CASToR  1.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00008 #ifndef ISCANNERSPECTConv_HH
00009 #define ISCANNERSPECTConv_HH 1
00011 #include "gVariables.hh"
00012 #include "vScanner.hh"
00013 #include "sAddonManager.hh"
00022 class iScannerSPECTConv : public vScanner
00023 {
00024   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
00025   // Constructor & Destructor
00026   public:
00031     iScannerSPECTConv();
00035     ~iScannerSPECTConv();
00038   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
00039   // Public member functions
00040   public:
00041     // Function for automatic insertion (put the class name as the parameters and do not add semi-colon at the end of the line)
00042     FUNCTION_SCANNER(iScannerSPECTConv)
00051     int Instantiate(bool a_scannerFileIsLUT);
00058     int CheckParameters();
00064     int Initialize();
00072     int BuildLUT( bool a_scannerFileIsLUT );
00088     int GetPositionsAndOrientations( int a_index1, int a_index2,
00089                                      FLTNB ap_Position1[3], FLTNB ap_Position2[3],
00090                                      FLTNB ap_Orientation1[3], FLTNB ap_Orientation2[3],
00091                                      FLTNB* ap_POI1 = NULL, FLTNB* ap_POI2 = NULL );
00108     int GetRdmPositionsAndOrientations( int a_index1, int a_index2,
00109                                         FLTNB ap_Position1[3], FLTNB ap_Position2[3],
00110                                         FLTNB ap_Orientation1[3], FLTNB ap_Orientation2[3] );
00121     int GetPositionWithRandomDepth( int a_index1, int a_index2, FLTNB ap_Position1[3], FLTNB ap_Position2[3] );
00134     int GetTwoCorners( int a_index1, int a_index2,
00135                        FLTNB ap_CornerInf1[3], FLTNB ap_CornerSup1[3],
00136                        FLTNB ap_CornerInf2[3], FLTNB ap_CornerSup2[3] );
00148     int GetGeometricInfoFromDatafile( string a_pathToDF );
00155     inline int GetSystemNbElts()
00156            {return m_nbCrystals;}
00162     void ShowHelp();
00165   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
00166   // Functions dedicated to Analytic Projection
00167   public:
00177     inline int IsAvailableLOR(int a_elt1, int a_elt2)
00178            {return 1;};
00192     int GetSPECTSpecificParameters( uint16_t* ap_nbOfProjections, 
00193                                     uint16_t* ap_nbHeads, 
00194                                     uint16_t* ap_nbOfBins,
00195                                     FLTNB*  ap_pixSizeXY, 
00196                                     FLTNB*& ap_angles, 
00197                                     FLTNB*& ap_CORtoDetectorDistance,
00198                                     int* ap_headRotDirection);
00205     int PROJ_SetSPECTAngles(FLTNB* ap_projectionAngles);
00213     int PROJ_SetSPECTCORtoDetectorDistance(FLTNB a_distance);
00218     inline uint16_t PROJ_GetSPECTNbProjections()
00219            {return m_nbOfProjections;}
00224     inline uint16_t PROJ_GetSPECTNbPixels()
00225            {return m_vNbPixelsTrans*m_vNbPixelsAxial;}
00231     int PROJ_GetSPECTNbBins(uint16_t* ap_nbOfBins);
00238     int PROJ_SetSPECTNbBins(uint16_t* ap_nbOfBins);
00245     int PROJ_SetSPECTNbProjections(uint32_t a_nbOfProjections);
00252     int PROJ_SetSPECTRotDirection( string a_rotDirection );
00254   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
00255   // Private member functions
00256   private:
00264     int LoadLUT();
00273     int ComputeLUT();
00290     int ComputeFocalPositions( FLTNB a_posX, FLTNB a_posY, FLTNB a_posZ, int a_headID, int a_cryID );
00293   // -------------------------------------------------------------------
00294   // Data members
00295   private:
00296     int m_nbCrystals;                  
00297     int m_nbHeads;                     
00299     uint16_t mp_nbOfBins[2];           
00300     uint16_t m_nbOfProjections;        
00302     FLTNB* mp_projectionAngles;        
00303     FLTNB* mp_CORtoDetectorDistance;   
00304     FLTNB* mp_radius;                  
00305     int m_rotDirection;                
00307     uint32_t m_nbPixelsTrans;          
00308     FLTNB m_pixelsSizeTrans;           
00309     FLTNB m_gapSizeTrans;              
00311     uint32_t m_nbPixelsAxial;          
00312     FLTNB m_pixelsSizeAxial;           
00313     FLTNB m_gapSizeAxial;              
00315     uint32_t m_vNbPixelsTrans;         
00316     uint32_t m_vNbPixelsAxial;         
00318     FLTNB m_vPixelsSizeTrans;          
00319     FLTNB m_vPixelsSizeAxial;          
00321     FLTNB m_crystalDepth;              
00323     string* mp_focalModelTrans;        
00324     uint8_t* mp_nbCoefModelTrans;      
00325     FLTNB** m2p_transFocalParameters;  
00327     string* mp_focalModelAxial;        
00328     uint8_t* mp_nbCoefModelAxial;      
00329     FLTNB** m2p_axialFocalParameters;  
00331     FLTNB* mp_crystalCentralPositionX; 
00332     FLTNB* mp_crystalCentralPositionY; 
00333     FLTNB* mp_crystalCentralPositionZ; 
00335     FLTNB* mp_crystalOrientationX;     
00336     FLTNB* mp_crystalOrientationY;     
00337     FLTNB* mp_crystalOrientationZ;     
00339     FLTNB* mp_crystalFocalPositionX;   
00340     FLTNB* mp_crystalFocalPositionY;   
00341     FLTNB* mp_crystalFocalPositionZ;   
00342 };
00345 // Class for automatic insertion (set here the visible scanner type name, put the class name as the parameters and do not add semi-colon at the end of the line)
00348 #endif
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