CASToR 3.1.1 (Release: 17th June 2021)
The version 3 is mainly associated to the availability of dynamic reconstructions, but also include some improvement of Time-of-flight implementation (see changelog file).
Full package: CASToR_v3.1.1
Binaries only: CASToR_v3.1.1_bin
v3.1 changelog: from_v3.1_to_v3.1.1.txt
The package contains source code, documentation and the configuration folder.
The binary package contains binaries for Unix and Windows 64-bits systems and Windows 32-bits systems, and the configuration folder.
Important notes about using the 32-bits binaries:
- The size of the datafiles is limited to 2GB, above which the program will return an error. This is the case for PET histogram and list-mode benchmarks.
- All variables in the code requiring double precision are converted to simple precision. SPECT and CT benchmarks may not pass the cuts, even if the results remain valid to some extent.
The compilation of CASToR is easy and straightforward and requires a compiler supporting C++11.
It has been successfully tested in many different platforms and contexts, including different Linux distributions, different Windows versions, Mac operating systems, different types of compilers (gcc, mingw, visual c++), 64 and 32 bits architectures. Lukily it will work for you, and if not, then send a message on the mailing-list.
CASToR has a few optional dependencies:
- OpenMP (to enable parallel computation on multi-processor/multi-core machines)
- MPI (to enable parallel computation over several machines)
- ROOT (to enable conversion of GATE data in ROOT format to the CASToR format)
Please cite the following reference if you used CASToR in your work:
- Thibaut Merlin, Simon Stute, Didier Benoit, Julien Bert, Thomas Carlier, Claude Comtat, Marina Filipovic, Frédéric Lamare, and Dimitris Visvikis,
CASToR: a generic data organization and processing code framework for multi-modal and multi-dimensional tomographic reconstruction,
Physics in Medicine & Biology, 63 (18)5505, 2018.
Package: CASToR_v3.1 (Release 18th September 2020)
v3.1 changelog: from_v3.0.1_to_v3.1.txt
Package: CASToR_v3.0.1 (Release 15th November 2019)
v3.0.1 changelog: from_v3.0_to_v3.0.1.txt
v3.0 changelog: from_v2.1_to_v3.0.txt
Package: CASToR_v2.1(Release 14th June 2019)
v2.1 changelog: from_v2.0.3_to_v2.1.txt
Package: CASToR_v2.0.3 (Release 6th February 2019)
v2.0.3 changelog: from_v2.0.2_to_v2.0.3.txt
Package: CASToR_v2.0.2 (Release 2nd November 2018)
v2.0.2 changelog: from_v2.0.1_to_v2.0.2.txt
Package: CASToR_v2.0.1 (Release 27th April 2018)
v2.0.1 changelog: from_v2.0_to_v2.0.1.txt
Package: CASToR_v2.0 (Release: 24th April 2018)
v2.0 changelog: from_v1.2_to_v2.0.txt
Package: CASToR 1.2 (Release: 10th October 2017)
v1.2 changelog: from_v1.1_to_v1.2.txt
Package: CASToR 1.1 (Release: 17th July 2017)
v1.1 changelog: from_v1.0_to_v1.1.txt
Package: CASToR 1.0 (Release: 23th March 2017)