CASToR  1.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT)
GATE system type

Variables related to the system type used in a GATE macro file Only cylindricalPET, ecat ans SPECThead are supported in this script. More...


#define GATE_SYS_UNKNOWN   -1
#define GATE_SYS_ECAT   1
#define GATE_SYS_SPECT   2

Detailed Description

Variables related to the system type used in a GATE macro file Only cylindricalPET, ecat ans SPECThead are supported in this script.

Define Documentation


Variable corresponding to a cylindrical PET system (=0)

Definition at line 41 of file gDataConversionUtilities.hh.

#define GATE_SYS_ECAT   1

Variable corresponding to an ecat system (=1)

Definition at line 43 of file gDataConversionUtilities.hh.

#define GATE_SYS_SPECT   2

Variable corresponding to a SPECThead system (=2)

Definition at line 45 of file gDataConversionUtilities.hh.

#define GATE_SYS_UNKNOWN   -1

Variable corresponding to an unknown system (=1, default)

Definition at line 39 of file gDataConversionUtilities.hh.

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