79 cout <<
"This projector is a simple line projector that computes the exact path length of a line through the voxels." << endl;
80 cout <<
"It is implemented from the following published paper:" << endl;
81 cout <<
"R. L. Siddon, \"Fast calculation of the exact radiological path for a three-dimensional CT array\", Med. Phys., vol. 12, pp. 252-5, 1985." << endl;
82 cout <<
"All voxels are correctly ordered in the line, so this projector can be used with SPECT attenuation correction." << endl;
106 if (
"iProjectorClassicSiddon::InitializeSpecific() -> Use classic Siddon projector" << endl);
124 max_nb_voxels_in_dimension *= 4;
126 return max_nb_voxels_in_dimension;
139 Cerr(
"***** iProjectorClassicSiddon::ProjectWithoutTOF() -> Called while not initialized !" << endl);
147 string direction =
148 if (a_direction==
FORWARD) direction =
149 else direction =
150 Cout(
"iProjectorClassicSiddon::Project without TOF -> Project line '" << ap_ProjectionLine <<
"' in " << direction <<
" direction" << endl);
158 FLTNB event1[3] = { event1_position[0], event1_position[1], event1_position[2] };
159 FLTNB event2[3] = { event2_position[0], event2_position[1], event2_position[2] };
169 FLTNB alphaFirst[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
170 FLTNB alphaLast[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
172 FLTNB alphaMin = 0.0, alphaMax = 1.0;
173 FLTNB delta_pos[] = {
174 event2[ 0 ] - event1[ 0 ],
175 event2[ 1 ] - event1[ 1 ],
176 event2[ 2 ] - event1[ 2 ]
180 for(
int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
182 if( delta_pos[ i ] != 0.0 )
184 alphaFirst[i] = (-
mp_halfFOV[i] - event1[i]) / (delta_pos[ i ]);
185 alphaLast[i] = (
mp_halfFOV[i] - event1[i]) / (delta_pos[ i ]);
186 alphaMin = (std::max)(alphaMin,(std::min)(alphaFirst[i],alphaLast[i]));
187 alphaMax = (std::min)(alphaMax,(std::max)(alphaFirst[i],alphaLast[i]));
193 if( alphaMax <= alphaMin )
return 0;
197 int iMin = 0, iMax = 0;
198 int jMin = 0, jMax = 0;
199 int kMin = 0, kMax = 0;
202 if( delta_pos[ 0 ] > 0.0 )
205 iMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 0 ] + alphaMax * delta_pos[ 0 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 0 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[0] );
207 else if( delta_pos[ 0 ] < 0.0 )
210 iMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 0 ] + alphaMin * delta_pos[ 0 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 0 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[0] );
212 if( delta_pos[ 0 ] == 0. )
218 if( delta_pos[ 1 ] > 0. )
221 jMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 1 ] + alphaMax * delta_pos[ 1 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 1 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[1] );
223 else if( delta_pos[ 1 ] < 0. )
226 jMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 1 ] + alphaMin * delta_pos[ 1 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 1 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[1] );
228 else if( delta_pos[ 1 ] == 0. )
234 if( delta_pos[ 2 ] > 0. )
237 kMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 2 ] + alphaMax * delta_pos[ 2 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 2 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[2] );
239 else if( delta_pos[ 2 ] < 0. )
242 kMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 2 ] + alphaMin * delta_pos[ 2 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 2 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[2] );
244 else if( delta_pos[ 2 ] == 0. )
250 int n = ( iMax - iMin + 1 ) + ( jMax - jMin + 1 )
251 + ( kMax - kMin + 1 );
256 FLTNB *tmpAlpha =
new FLTNB[ mp_nbVox[ 0 ] + mp_nbVox[ 1 ] + mp_nbVox[ 2 ] + 3 ];
257 FLTNB *alphaX =
new FLTNB[ ( mp_nbVox[ 0 ] + 1 ) ];
258 FLTNB *alphaY =
new FLTNB[ ( mp_nbVox[ 1 ] + 1 ) ];
259 FLTNB *alphaZ =
new FLTNB[ ( mp_nbVox[ 2 ] + 1 ) ];
261 INTNB iElement = iMax - iMin + 1;
265 if( delta_pos[ 0 ] > 0. )
267 for(
int i = iMin; i <= iMax; ++i )
270 else if( delta_pos[ 0 ] < 0. )
272 for(
int i = iMax; i >= iMin; --i )
278 INTNB jElement = jMax - jMin + 1;
282 if( delta_pos[ 1 ] > 0. )
284 for(
int j = jMin; j <= jMax; ++j )
287 else if( delta_pos[ 1 ] < 0. )
289 for(
int j = jMax; j >= jMin; --j )
295 INTNB kElement = kMax - kMin + 1;
299 if( delta_pos[ 2 ] > 0. )
301 for(
int k = kMin; k <= kMax; ++k )
304 else if( delta_pos[ 2 ] < 0. )
306 for(
int k = kMax; k >= kMin; --k )
312 alphaX, alphaX + iElement,
316 ::memcpy( tmpAlpha, alpha, ( iElement ) *
FLTNB ) );
319 alphaY, alphaY + jElement,
320 tmpAlpha, tmpAlpha + iElement,
323 ::memcpy( tmpAlpha, alpha, ( iElement + jElement ) *
FLTNB ) );
326 alphaZ, alphaZ + kElement,
327 tmpAlpha, tmpAlpha + iElement + jElement,
339 FLTNB alphaMid = 0.0;
340 INTNB i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
341 FLTNB *pAlpha = &alpha[ 1 ];
342 FLTNB *pAlphaPrevious = &alpha[ 0 ];
346 for(
int nP = 0; nP < n - 1; ++nP, ++pAlpha, ++pAlphaPrevious )
348 alphaMid = ( *pAlpha + *pAlphaPrevious ) * 0.5;
350 i = alphaMid * i2 + i1;
351 if( i < 1 || i > mp_nbVox[ 0 ] )
353 j = alphaMid * j2 + j1;
354 if( j < 1 || j > mp_nbVox[ 1 ] )
356 k = alphaMid * k2 + k1;
357 if( k < 1 || k > mp_nbVox[ 2 ] )
359 numVox = ( i - 1 ) + ( j - 1 ) * mp_nbVox[0] + ( k - 1 ) * mp_nbVox[0] * mp_nbVox[1];
360 coeff = length_LOR * ( *pAlpha - *pAlphaPrevious );
362 ap_ProjectionLine->
AddVoxel(a_direction, numVox, coeff);
374 Cout(
"iProjectorClassicSiddon::Project without TOF -> Exit function" << endl);
391 Cerr(
"***** iProjectorClassicSiddon::ProjectWithTOFPos() -> Called while not initialized !" << endl);
399 string direction =
400 if (a_direction==
FORWARD) direction =
401 else direction =
402 Cout(
"iProjectorClassicSiddon::Project with TOF pos -> Project line '" << ap_ProjectionLine <<
"' in " << direction <<
" direction" << endl);
410 FLTNB event1[3] = { event1_position[0], event1_position[1], event1_position[2] };
411 FLTNB event2[3] = { event2_position[0], event2_position[1], event2_position[2] };
421 FLTNB alphaFirst[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
422 FLTNB alphaLast[] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
424 FLTNB alphaMin = 0.0, alphaMax = 1.0;
425 FLTNB delta_pos[] = {
426 event2[ 0 ] - event1[ 0 ],
427 event2[ 1 ] - event1[ 1 ],
428 event2[ 2 ] - event1[ 2 ]
444 if ( fabs(tof_deltaL) > length_LOR * 0.5)
450 double lor_tof_center = length_LOR * 0.5 + tof_deltaL;
453 double tof_norm_coef = tof_sigma * sqrt(2*M_PI);
456 double tof_edge_low[] = {0,0,0};
458 double tof_edge_high[] = {0,0,0};
463 for (
int ax=0;ax<3;ax++)
466 tof_center = event1[ax] + lor_tof_center * delta_pos[ax] / length_LOR;
469 tof_edge_low[ax] = tof_center - tof_half_span * fabs(delta_pos[ax]) / length_LOR;
472 if (tof_index>
return 0;
476 tof_edge_high[ax] = tof_center + tof_half_span * fabs(delta_pos[ax]) / length_LOR;
479 if (tof_index<0)
return 0;
486 for(
int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
488 if( delta_pos[ i ] != 0.0 )
490 alphaFirst[i] = (tof_edge_low[i] - event1[i]) / (delta_pos[ i ]);
491 alphaLast[i] = (tof_edge_high[i] - event1[i]) / (delta_pos[ i ]);
492 alphaMin = (std::max)(alphaMin,(std::min)(alphaFirst[i],alphaLast[i]));
493 alphaMax = (std::min)(alphaMax,(std::max)(alphaFirst[i],alphaLast[i]));
499 if( alphaMax <= alphaMin )
return 0;
506 int iMin = 0, iMax = 0;
507 int jMin = 0, jMax = 0;
508 int kMin = 0, kMax = 0;
511 if( delta_pos[ 0 ] > 0.0 )
514 iMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 0 ] + alphaMax * delta_pos[ 0 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 0 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[0] );
516 else if( delta_pos[ 0 ] < 0.0 )
519 iMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 0 ] + alphaMin * delta_pos[ 0 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 0 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[0] );
521 if( delta_pos[ 0 ] == 0. )
527 if( delta_pos[ 1 ] > 0. )
530 jMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 1 ] + alphaMax * delta_pos[ 1 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 1 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[1] );
532 else if( delta_pos[ 1 ] < 0. )
535 jMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 1 ] + alphaMin * delta_pos[ 1 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 1 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[1] );
537 else if( delta_pos[ 1 ] == 0. )
543 if( delta_pos[ 2 ] > 0. )
546 kMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 2 ] + alphaMax * delta_pos[ 2 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 2 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[2] );
548 else if( delta_pos[ 2 ] < 0. )
551 kMax = ::floor( 1 + ( event1[ 2 ] + alphaMin * delta_pos[ 2 ] - (-
mp_halfFOV[ 2 ]) ) /
mp_sizeVox[2] );
553 else if( delta_pos[ 2 ] == 0. )
559 int n = ( iMax - iMin + 1 ) + ( jMax - jMin + 1 )
560 + ( kMax - kMin + 1 );
565 FLTNB *tmpAlpha =
new FLTNB[ mp_nbVox[ 0 ] + mp_nbVox[ 1 ] + mp_nbVox[ 2 ] + 3 ];
566 FLTNB *alphaX =
new FLTNB[ ( mp_nbVox[ 0 ] + 1 ) ];
567 FLTNB *alphaY =
new FLTNB[ ( mp_nbVox[ 1 ] + 1 ) ];
568 FLTNB *alphaZ =
new FLTNB[ ( mp_nbVox[ 2 ] + 1 ) ];
570 INTNB iElement = iMax - iMin + 1;
574 if( delta_pos[ 0 ] > 0. )
576 for(
int i = iMin; i <= iMax; ++i )
579 else if( delta_pos[ 0 ] < 0. )
581 for(
int i = iMax; i >= iMin; --i )
587 INTNB jElement = jMax - jMin + 1;
591 if( delta_pos[ 1 ] > 0. )
593 for(
int j = jMin; j <= jMax; ++j )
596 else if( delta_pos[ 1 ] < 0. )
598 for(
int j = jMax; j >= jMin; --j )
604 INTNB kElement = kMax - kMin + 1;
608 if( delta_pos[ 2 ] > 0. )
610 for(
int k = kMin; k <= kMax; ++k )
613 else if( delta_pos[ 2 ] < 0. )
615 for(
int k = kMax; k >= kMin; --k )
621 alphaX, alphaX + iElement,
625 ::memcpy( tmpAlpha, alpha, ( iElement ) *
FLTNB ) );
628 alphaY, alphaY + jElement,
629 tmpAlpha, tmpAlpha + iElement,
632 ::memcpy( tmpAlpha, alpha, ( iElement + jElement ) *
FLTNB ) );
635 alphaZ, alphaZ + kElement,
636 tmpAlpha, tmpAlpha + iElement + jElement,
648 FLTNB alphaMid = 0.0;
649 INTNB i = 0, j = 0, k = 0;
650 FLTNB *pAlpha = &alpha[ 1 ];
651 FLTNB *pAlphaPrevious = &alpha[ 0 ];
656 FLTNB previous_edge_erf = erf( (length_LOR * (*pAlphaPrevious) - lor_tof_center)/ (sqrt(2.)*tof_sigma) );
660 for(
int nP = 0; nP < n - 1; ++nP, ++pAlpha, ++pAlphaPrevious )
662 alphaMid = ( *pAlpha + *pAlphaPrevious ) * 0.5;
664 i = alphaMid * i2 + i1;
665 if( i < 1 || i > mp_nbVox[ 0 ] )
667 j = alphaMid * j2 + j1;
668 if( j < 1 || j > mp_nbVox[ 1 ] )
670 k = alphaMid * k2 + k1;
671 if( k < 1 || k > mp_nbVox[ 2 ] )
673 numVox = ( i - 1 ) + ( j - 1 ) * mp_nbVox[0] + ( k - 1 ) * mp_nbVox[0] * mp_nbVox[1];
676 next_edge_erf = erf( (length_LOR * (*pAlpha) - lor_tof_center) / (sqrt(2.)*tof_sigma) );
678 coeff = 0.5 * fabs(previous_edge_erf - next_edge_erf) * tof_norm_coef ;
680 previous_edge_erf = next_edge_erf;
694 Cout(
"iProjectorClassicSiddon::Project without TOF -> Exit function" << endl);
708 Cerr(
"***** iProjectorClassicSiddon::ProjectWithTOFBin() -> Not yet implemented !" << endl);
void ShowHelpSpecific()
A function used to show help about the child projector.
bool m_compatibleWithSPECTAttenuationCorrection
#define TWO_SQRT_TWO_LN_2
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification * mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification
This class is designed to generically described any on-the-fly projector.
FLTNB GetTOFMeasurement()
This function is used to get the TOF measurement.
FLTNB GetLength()
This function is used to get the length of the line.
int ReadOptionsList(const string &a_optionsList)
A function used to read options from a list of options.
FLTNB GetTOFResolution()
This function is used to get the TOF resolution.
The constructor of iProjectorClassicSiddon.
FLTNB * GetPosition1()
This function is used to get the pointer to the mp_position1 (3-values tab).
void AddVoxel(int a_direction, INTNB a_voxelIndice, FLTNB a_voxelWeight)
This function is used to add a voxel contribution to the line, assuming TOF bin 0 (i...
int ProjectWithTOFBin(int a_direction, oProjectionLine *ap_ProjectionLine)
A function to project with TOF binned information.
int ProjectWithTOFPos(int a_direction, oProjectionLine *ap_ProjectionLine)
A function to project with TOF continuous information.
The destructor of iProjectorClassicSiddon.
Declaration of class iProjectorClassicSiddon.
int CheckSpecificParameters()
A private function used to check the parameters settings specific to the child projector.
This class is designed to manage and store system matrix elements associated to a vEvent...
INTNB EstimateMaxNumberOfVoxelsPerLine()
This function is used to compute and provide an estimate of the maximum number of voxels that could c...
int ReadConfigurationFile(const string &a_configurationFile)
A function used to read options from a configuration file.
Declaration of class sOutputManager.
FLTNB * GetPosition2()
This function is used to get the pointer to the mp_position2 (3-values tab).
Get the number of voxels along the X axis.
Get the number of voxels along the Z axis.
int ProjectWithoutTOF(int a_direction, oProjectionLine *ap_ProjectionLine)
A function to project without TOF.
void AddVoxelInTOFBin(int a_direction, int a_TOFBin, INTNB a_voxelIndice, FLTNB a_voxelWeight)
This function is used to add a voxel contribution to the line and provided TOF bin.
int InitializeSpecific()
This function is used to initialize specific stuff to the child projector.
Get the number of voxels along the Y axis.