMotionCorrectionFlag ))
01245   {
01246     Cerr("***** oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::InitDynamicData() -> A problem occured while initializing the dynamic data from dynamic data manager !" << endl);
01247     return 1;
01248   }
01249   return 0;
01250 }
01252 // =====================================================================
01253 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01254 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01255 // =====================================================================
01257 int oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckDynamicParameters(int64_t a_nbEvents)
01258 {
01259   if (m_verbose>=5) Cout("oImageDimensionsAndQuantification::CheckDynamicParameters()" << endl);
01260   return mp_DynamicDataManager->CheckParameters(a_nbEvents);
01261 }
01263 // =====================================================================
01264 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01265 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
01266 // =====================================================================
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