CASToR  1.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT)
Go to the documentation of this file.
00002 /*
00003   Implementation of class iOptimizerMLEM
00005   - separators: X
00006   - doxygen: X
00007   - default initialization: X
00008   - CASTOR_DEBUG: 
00009   - CASTOR_VERBOSE: 
00010 */
00018 #include "iOptimizerMLEM.hh"
00019 #include "sOutputManager.hh"
00021 // =====================================================================
00022 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00023 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00024 // =====================================================================
00026 iOptimizerMLEM::iOptimizerMLEM() : vOptimizer()
00027 {
00028   // ---------------------------
00029   // Mandatory member parameters
00030   // ---------------------------
00032   // Initial value at 1
00033   m_initialValue = 1.;
00034   // Only one backward image for MLEM
00035   m_nbBackwardImages = 1;
00036   // MLEM does not accept penalties
00037   //m_penaltyEnergyFunctionDerivativesOrder = 0;
00038   // MLEM is compatible with listmode and histogram data
00039   m_listmodeCompatibility = true;
00040   m_histogramCompatibility = true;
00042   // --------------------------
00043   // Specific member parameters
00044   // --------------------------
00046   m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold = -1.;
00047   m_minimumImageUpdateFactor = -1.;
00048   m_maximumImageUpdateFactor = -1.;
00049 }
00051 // =====================================================================
00052 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00053 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00054 // =====================================================================
00056 iOptimizerMLEM::~iOptimizerMLEM()
00057 {
00058 }
00060 // =====================================================================
00061 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00062 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00063 // =====================================================================
00065 void iOptimizerMLEM::ShowHelpSpecific()
00066 {
00067   cout << "This optimizer is the standard MLEM (for Maximum Likelihood Expectation Maximization)." << endl;
00068   cout << "If subsets are used, it naturally becomes the OSEM optimizer." << endl;
00069   cout << "The following options can be used (in this particular order when provided as a list):" << endl;
00070   cout << "  initial image value: to set the uniform voxel value for the initial image" << endl;
00071   cout << "  denominator threshold: to set the threshold of the data space denominator under which the ratio is set to 1" << endl;
00072   cout << "  minimum image update: to set the minimum of the image update factor under which it stays constant (0 or a negative value" << endl;
00073   cout << "                        means no minimum but still forbidding a 0 update)" << endl;
00074   cout << "  maximum image update: to set the maximum of the image update factor over which it stays constant (0 or a negative value means" << endl;
00075   cout << "                        no maximum)" << endl;
00076 }
00078 // =====================================================================
00079 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00080 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00081 // =====================================================================
00083 int iOptimizerMLEM::ReadConfigurationFile(const string& a_configurationFile)
00084 {
00085   string key_word = "";
00086   // Read the initial image value option
00087   key_word = "initial image value";
00088   if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_initialValue, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
00089   {
00090     Cerr("***** iOptimizerMLEM::ReadAndCheckConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
00091     return 1;
00092   }
00093   // Read the denominator threshold option
00094   key_word = "denominator threshold";
00095   if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
00096   {
00097     Cerr("***** iOptimizerMLEM::ReadAndCheckConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
00098     return 1;
00099   }
00100   // Read the minimum image update option
00101   key_word = "minimum image update";
00102   if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_minimumImageUpdateFactor, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
00103   {
00104     Cerr("***** iOptimizerMLEM::ReadAndCheckConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
00105     return 1;
00106   }
00107   // Read the maximum image update option
00108   key_word = "maximum image update";
00109   if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_maximumImageUpdateFactor, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
00110   {
00111     Cerr("***** iOptimizerMLEM::ReadAndCheckConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
00112     return 1;
00113   }
00114   // Normal end
00115   return 0;
00116 }
00118 // =====================================================================
00119 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00120 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00121 // =====================================================================
00123 int iOptimizerMLEM::ReadOptionsList(const string& a_optionsList)
00124 {
00125   // There are 4 floating point variables as options
00126   FLTNB options[4];
00128   // Read them
00129   if (ReadStringOption(a_optionsList, options, 4, ",", "MLEM configuration"))
00130   {
00131     Cerr("***** iOptimizerMLEM::ReadAndCheckConfigurationFile() -> Failed to correctly read the list of options !" << endl);
00132     return 1;
00133   }
00134   // Affect options
00135   m_initialValue = options[0];
00136   m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold = options[1];
00137   m_minimumImageUpdateFactor = options[2];
00138   m_maximumImageUpdateFactor = options[3];
00140   // Normal end
00141   return 0;
00142 }
00144 // =====================================================================
00145 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00146 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00147 // =====================================================================
00149 int iOptimizerMLEM::CheckSpecificParameters()
00150 {
00151   // Check that initial image value is strictly positive
00152   if (m_initialValue<=0.)
00153   {
00154     Cerr("***** iOptimizerMLEM->Initialize() -> Provided initial image value (" << m_initialValue << ") must be strictly positive !" << endl);
00155     return 1;
00156   }
00157   // Check that denominator threshold value is strictly positive
00158   if (m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold<=0.)
00159   {
00160     Cerr("***** iOptimizerMLEM->Initialize() -> Provided data space denominator threshold (" << m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold << ") must be strictly positive !" << endl);
00161     return 1;
00162   }
00163   // Check that maximum image update factor is higher than the minimum
00164   if (m_minimumImageUpdateFactor>0. && m_maximumImageUpdateFactor>0. && m_maximumImageUpdateFactor<m_minimumImageUpdateFactor)
00165   {
00166     Cerr("***** iOptimizerMLEM->Initialize() -> Provided minimum/maximum (" << m_minimumImageUpdateFactor << "/" << m_maximumImageUpdateFactor << " are inconsistent !" << endl);
00167     return 1;
00168   }
00169   // Normal end
00170   return 0;
00171 }
00173 // =====================================================================
00174 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00175 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00176 // =====================================================================
00178 int iOptimizerMLEM::InitializeSpecific()
00179 {
00180   // Verbose
00181   if (m_verbose>=1)
00182   {
00183     Cout("iOptimizerMLEM::Initialize() -> Use the MLEM optimizer" << endl);
00184     if (m_verbose>=2)
00185     {
00186       Cout("  --> Initial image value: " << m_initialValue << endl);
00187       Cout("  --> Data space denominator threshold: " << m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold << endl);
00188       if (m_minimumImageUpdateFactor>0.) Cout("  --> Minimum image update factor: " << m_minimumImageUpdateFactor << endl);
00189       else Cerr("!!!!! The minimum update value is not set, if using subsets, voxels could be trapped in 0 value causing some negative bias !" << endl);
00190       if (m_maximumImageUpdateFactor>0.) Cout("  --> Maximum image update factor: " << m_maximumImageUpdateFactor << endl);
00191     }
00192   }
00193   // Normal end
00194   return 0;
00195 }
00197 // =====================================================================
00198 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00199 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00200 // =====================================================================
00202 int iOptimizerMLEM::SensitivitySpecificOperations( FLTNB a_data, FLTNB a_forwardModel, FLTNB* ap_weight,
00203                                                    FLTNB a_multiplicativeCorrections, FLTNB a_additiveCorrections,
00204                                                    FLTNB a_quantificationFactor, oProjectionLine* ap_Line )
00205 {
00206   // Line weight here is simply 1
00207   *ap_weight = 1.;
00208   // That's all
00209   return 0;
00210 }
00212 // =====================================================================
00213 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00214 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00215 // =====================================================================
00217 int iOptimizerMLEM::DataSpaceSpecificOperations( FLTNB a_data, FLTNB a_forwardModel, FLTNB* ap_backwardValues,
00218                                                  FLTNB a_multiplicativeCorrections, FLTNB a_additiveCorrections,
00219                                                  FLTNB a_quantificationFactor, oProjectionLine* ap_Line )
00220 {
00221   // Truncate data to 0 if negative
00222   if (a_data<0.) a_data = 0.;
00223   // If the foward model is to close to zero, then ignore this data (set to 1 and not 0 because this line is taken into account in the sensitivity)
00224   if (a_forwardModel>m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold) *ap_backwardValues = a_data / a_forwardModel;
00225   else *ap_backwardValues = 1.;
00226   // That's all
00227   return 0;
00228 }
00230 // =====================================================================
00231 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00232 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00233 // =====================================================================
00235 int iOptimizerMLEM::ImageSpaceSpecificOperations( FLTNB a_currentImageValue, FLTNB* ap_newImageValue,
00236                                                   FLTNB a_sensitivity, FLTNB* ap_correctionValues )
00237 {
00238   // Compute image update factor
00239   FLTNB image_update_factor = *ap_correctionValues / a_sensitivity;
00240   // Apply minimum image update factor
00241   if ( m_minimumImageUpdateFactor > 0. && image_update_factor < m_minimumImageUpdateFactor ) image_update_factor = m_minimumImageUpdateFactor;
00242   // Apply maximum image update factor
00243   if ( m_maximumImageUpdateFactor > 0. && image_update_factor > m_maximumImageUpdateFactor ) image_update_factor = m_maximumImageUpdateFactor;
00244   // Update image
00245   *ap_newImageValue = a_currentImageValue * image_update_factor;
00246   // End
00247   return 0;
00248 }
00250 // =====================================================================
00251 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00252 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
00253 // =====================================================================
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