CASToR  3.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT/CT)
Functions | Variables File Reference

Implementation of class Interfile management functions. More...

#include "oInterfileIO.hh"
#include <iomanip>

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template<class T >
int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, T *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
 Look for "a_nbElts" elts in the "a_pathToHeader" interfile header matching the "a_keyword" key passed as parameter and return the corresponding value(s) in the "ap_return" templated array. More...
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< string > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, string *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< int > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, int *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< int64_t > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, int64_t *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< float > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, float *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< double > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, double *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< long double > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, long double *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< uint8_t > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, uint8_t *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< uint16_t > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, uint16_t *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< uint32_t > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, uint32_t *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< bool > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, bool *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag)
template<typename T >
int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, T *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< string > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, string *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< int > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, int *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< int64_t > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, int64_t *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< float > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, float *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< double > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, double *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< long double > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, long double *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< uint8_t > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, uint8_t *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< uint16_t > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, uint16_t *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< uint32_t > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, uint32_t *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< bool > (const string &a_pathToHeader, const string &a_key, bool *ap_return, int a_nbElts, int a_mandatoryFlag, uint16_t a_nbOccurrences)
int IntfReadProjectionImage (const string &a_pathToHeaderFile, FLTNB *ap_ImgMatrix, Intf_fields *ap_IF, int vb, bool a_lerpFlag)
 Main function which reads a projection Interfile 3D projection image and store its content in the provided ap_ImgMatrix
. More...
int IntfCheckDimensionsConsistency (Intf_fields ImgFields1, Intf_fields ImgFields2)
FLTNBIntfLoadImageFromScratch (const string &a_pathToHeaderFile, Intf_fields *ap_ImgFields, int vb)
int IntfWriteImageFromIntfFields (const string &a_pathToImg, FLTNB *ap_ImgMatrix, Intf_fields Img_fields, int vb)
int IntfReadImage (const string &a_pathToHeaderFile, FLTNB *ap_ImgMatrix, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, int a_verbose, bool a_lerpFlag)
 Main function dedicated to Interfile 3D image loading. More...
int IntfReadImage (const string &a_pathToHeaderFile, FLTNB ****a4p_ImgMatrix, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, int a_verbose, bool a_lerpFlag)
 Main function dedicated to Interfile 5D (1D+1D+1D time + 3D) image loading. More...
int IntfReadImgDynCoeffFile (const string &a_pathToHeaderFile, FLTNB **a2p_ImgMatrix, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, int a_nbFbasis, int a_verbose, bool a_lerpFlag)
 Function dedicated to Interfile image reading for dynamic coefficients images. More...
void IntfAllocInterpImg (FLTNB **a2p_img, Intf_fields a_IF)
 Allocate memory for an image matrix to recover an image to interpolate. More...
int IntfCheckConsistency (Intf_fields *ap_IF, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, int vb, int a_lerpFlag)
 Check if the mandatory fields have been initialize in the ap_IF structure, and check consistencies with the reconstruction parameters. More...
int IntfGetPixelTypeAndReadData (Intf_fields a_IF, ifstream *ap_iFile, FLTNB *ap_outImgMatrix, FLTNB *ap_inImgMatrix, uint32_t *ap_offset, int a_nbVox, int a_verbose)
 The purpose of this function is to call the templated ReadData() function with the data type corresponding to the interfile image. More...
template<class T >
int IntfReadData (Intf_fields a_IF, ifstream *ap_iFile, FLTNB *ap_outImgMatrix, FLTNB *ap_inImgMatrix, uint32_t *a_offset, int a_nbVox, int a_verbose, T *bytes)
 Templated function which read an image voxel by voxel and store it in the ap_outImgMtx image matrix. More...
int ImageInterpolation (FLTNB *ap_iImg, FLTNB *ap_oImg, const uint32_t ap_iDimVox[3], const uint32_t ap_oDimVox[3], const FLTNB ap_iSizeVox[3], const FLTNB ap_oSizeVox[3], const FLTNB ap_iOffVox[3], const FLTNB ap_oOffVox[3])
int IntfWriteImgFile (const string &a_pathToImg, FLTNB *ap_ImgMatrix, const Intf_fields &ap_IntfF, int vb)
 Main function dedicated to Interfile 3D image writing.
Recover image information from a provided Intf_fields structure. More...
int IntfWriteImgFile (const string &a_pathToImg, FLTNB *ap_ImgMatrix, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, int vb)
 Main function dedicated to Interfile 3D image writing. More...
int IntfWriteProjFile (const string &a_pathToImg, FLTNB **a2p_ImgMatrix, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, Intf_fields a_Imgfields, int vb)
 Function dedicated to Interfile image writing for projected data. More...
int IntfWriteImgDynCoeffFile (const string &a_pathToImg, FLTNB **a2p_ImgMatrix, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, int a_nbParImgs, int vb, bool a_mergeDynImgFlag)
int IntfWriteImgFile (const string &a_pathToImg, FLTNB ****a4p_ImgMatrix, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, int vb)
 Main function dedicated to Interfile 6D (dynamic dims + 3D ) image writing. More...
int IntfWriteWholeDynBasisCoeffImgFile (const string &a_pathToImg, FLTNB ****a4p_ImgMatrix, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, int vb)
 Main function dedicated to Interfile 6D (dynamic dims + 3D ) image writing of basis function coefficients. More...
int IntfIsMHD (string a_pathToFile, vector< string > &ap_lPathToImgs)
 Check if the string in argument contains the path to a Interfile metaheader. More...
int IntfWriteMHD (const string &a_pathToMhd, const vector< string > &ap_lPathToImgs, Intf_fields a_IntfF, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID, int vb)
 Write an Interfile meta header at the path provided in parameter, using the field stack provided in parameter. More...
int IntfReadHeader (const string &a_pathToHeaderFile, Intf_fields *ap_IF, int vb)
 Read an Interfile header. More...
int IntfWriteHeaderMainData (const string &a_path, const Intf_fields &ap_IntfF, int vb)
int IntfWriteHeaderImgData (ofstream &ap_ofile, const Intf_fields &ap_IntfF, int vb)
int IntfWriteImage (const string &a_pathToImg, FLTNB *ap_outImgMtx, uint32_t a_dim, int vb)
 Write Interfile raw data whose path is provided in parameter, using image matrix provided in parameter. More...
int IntfWriteImage (vector< string > ap_pathToImgs, FLTNB **a2p_outImgMtx, uint32_t ap_dim[2], int vb)
 Write Interfile raw data whose path is provided in parameter, using the image matrix provided in parameter. More...
int IntfWriteImage (vector< string > ap_pathToImgs, FLTNB ****a4p_outImgMtx, uint32_t ap_dim[4], int vb)
 Write Interfile raw data whose path is provided in parameter, using the image matrix provided in parameter. More...
int IntfWriteData (ofstream *ap_oFile, FLTNB *ap_outImgMatrix, int a_nbVox, int vb)
 Write the content of the image matrix in the file pointed by ofstream. More...
void IntfKeyInitFields (Intf_fields *ap_IF)
 Init the file of an Interfile fields structure passed in parameter to their default values. More...
void IntfKeySetFieldsOutput (Intf_fields *ap_IF, oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID)
 Init the keys of the Interfile header of an image to be written on disk. More...
void IntfKeyPrintFields (Intf_fields a_IF)
 Print all the keys of the Intf_fields structure passed in parameter, as well as their values for debugging purposes. More...
int IntfRecoverKey (Intf_key *ap_Key, const string &a_line)
 Process the line passed in parameter and write the key information in the ap_Key Intf_key member structure. More...
int IntfCheckKeyMatch (Intf_key ap_Key, const string &a_field)
 Check if the key matches the string passed in parameter. More...
int IntfKeyIsArray (Intf_key ap_Key)
 Check if the key passed in parameter is an array (contains brackets '{' and '}' ) More...
int IntfKeyGetArrayNbElts (Intf_key a_Key)
 Return the number of elts in an Interfile array Key. More...
int IntfKeyGetMaxArrayKey (Intf_key ap_Key)
 Return the maximum value from an array key (key value contains brackets '{,,}' ) More...
template<class T >
int IntfKeyGetArrayElts (Intf_key a_Key, T *ap_return)
 Get all the elements in an array key in a templated array passed in parameter.
It assumes the return variable has been instanciated with a correct number of elements. More...
int IntfGetVoxIdxSHTOrientation (Intf_fields a_IF, int a_voxId)
 Compute a voxel index corresponding to the default orientation (Sup/Hin/Trans)
from the orientation informations contained in the Intf_fields passed in parameter. More...
string IntfKeyGetEndianStr (int a_val)
 return the endian string corresponding to the value passed in parameter (see module INTF_ENDIANNESS). More...
string IntfKeyGetModalityStr (int a_modalityIdx)
 Convert the integer provided in parameter to the string related
to the corresponding modality as defined by the scanner objects. More...
int IntfKeyGetInputImgDataType (const string &a_str)
 Get the image data type corresponding to the image metadata passed in parameter. More...
int IntfKeyGetOutputImgDataType (oImageDimensionsAndQuantification *ap_ID)
string IntfKeyGetPixTypeStr ()
 Return the string corresponding to the nb of bytes in the type FLTNB. More...
int IntfKeyGetPatOrientation (Intf_fields ap_IF)
 Get the complete patient orientation from an Intf_fields structure according to the values of keys 'slice orientation', 'patient rotation', and 'patient orientation'. More...
void GetUserEndianness ()
 Check user/host computer endianness and write it to the global variable User_Endianness. More...
void IntfEraseSpaces (string *input_str)
 Erase space, blank characters ((t,r,n)), and '!' before and after the characters in the string passed in parameter. More...
void IntfToLowerCase (string *ap_str)
 Set all characters of the string passed in parameter to lower case. More...
string IntfKeyGetPatientNameTag ()
 Recover datafile name(s) stored in sOutputManager in one string. More...
template<class T >
void SwapBytes (T *ap_type)


int User_Endianness = -1

Detailed Description

Implementation of class Interfile management functions.

Definition in file

Function Documentation

◆ GetUserEndianness()

void GetUserEndianness ( )

Check user/host computer endianness and write it to the global variable User_Endianness.

This function should be called once during the initialization step of the algorithm (currently, the singleton initialization)

Definition at line 4838 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ ImageInterpolation()

int ImageInterpolation ( FLTNB ap_iImg,
FLTNB ap_oImg,
const uint32_t  ap_iDimVox[3],
const uint32_t  ap_oDimVox[3],
const FLTNB  ap_iSizeVox[3],
const FLTNB  ap_oSizeVox[3],
const FLTNB  ap_iOffVox[3],
const FLTNB  ap_oOffVox[3] 

Definition at line 1197 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfAllocInterpImg()

void IntfAllocInterpImg ( FLTNB **  a2p_img,
Intf_fields  a_IF 

Allocate memory for an image matrix to recover an image to interpolate.

ap_img: pointer to 1 dimensional image matrix to recover the image to interpolate
ap_IF: Structure containing the interfile fields read in a interfile header

Definition at line 886 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfCheckConsistency()

int IntfCheckConsistency ( Intf_fields ap_IF,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
int  vb,
int  a_lerpFlag 

Check if the mandatory fields have been initialize in the ap_IF structure, and check consistencies with the reconstruction parameters.

Intf_fields*ap_IF : Structure containing the interfile fields read in a interfile header
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification*ap_ImageDimensions : Provide the Image dimensions object containing reconstruction dimensions
intvb : Verbosity level
a_lerpFlag: if true, enable linear interpolation of the image if img dimensions differ from the reconstruction dimensions

This function also checks if the matrix size of the original image is different to the reconstruction matrix size.
In this case a boolean is set up to enable interpolation during image reading

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 920 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfCheckDimensionsConsistency()

int IntfCheckDimensionsConsistency ( Intf_fields  ImgFields1,
Intf_fields  ImgFields2 

Definition at line 351 of file

◆ IntfCheckKeyMatch()

int IntfCheckKeyMatch ( Intf_key  ap_Key,
const string &  a_field 

Check if the key matches the string passed in parameter.

ap_Key: Structure containing the parsed key components (key, value,..)
a_line: String containing an interfile key
1 if success, 0 otherwise (not found).

Definition at line 4281 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfEraseSpaces()

void IntfEraseSpaces ( string *  input_str)

Erase space, blank characters ((t,r,n)), and '!' before and after the characters in the string passed in parameter.


Definition at line 4856 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfGetPixelTypeAndReadData()

int IntfGetPixelTypeAndReadData ( Intf_fields  a_IF,
ifstream *  ap_iFile,
FLTNB ap_outImgMatrix,
FLTNB ap_inImgMatrix,
uint32_t *  ap_offset,
int  a_nbVox,
int  a_verbose 

The purpose of this function is to call the templated ReadData() function with the data type corresponding to the interfile image.

a_IF: Interfile fields recovered from the header
ap_iFile: Ifstream pointing to an image file
ap_outImgMtx: 3D image matrix with reconstruction dimensions/voxel size
ap_inImgMtx: 3D image matrix with original dimensions/voxel size
ap_offset: Offset indicating the beginning of the data to read in the image file
a_nbVox: A number of voxels in the 3D image matrix with reconstruction dimensions/voxel size
vb: Verbosity level

It uses "number format" and "number of bytes per pixel" fields to identify the correct type
ASCII and bit images NOT supported

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 996 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfGetVoxIdxSHTOrientation()

int IntfGetVoxIdxSHTOrientation ( Intf_fields  a_IF,
int  a_voxId 

Compute a voxel index corresponding to the default orientation (Sup/Hin/Trans)
from the orientation informations contained in the Intf_fields passed in parameter.

a_voxId: index of the voxel in a 1-D image vector
new voxel index

Definition at line 4491 of file

◆ IntfIsMHD()

int IntfIsMHD ( string  a_pathToFile,
vector< string > &  ap_lPathToImgs 

Check if the string in argument contains the path to a Interfile metaheader.

a_pathToFile: String containing path to an Interfile header
ap_lPathToImgs: pointer to a list of strings containing the path to the different images

Check for '!total number of data sets' key, and the associated image file names
If the file is metaheader, the names of the header files of the images will be returned in ap_lPathToImgs list
It not, the file is a single header, that we add to the list as solo file

1 if we have a metaheader,
0 if not,
negative value if error.

Definition at line 2225 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetArrayElts()

template<class T >
int IntfKeyGetArrayElts ( Intf_key  a_Key,
T *  ap_return 

Get all the elements in an array key in a templated array passed in parameter.
It assumes the return variable has been instanciated with a correct number of elements.

T*ap_return : Templated parameter in which the elts will be returned
0 if success, positive value otherwise

Definition at line 4434 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetArrayNbElts()

int IntfKeyGetArrayNbElts ( Intf_key  a_Key)

Return the number of elts in an Interfile array Key.

the number of elements in the array key, or negative value if error

Definition at line 4344 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetEndianStr()

string IntfKeyGetEndianStr ( int  a_val)

return the endian string corresponding to the value passed in parameter (see module INTF_ENDIANNESS).

"BIG_ENDIAN" if 0,
"UNKNOWN" otherwise

Definition at line 4621 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetInputImgDataType()

int IntfKeyGetInputImgDataType ( const string &  a_str)

Get the image data type corresponding to the image metadata passed in parameter.

a_str: input string
int value corresponding to the image data type (see module INTF_IMG_TYPE).

Definition at line 4666 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetMaxArrayKey()

int IntfKeyGetMaxArrayKey ( Intf_key  ap_Key)

Return the maximum value from an array key (key value contains brackets '{,,}' )

the max value in the array key.

Definition at line 4389 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetModalityStr()

string IntfKeyGetModalityStr ( int  a_modalityIdx)

Convert the integer provided in parameter to the string related
to the corresponding modality as defined by the scanner objects.

string corresponding to the modality

Definition at line 4637 of file

◆ IntfKeyGetOutputImgDataType()

int IntfKeyGetOutputImgDataType ( oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID)

Definition at line 4697 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetPatientNameTag()

string IntfKeyGetPatientNameTag ( )

Recover datafile name(s) stored in sOutputManager in one string.

Definition at line 4891 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetPatOrientation()

int IntfKeyGetPatOrientation ( Intf_fields  ap_IF)

Get the complete patient orientation from an Intf_fields structure according to the values of keys 'slice orientation', 'patient rotation', and 'patient orientation'.

int value corresponding to the patient orientation (see module PATIENT_ORIENTATION).

Definition at line 4760 of file

◆ IntfKeyGetPixTypeStr()

string IntfKeyGetPixTypeStr ( )

Return the string corresponding to the nb of bytes in the type FLTNB.

string corresponding to the pixel data type

Definition at line 4733 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile()

template<typename T >
int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
T *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 

Definition at line 179 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< bool >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< bool > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
bool *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< double >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< double > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
double *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< float >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< float > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
float *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< int >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< int > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
int *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< int64_t >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< int64_t > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
int64_t *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< long double >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< long double > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
long double *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< string >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< string > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
string *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< uint16_t >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< uint16_t > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
uint16_t *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< uint32_t >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< uint32_t > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
uint32_t *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< uint8_t >()

template int IntfKeyGetRecurringValueFromFile< uint8_t > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
uint8_t *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag,
uint16_t  a_nbOccurrences 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile()

template<class T >
int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
T *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 

Look for "a_nbElts" elts in the "a_pathToHeader" interfile header matching the "a_keyword" key passed as parameter and return the corresponding value(s) in the "ap_return" templated array.

a_pathToHeader: path to the interfile header
a_key: the key to recover
T*ap_return : template array in which the data will be recovered
inta_nbElts : number of elements to recover
inta_mandatoryFlag : flag indicating if the data to recover if mandatory (true) or optionnal (false)

If more than one elements are to be recovered, the function first check the key has a correct Interfile kay layout (brackets and commas : {,,})
Depending on the mandatoryFlag, the function will return an error (flag > 0) or a warning (flag = 0) if the key is not found

0 if success, and positive value otherwise (1 if error, 2 if key not found).

Definition at line 61 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< bool >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< bool > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
bool *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< double >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< double > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
double *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< float >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< float > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
float *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< int >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< int > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
int *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< int64_t >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< int64_t > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
int64_t *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< long double >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< long double > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
long double *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< string >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< string > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
string *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< uint16_t >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< uint16_t > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
uint16_t *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< uint32_t >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< uint32_t > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
uint32_t *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< uint8_t >()

template int IntfKeyGetValueFromFile< uint8_t > ( const string &  a_pathToHeader,
const string &  a_key,
uint8_t *  ap_return,
int  a_nbElts,
int  a_mandatoryFlag 
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyInitFields()

void IntfKeyInitFields ( Intf_fields ap_IF)

Init the file of an Interfile fields structure passed in parameter to their default values.

ap_IF: Structure containing Interfile keys

Definition at line 3979 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyIsArray()

int IntfKeyIsArray ( Intf_key  ap_Key)

Check if the key passed in parameter is an array (contains brackets '{' and '}' )

1 if success, 0 otherwise (not array).

Definition at line 4322 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeyPrintFields()

void IntfKeyPrintFields ( Intf_fields  a_IF)

Print all the keys of the Intf_fields structure passed in parameter, as well as their values for debugging purposes.


Definition at line 4149 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfKeySetFieldsOutput()

void IntfKeySetFieldsOutput ( Intf_fields ap_IF,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID 

Init the keys of the Interfile header of an image to be written on disk.

ap_IF: Structure containing Interfile keys
ap_ID: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification object containing additional infos about reconstruction

Init the keys of the Interfile structure passed in parameter for output writing using the ImageDimensions object containing information about the reconstruction

Definition at line 4053 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfLoadImageFromScratch()

FLTNB* IntfLoadImageFromScratch ( const string &  a_pathToHeaderFile,
Intf_fields ap_ImgFields,
int  vb 

Definition at line 402 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfReadData()

template<class T >
int IntfReadData ( Intf_fields  a_IF,
ifstream *  ap_iFile,
FLTNB ap_outImgMatrix,
FLTNB ap_inImgMatrix,
uint32_t *  a_offset,
int  a_nbVox,
int  a_verbose,
T *  bytes 

Templated function which read an image voxel by voxel and store it in the ap_outImgMtx image matrix.

a_IF: Interfile fields recovered from the header
ap_iFile: Ifstream pointing to an image file
ap_outImgMtx: 3D image matrix with reconstruction dimensions/voxel size
ap_inImgMtx: 3D image matrix with original dimensions/voxel size
ap_offset: Offset indicating the beginning of the data to read in the image file
a_nbVox: A number of voxels in the 3D image matrix with reconstruction dimensions/voxel size
vb: Verbosity level
T*bytes : Buffer of templated size, to recover any voxel value

Call an interpolation function if the original image dimensions/voxel sizes are different to the reconstruction dimensions/voxel sizes
Manage endianness and the optionnal calibration with the rescale slope/intercept interfile keys

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 1092 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfReadHeader()

int IntfReadHeader ( const string &  a_pathToHeaderFile,
Intf_fields ap_IF,
int  vb 

Read an Interfile header.

conststring& a_pathToHeaderFile
intvb : Verbosity level

Initialize all mandatory fields from the Intf_fields structure passed in parameter with the related interfile key from the image interfile header

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 2478 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfReadImage() [1/2]

int IntfReadImage ( const string &  a_pathToHeaderFile,
FLTNB ap_ImgMatrix,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
int  a_verbose,
bool  a_lerpFlag 

Main function dedicated to Interfile 3D image loading.

a_pathToHeaderFile: path to the header file
ap_ImgMatrix: 1 dimensional image matrix which will recover the image.
ap_ID: Provide the Image dimensions object containing reconstruction dimensions
vb: Verbosity level
a_lerpFlag: if true, enable linear interpolation of the image if img dimensions differ from the reconstruction dimensions

Call the main functions dedicated to Interfile reading : IntfReadHeader(), IntfCheckConsistency(), then IntfReadImage()

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 501 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfReadImage() [2/2]

int IntfReadImage ( const string &  a_pathToHeaderFile,
FLTNB ****  a4p_ImgMatrix,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
int  a_verbose,
bool  a_lerpFlag 

Main function dedicated to Interfile 5D (1D+1D+1D time + 3D) image loading.

a_pathToHeaderFile: path to the main header file
a4p_ImgMatrix: 4 dimensional image matrix which will recover the image.
ap_ID: Provide the Image dimensions object containing reconstruction dimensions
vb: Verbosity level
a_lerpFlag: if true, enable linear interpolation of the image if img dimensions differ from the reconstruction dimensions

Check is the main header file is a metaheader associated to several image files, or a unique interfile header
Depending on the type of file input (metaheader or unique file), read the group of image files or the unique provided image file

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 566 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfReadImgDynCoeffFile()

int IntfReadImgDynCoeffFile ( const string &  a_pathToHeaderFile,
FLTNB **  a2p_ImgMatrix,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
int  a_nbFbasis,
int  a_verbose,
bool  a_lerpFlag 

Function dedicated to Interfile image reading for dynamic coefficients images.

a_pathToHeaderFile: path to the header file
a2p_ImgMatrix: 2 dimensional image matrix which will recover the image..
ap_ID: Provide the Image dimensions object containing reconstruction dimensions
a_nbFbases: Number of basis functions
vb: verbosity
a_lerpFlag: if true, enable linear interpolation of the image if img dimensions differ from the reconstruction dimensions

The total number of basis functions should be provided in parameters
Check is the main header file is a metaheader associated to several image files, or a unique interfile header
Depending on the type of file input (metaheader or unique file), read the group of image files or the unique provided image file

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 733 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfReadProjectionImage()

int IntfReadProjectionImage ( const string &  a_pathToHeaderFile,
FLTNB ap_ImgMatrix,
Intf_fields ap_IF,
int  vb,
bool  a_lerpFlag 

Main function which reads a projection Interfile 3D projection image and store its content in the provided ap_ImgMatrix

a_pathToHeaderFile: path to the header file
ap_ImgMatrix: 1 dimensional image matrix which will recover the image.
ap_IF: Intf_fields structure containing image metadata
vb: Verbosity level
a_lerpFlag: if true, enable linear interpolation of the image if img dimensions differ from the reconstruction dimensions

Call the main functions dedicated to Interfile reading : IntfReadHeader(), and IntfReadImage()

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 302 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfRecoverKey()

int IntfRecoverKey ( Intf_key ap_Key,
const string &  a_line 

Process the line passed in parameter and write the key information in the ap_Key Intf_key member structure.

ap_Key: Structure to recover the parsed key components (key, value,..)
a_line: String to process

.korig : Get original line without comments
.kcase : Get key without spaces and without comments
.klcase: Same as kcase, in lower case
.kvalue: Value of the key, without spaces

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 4232 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfToLowerCase()

void IntfToLowerCase ( string *  ap_str)

Set all characters of the string passed in parameter to lower case.

string*ap_str : original string

Definition at line 4875 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteData()

int IntfWriteData ( ofstream *  ap_oFile,
FLTNB ap_outImgMatrix,
int  a_nbVox,
int  vb 

Write the content of the image matrix in the file pointed by ofstream.

ap_oFile: Ofstream pointing to an image file
ap_outImgMtx: 3D image matrix with reconstruction dimensions/voxel size containing the image data
a_nbVox: A number of voxels in the 3D image matrix with reconstruction dimensions/voxel size
vb: Verbosity level
0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 3952 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteHeaderImgData()

int IntfWriteHeaderImgData ( ofstream &  ap_ofile,
const Intf_fields ap_IntfF,
int  vb 

Definition at line 3633 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteHeaderMainData()

int IntfWriteHeaderMainData ( const string &  a_path,
const Intf_fields ap_IntfF,
int  vb 

Definition at line 3408 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteImage() [1/3]

int IntfWriteImage ( const string &  a_pathToImg,
FLTNB ap_outImgMtx,
uint32_t  a_dim,
int  vb 

Write Interfile raw data whose path is provided in parameter, using image matrix provided in parameter.

a_pathToImg: th to the directory where the image will be written
ap_outImgMtx: Matrix containing the image to write
a_dim: Number of voxels in the 3D image
vb: Verbosity level For 1 dimensional image matrices
0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 3724 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteImage() [2/3]

int IntfWriteImage ( vector< string >  ap_pathToImgs,
FLTNB **  a2p_outImgMtx,
uint32_t  ap_dim[2],
int  vb 

Write Interfile raw data whose path is provided in parameter, using the image matrix provided in parameter.

ap_pathToImgsList of string containing the paths to the image to write
a2p_outImgMtx: 2 dimensional image matrix (1D temporal + 3D)
ap_imgDim[2]: Dimensions of ap_outImgMtx
vb: Verbosity level For 2 dimensional image matrices
0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 3765 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteImage() [3/3]

int IntfWriteImage ( vector< string >  ap_pathToImgs,
FLTNB ****  a4p_outImgMtx,
uint32_t  ap_dim[4],
int  vb 

Write Interfile raw data whose path is provided in parameter, using the image matrix provided in parameter.

vector<string>ap_pathToImgs: List of string containing the paths to the image to write
FLTNB****a4p_outImgMtx : 4 dimensional image matrix (3D temporal + 3D)
intap_imgDim[4] : Dimensions of ap_outImgMtx
intvb : Verbosity level For 4 dimensional image matrices
0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 3853 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteImageFromIntfFields()

int IntfWriteImageFromIntfFields ( const string &  a_pathToImg,
FLTNB ap_ImgMatrix,
Intf_fields  Img_fields,
int  vb 

Definition at line 467 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteImgDynCoeffFile()

int IntfWriteImgDynCoeffFile ( const string &  a_pathToImg,
FLTNB **  a2p_ImgMatrix,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
int  a_nbParImgs,
int  vb,
bool  a_mergeDynImgFlag 

Definition at line 1781 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteImgFile() [1/3]

int IntfWriteImgFile ( const string &  a_pathToImg,
FLTNB ap_ImgMatrix,
const Intf_fields ap_IntfF,
int  vb 

Main function dedicated to Interfile 3D image writing.
Recover image information from a provided Intf_fields structure.

a_pathToImg: path to image basename
ap_ImgMatrix: 1 dimensional image matrix which contains the image to write
ap_IntfF: Intf_fields structure containing image metadata
vb: verbosity

Call the main functions dedicated to Interfile header and data writing : IntfWriteHeaderMainData() and then IntfWriteImage()

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 1632 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteImgFile() [2/3]

int IntfWriteImgFile ( const string &  a_pathToImg,
FLTNB ap_ImgMatrix,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
int  vb 

Main function dedicated to Interfile 3D image writing.

a_pathToImg: path to image basename
ap_ImgMatrix: 1 dimensional image matrix which contains the image to write
ap_ID: Provide the Image dimensions object containing reconstruction dimensions
vb: verbosity

Call the main functions dedicated to Interfile header and data writing :
IntfWriteHeaderMainData() and then IntfWriteImage()

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 1676 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteImgFile() [3/3]

int IntfWriteImgFile ( const string &  a_pathToImg,
FLTNB ****  a4p_ImgMatrix,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
int  vb 

Main function dedicated to Interfile 6D (dynamic dims + 3D ) image writing.

a_pathToImg: string containing the path to the image basename
a4p_ImgMatrix: 4 dimensional image matrix which contains the image to write.
ap_ID: Provide the Image dimensions object containing reconstruction dimensions
vb: verbosity

Call the main functions dedicated to Interfile header and data writing
Depending on the output writing mode (stored in sOutputManager),
One image with one file and one will be created for the whole dynamic image
or a metaheader and associated multiple 3D image raw file/headers will be generated

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 1910 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteMHD()

int IntfWriteMHD ( const string &  a_pathToMhd,
const vector< string > &  ap_lPathToImgs,
Intf_fields  a_IntfF,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
int  vb 

Write an Interfile meta header at the path provided in parameter, using the field stack provided in parameter.

a_path: path to the Meta interfile header to write
ap_lPathToImgs: pointer to a list of strings containing the path to the different images
a_IntfF: Structure containing interfile keys of the image to write
ap_ID: oImageDimensionsAndQuantification object containing additional infos about reconstruction
vb: verbosity
0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 2386 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteProjFile()

int IntfWriteProjFile ( const string &  a_pathToImg,
FLTNB **  a2p_ImgMatrix,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
Intf_fields  a_Imgfields,
int  vb 

Function dedicated to Interfile image writing for projected data.

a_pathToImg: string containing the path to the image basename
a2p_ImgMatrix: 2 dimensional image matrix which contains the image to write.
ap_ID: Provide the Image dimensions object containing reconstruction dimensions
a_ImgfieldsStructure containing information about the projected data
vb: verbosity

Call the main functions dedicated to Interfile header and data writing
Currently work for SPECT projected data
The total number of projections should be provided in parameters
Depending on the output writing mode (stored in sOutputManager),

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 1726 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ IntfWriteWholeDynBasisCoeffImgFile()

int IntfWriteWholeDynBasisCoeffImgFile ( const string &  a_pathToImg,
FLTNB ****  a4p_ImgMatrix,
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification ap_ID,
int  vb 

Main function dedicated to Interfile 6D (dynamic dims + 3D ) image writing of basis function coefficients.

a_pathToImg: string containing the path to the image basename
a4p_ImgMatrix: 4 dimensional image matrix which contains the image to write.
ap_ID: Provide the Image dimensions object containing reconstruction dimensions
vb: verbosity

Call the main functions dedicated to Interfile header and data writing
Multiple 3D image raw file/headers will be generated

0 if success, positive value otherwise.

Definition at line 2053 of file

Here is the call graph for this function:
Here is the caller graph for this function:

◆ SwapBytes()

template<class T >
void SwapBytes ( T *  ap_type)

Definition at line 4928 of file

Here is the caller graph for this function:

Variable Documentation

◆ User_Endianness

int User_Endianness = -1

Global variable recovering endianness of user system

Definition at line 40 of file