CASToR  1.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 /*
00003   Implementation of class vScanner
00005   - separators: X
00006   - doxygen: X
00007   - default initialization: X
00008   - CASTOR_DEBUG: none
00009   - CASTOR_VERBOSE: none
00010 */
00018 #include "vScanner.hh"
00022 // =====================================================================
00023 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00024 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00025 // =====================================================================
00026 /*
00027   \brief vScanner constructor. 
00028          Initialize the member variables to their default values.
00029 */
00030 vScanner::vScanner() 
00031 {
00032   m_scannerType = -1;
00033   m_verbose = -1;
00034   m_allParametersChecked = false;
00036   mp_rotationMatrix = NULL; 
00037   mp_positionMatrix_ref = NULL;
00038   mp_positionMatrix_out = NULL;
00039 }
00043 // =====================================================================
00044 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00045 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00046 // =====================================================================
00047 /*
00048   \brief vScanner destructor.
00049 */
00050 vScanner::~vScanner() 
00051 {
00052   if(mp_rotationMatrix) delete mp_rotationMatrix; 
00053   if(mp_positionMatrix_ref) delete mp_positionMatrix_ref;
00054   if(mp_positionMatrix_out) delete mp_positionMatrix_out;
00055 }
00059 // =====================================================================
00060 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00061 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00062 // =====================================================================
00063 /*
00064   \fn ComputeLUT
00065   \brief Virtual function which should be implemented by the child classes.
00066          It computes the LUT of the scanner from a generic (.geom) file.
00067          The vScanner implementation throws error by default as it should be implemented by the child class
00068   \todo  Make the mother function virtual pure ? (should iScannerSinogram  also implement this function ?)
00069   \todo  iScannerCT implementation will probably consists in computing one projection, then computing
00070          the others on-the-fly during reconstruction (Often too much data to keep in memory for CT)
00071          Have to check if we offer the precomputation of the entire LUT in some situation, as for PET/SPECT
00072   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00073 */
00074 int vScanner::ComputeLUT() 
00075 {
00076   Cerr("*****vScanner::ComputeLUT()-> Error : call to ComputeLUT() which is not implemented by the scanner child class !" << endl);
00077   return 1;
00078 }
00082 // =====================================================================
00083 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00084 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00085 // =====================================================================
00086 /*
00087   \fn LoadLUT
00088   \brief Virtual function which should be implemented by the child classes.
00089          Load a precomputed scanner LUT. 
00090          The vScanner implementation throws error by default as it should be implemented by the child class
00091   \todo  Make the mother function virtual pure ? (should iScannerSinogram  also implement this function ?)
00092   \todo  iScannerCT implementation will probably consists in computing one projection, then computing
00093          the others on-the-fly during reconstruction (Often too much data to keep in memory for CT)
00094          Have to check if we offer the precomputation of the entire LUT in some situation, as for PET/SPECT
00095   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00096 */
00097 int vScanner::LoadLUT() 
00098 {
00099   Cerr("*****vScanner::ComputeLUT()-> Error : call to ComputeLUT() which is not implemented by the scanner child class !" << endl);
00100   return 1;
00101 }
00105 // =====================================================================
00106 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00107 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00108 // =====================================================================
00109 // ----- PET Specific Functions --- //
00110 /*
00111   \fn IsAvailableLOR
00112   \param a_elt1 : index of the 1st scanner element
00113   \param a_elt2 : index of the 2nd scanner element
00114   \brief This function is implemented in child classes.
00115          Check if the LOR is available according to the scanner restrictions
00116   \details This function is related to analytic projection and list-mode sensitivity image generation
00117   \return 1 if the LOR is available, 0 otherwise (vScanner implementation returns 1 by default)
00118 */
00119 int vScanner::IsAvailableLOR(int a_elt1, int a_elt2)
00120 {
00121   Cerr("***** vScanner::IsAvailableLOR() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00122   Cerr("                                    This function only works with PET scanner objects !!" << endl);
00123   return 1;
00124 }
00129 // =====================================================================
00130 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00131 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00132 // =====================================================================
00133 /*
00134   \fn SetPETMaxRingDiff
00135   \param a_maxRingDiff
00136   \brief Set the maximal ring difference
00137   \details This function is surcharged by the PET scanner daughter class 
00138            Returns an error by default.
00139   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00140 */
00141 int vScanner::SetPETMaxRingDiff(int a_maxRingDiff)
00142 {
00143   Cerr("***** vScanner::SetPETMaxRingDiff() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00144   Cerr("                                    This function only works with PET scanner objects !!" << endl);
00145   return 1;
00146 }
00148 // =====================================================================
00149 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00150 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00151 // =====================================================================
00152 /*
00153   \fn GetScannerLayerNbRings
00154   \param a_layer
00155   \brief Return an error by default.
00156   \details This function is surcharged by the PET scanner daughter class 
00157   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00158 */
00159 int vScanner::GetScannerLayerNbRings(int a_layer)
00160 {
00161   Cerr("***** vScanner::GetScannerNbRings() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00162   Cerr("                                    This function only works with PET scanner objects !!" << endl);
00163   return 1;
00164 }
00168 // =====================================================================
00169 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00170 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00171 // =====================================================================
00172 /*
00173   \fn PROJ_GetPETSpecificParameters
00174   \param ap_maxRingDiff
00175   \brief Get geometric PET specific parameters to initialize the datafile
00176   \details This function is surcharged by the PET scanner daughter classes
00177            Returns an error by default.
00178   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00179 */
00180 int vScanner::PROJ_GetPETSpecificParameters(int* ap_maxRingDiff)
00181 {
00182   Cerr("***** vScanner::SetPETMaxRingDiff() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00183   Cerr("                                    This function only works with PET scanner objects !!" << endl);
00184   return 1;
00185 }
00189 // =====================================================================
00190 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00191 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00192 // =====================================================================
00193 // ----- SPECT Specific Functions --- //
00194 /*
00195   \fn GetSPECTSpecificParameters
00196   \param ap_nbOfProjections
00197   \param ap_nbHeads
00198   \param ap_nbOfBins
00199   \param ap_pixSizeXY
00200   \param ap_angles
00201   \param ap_CORtoDetectorDistance
00202   \param ap_headRotDirection
00203   \brief Recover geometric SPECT specific parameters from the scanner to initialize the datafile
00204   \details This function is surcharged by the SPECT scanner daughter classes
00205            Returns an error by default.
00206   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00207 */
00208 int vScanner::GetSPECTSpecificParameters(uint16_t* ap_nbOfProjections, 
00209                                          uint16_t* ap_nbHeads, 
00210                                          uint16_t* ap_nbOfBins,
00211                                            FLTNB*  ap_pixSizeXY, 
00212                                            FLTNB*& ap_angles, 
00213                                            FLTNB*& ap_CORtoDetectorDistance,
00214                                               int* ap_headRotDirection)
00215 {
00216   Cerr("***** vScanner::GetSPECTSpecificParameters() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00217   Cerr("                                                This function only works with SPECT scanner objects !!" << endl);
00218   return 1;
00219 }
00223 // =====================================================================
00224 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00225 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00226 // =====================================================================
00227 /*
00228   \fn PROJ_SetSPECTNbBins
00229   \param ap_nbOfBins
00230   \brief Set SPECT number of Bins 
00231   \details This function is surcharged by the SPECT scanner daughter classes
00232            Returns an error by default.
00233   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00234 */
00235 int vScanner::PROJ_SetSPECTNbBins(uint16_t* ap_nbOfBins)
00236 {
00237   Cerr("***** vScanner::PROJ_SetSPECTNbBins() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00238   Cerr("                                         This function only works with SPECT scanner objects !!" << endl);
00239   return 1;
00240 }
00244 // =====================================================================
00245 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00246 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00247 // =====================================================================
00248 /*
00249   \fn PROJ_SetSPECTNbProjections
00250   \param a_nbOfProjections
00251   \brief Set SPECT number of views
00252   \details This function is surcharged by the SPECT scanner daughter classes
00253            Returns an error by default.
00254   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00255 */
00256 int vScanner::PROJ_SetSPECTNbProjections(uint32_t a_nbOfProjections)
00257 {
00258   Cerr("***** vScanner::PROJ_SetSPECTNbProjections() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00259   Cerr("                                                This function only works with SPECT scanner objects !!" << endl);
00260   return 1;
00261 }
00266 // =====================================================================
00267 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00268 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00269 // =====================================================================
00270 /*
00271   \fn PROJ_SetSPECTRotDirection
00272   \param a_rotDirection
00273   \brief Set head rotation orientation
00274   \details This function is surcharged by the SPECT scanner daughter classes
00275            Returns an error by default.
00276   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00277 */
00278 int vScanner::PROJ_SetSPECTRotDirection( string a_rotDirection )
00279 {
00280   Cerr("***** vScanner::PROJ_SetSPECTRotDirection() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00281   Cerr("                                                 This function only works with SPECT scanner objects !!" << endl);
00282   return 1;
00283 }
00288 // =====================================================================
00289 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00290 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00291 // =====================================================================
00292 /*
00293   \fn PROJ_SetSPECTAngles
00294   \param ap_projectionAngles
00295   \brief Set SPECT projection angles
00296   \details This function is surcharged by the SPECT scanner daughter classes
00297            Returns an error by default.
00298   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00299 */
00300 int vScanner::PROJ_SetSPECTAngles(FLTNB* a2p_projectionAngles)
00301 {
00302   Cerr("***** vScanner::SetSPECTAngles() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00303   Cerr("                                    This function only works with SPECT scanner objects !!" << endl);
00304   return 1;
00305 }
00309 // =====================================================================
00310 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00311 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00312 // =====================================================================
00313 /*
00314   \fn PROJ_SetSPECTCORtoDetectorDistance
00315   \param a_CORtoDetectorDistance
00316   \brief Set distance between center of rotation and SPECT detectors
00317   \details This function is surcharged by the SPECT scanner daughter classes
00318            Returns an error by default.
00319   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00320 */
00321 int vScanner::PROJ_SetSPECTCORtoDetectorDistance(FLTNB a_CORtoDetectorDistance)
00322 {
00323   Cerr("***** vScanner::SetSPECTCORtoDetectorDistance() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00324   Cerr("                                                   This function only works with SPECT scanner objects !!" << endl);
00325   return 1;
00326 }
00330 // =====================================================================
00331 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00332 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00333 // =====================================================================
00334 /*
00335   \fn PROJ_GetSPECTNbProjections
00336   \brief return the total number of projections for a SPECT acquisition
00337   \details This function is surcharged by the SPECT scanner daughter classes
00338            Returns an error by default.
00339   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00340 */
00341 uint16_t vScanner::PROJ_GetSPECTNbProjections()
00342 {
00343   Cerr("***** vScanner::GetSPECTNbProjections() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00344   Cerr("                                                   This function only works with SPECT scanner objects !!" << endl);
00345   return 1;
00346 }
00350 // =====================================================================
00351 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00352 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00353 // =====================================================================
00354 /*
00355   \fn PROJ_GetSPECTNbPixels
00356   \brief return the total number of pixels for a SPECT reconstruction
00357   \details This function is surcharged by the SPECT scanner daughter classes
00358            Returns an error by default.
00359   \return 1 (error) if not surcharged by a daughter class
00360 */
00361 uint16_t vScanner::PROJ_GetSPECTNbPixels()
00362 {
00363   Cerr("***** vScanner::GetSPECTNbPixels() -> This function is not implemented by the Instantiated scanner class !!" << endl);
00364   Cerr("                                                   This function only works with SPECT scanner objects !!" << endl);
00365   return 1;
00366 }
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