CASToR  3.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT/CT)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 This file is part of CASToR.
4  CASToR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
5  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
6  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
7  version.
9  CASToR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
10  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
12  details.
14  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
15  CASToR (in file GNU_GPL.TXT). If not, see <>.
17 Copyright 2017-2019 all CASToR contributors listed below:
19  --> Didier BENOIT, Claude COMTAT, Marina FILIPOVIC, Thibaut MERLIN, Mael MILLARDET, Simon STUTE, Valentin VIELZEUF
21 This is CASToR version 3.0.
22 */
32 // =====================================================================
33 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
34 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
35 // =====================================================================
38 {
39  // --------------------------
40  // Specific member parameters
41  // --------------------------
42  m_penaltyID = "MRF";
51  mp_proximityKernel = NULL;
55  m2p_similarityFactors = NULL;
60  m_neighborhoodBoxExcludeCorners = 0; // Keep them by default
64  // The derivative order depends on the potential function that we do not know yet, so we let it by default to 0
66 }
68 // =====================================================================
69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
71 // =====================================================================
74 {
75  // Destroy mp_neighborhoodNbVoxels
77  {
79  }
80  // Destroy m2p_neighborhoodIndices
82  {
84  {
86  }
88  }
89  // Destroy m2p_similarityFactors
91  {
93  {
95  }
97  }
98  // Destroy m2p_neighborhoodKernel
100  {
101  for (INTNB v=0; v<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; v++)
102  {
104  }
106  }
107  // Destroy mp_proximityKernel
108  if (mp_proximityKernel)
109  {
110  free(mp_proximityKernel);
111  }
112 }
114 // =====================================================================
115 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
116 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
117 // =====================================================================
120 {
121  cout << "The Markov Random Field (MRF) penalty is implemented for several types of neighborhood, potential functions," << endl;
122  cout << "similarity and proximity factors. All these parameters are described below, and a template configuration file" << endl;
123  cout << "for parameters selection can be found in the configuration folder (config/optimizer/MRF.conf). The configuration" << endl;
124  cout << "of this penalty can only be done through a configuration file. It is not possible to parameterize it directly" << endl;
125  cout << "from the command line. The MRF penalty has the following expression:" << endl;
126  cout << "penalty = beta * sum_on_voxels * sum_on_neighborhood * proximity_factor * similarity_factor * potential_function" << endl;
127  cout << "------------" << endl;
128  cout << "Neighborhood" << endl;
129  cout << "------------" << endl;
130  cout << "The neighborhood is set by the 'neighborhood shape' keyword and can be described using one of the following setting:" << endl;
131  cout << "[6-nearest]: Consider the 6 nearest neighbors, i.e. 2 along each dimension. In 2D, only 4 in the plane are used." << endl;
132  cout << "[box]: Consider all voxels included in a box centered on the voxel of interest. The size of the box is parameterized" << endl;
133  cout << " using the 'box neighborhood order' keyword. The side of the box is equal to '2*order+1'. The 8 corner voxels" << endl;
134  cout << " can also be excluded from the neighborhood by setting the 'exclude box neighborhood corners' keyword to 1." << endl;
135  cout << "[sphere]: Consider all voxels whose center is included in a sphere centered on the voxel of interest and of radius" << endl;
136  cout << " provided by the 'sphere neighborhood radius (mm)' keyword." << endl;
137  cout << "-----------------" << endl;
138  cout << "Proximity factors" << endl;
139  cout << "-----------------" << endl;
140  cout << "The proximity factors are used to weight the contribution of each neighbor to the global penalty, based on proximity to the" << endl;
141  cout << "voxel of interest. These factors are always normalized so that their sum is 1. They can be set using the 'proximity factor'" << endl;
142  cout << "keyword based on one of the following setting:" << endl;
143  cout << "[none]: Consider uniform proximity factors." << endl;
144  cout << "[voxel]: Consider factors inversely proportional to the distance in voxels from the voxel of interest (i.e. the unit" << endl;
145  cout << " is voxels, whatever the axis and the voxel dimensions)." << endl;
146  cout << "[euclidian]: Consider factors inversely proportional to the euclidian distance from the voxel of interest (i.e. the unit" << endl;
147  cout << " is mm)." << endl;
148  cout << endl;
149  cout << "------------------" << endl;
150  cout << "Similarity factors" << endl;
151  cout << "------------------" << endl;
152  cout << "The similarity factors are used to weight the contribution of each neighbor to the global penalty, based on similarity to the" << endl;
153  cout << "voxel of interest. These factors are not normalized by default. They can be set using the 'similarity factor' keyword based on" << endl;
154  cout << "one of the following setting:" << endl;
155  cout << "[none]: Consider uniform similarity factors, i.e. the value of 1 for each voxel in the neighborhood." << endl;
156  cout << "[aBowsher]: Consider similarity factors based on the asymmetrical Bowsher's method and an additional image. The additional" << endl;
157  cout << " image must be provided using the '-multimodal' option in the command line. Based on additional image values," << endl;
158  cout << " voxels of the neighborhood most similar to the voxel of interest will have a similarity factor of 1, and the" << endl;
159  cout << " other voxels will have a similarity factor of 0. The number of most similar voxels is parameterized by a percentage" << endl;
160  cout << " of the number of voxels in the neighborhood, provided with the 'similarity threshold Bowsher (%)' keyword." << endl;
161  cout << " For an explanation of asymmetrical Bowsher, see Schramm et al, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, vol. 37, pp. 590, 2018." << endl;
162  cout << "-------------------" << endl;
163  cout << "Potential functions" << endl;
164  cout << "-------------------" << endl;
165  cout << "The potential function actually penalizes the difference between the voxel of interest and a neighbor. It can be set using the" << endl;
166  cout << "'potential function' keyword based on one of the following setting:" << endl;
167  cout << "[quadratic]: p(u,v) = 0.5*(u-v)^2" << endl;
168  cout << " Reference: Geman and Geman, IEEE Trans. Pattern Anal. Machine Intell., vol. PAMI-6, pp. 721-741, 1984." << endl;
169  cout << "[geman mcclure]: p(u,v,d) = (u-v)^2 / (d^2+(u-v)^2)" << endl;
170  cout << " The parameter 'd' can be set using the 'deltaGMC' keyword." << endl;
171  cout << " Reference: Geman and McClure, Proc. Amer. Statist. Assoc., 1985." << endl;
172  cout << "[hebert leahy]: p(u,v,m) = log(1+(u-v)^2/m^2)" << endl;
173  cout << " The parameter 'm' can be set using the 'muHL' keyword." << endl;
174  cout << " Reference: Hebert and Leahy, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, vol. 8, pp. 194-202, 1989." << endl;
175  cout << "[green logcosh]: p(u,v,d) = log(cosh((u-v)/d))" << endl;
176  cout << " The parameter 'd' can be set using the 'deltaLogCosh' keyword." << endl;
177  cout << " Reference: Green, IEEE Trans. Med. Imaging, vol. 9, pp. 84-93, 1990." << endl;
178  cout << "[huber piecewise]: " << endl;
179  cout << " p(u,v,d) = d*abs(u-v)-0.5*d^2 if abs(u-v) > d" << endl;
180  cout << " = 0.5*(u-v)^2 if abs(u-v) <= d" << endl;
181  cout << " The parameter 'd' can be set using the 'deltaHuber' keyword." << endl;
182  cout << " Reference: e.g. Mumcuoglu et al, Phys. Med. Biol., vol. 41, pp. 1777-1807, 1996." << endl;
183  cout << "[nuyts relative]: p(u,v,g) = (u-v)^2 / (u+v+g*abs(u-v))" << endl;
184  cout << " The parameter 'g' can be set using the 'gammaRD' keyword." << endl;
185  cout << " Reference: Nuyts et al, IEEE Trans. Nucl. Sci., vol. 49, pp. 56-60, 2002." << endl;
186 }
188 // =====================================================================
189 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
190 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
191 // =====================================================================
193 int iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile(const string& a_configurationFile)
194 {
195  string buffer = "";
196  string key_word = "";
198  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
199  // Read the type of neighborhood
200  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
201  key_word = "neighborhood shape";
202  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &buffer, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
203  {
204  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
205  return 1;
206  }
207  // Sphere neighborhood
208  if (buffer == "sphere")
209  {
211  // Radius of the sphere
212  key_word = "sphere neighborhood radius (mm)";
213  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_neighborhoodSphereRadius, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
214  {
215  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
216  return 1;
217  }
218  }
219  // Box neighborhood
220  else if (buffer == "box")
221  {
223  // Order of the box (number of voxels which will be included in each direction)
224  key_word = "box neighborhood order";
225  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_neighborhoodBoxOrder, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
226  {
227  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
228  return 1;
229  }
230  // Include corners of the box or not (some people do that) (not mandatory as we keep them by default)
231  key_word = "exclude box neighborhood corners";
233  {
234  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
235  return 1;
236  }
237  }
238  // 6-nearest
239  else if (buffer == "6-nearest")
240  {
242  }
243  // Unknown
244  else
245  {
246  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Unknown neighborhood type '" << buffer << "' !" << endl);
247  return 1;
248  }
250  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
251  // Read and check the type of the proximity factor
252  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
253  key_word = "proximity factor";
254  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &buffer, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
255  {
256  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
257  return 1;
258  }
259  // Inverse of euclidian distance
260  if (buffer == "euclidian")
261  {
263  }
264  // Inverse of voxel distance (in numbers of voxels)
265  else if (buffer == "voxel")
266  {
268  }
269  // Exponential distance squared
270  /*
271  else if (buffer == "exponential distance squared")
272  {
273  m_proximityType = MRF_PROXIMITY_EXP_DIST_SQUARED;
274  key_word = "proximity characteristic distance (mm)";
275  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_proximityCharacteristicDistance, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
276  {
277  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
278  return 1;
279  }
280  }
281  */
282  // No proximity factor
283  else if (buffer == "none")
284  {
286  }
287  // Unknown
288  else
289  {
290  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Unknown proximity factor type '" << buffer << "' !" << endl);
291  return 1;
292  }
294  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
295  // Read and check the type of the similarity factor
296  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
297  key_word = "similarity factor";
298  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &buffer, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
299  {
300  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
301  return 1;
302  }
303  // No similarity factors
304  if (buffer == "none")
305  {
307  }
308  // Bowsher's similarity factors
309  else if (buffer == "aBowsher")
310  {
312  // Read the Bowsher threshold
313  key_word = "similarity threshold Bowsher (%)";
314  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_similarityBowsherThreshold, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
315  {
316  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
317  return 1;
318  }
319  }
320  // Unknown
321  else
322  {
323  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Unknown similarity factor type '" << buffer << "' !" << endl);
324  return 1;
325  }
327  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
328  // Read and check the type of the potential energy function
329  // -------------------------------------------------------------------
330  key_word = "potential function";
331  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &buffer, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
332  {
333  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
334  return 1;
335  }
336  // Quadratic potential function
337  if (buffer == "quadratic")
338  {
340  m_penaltyDerivativesOrder = INT_MAX;
341  }
342  // Relative differences potential function
343  else if (buffer == "nuyts relative")
344  {
346  m_penaltyDerivativesOrder = INT_MAX;
347  key_word = "gammaRD";
348  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_potentialRelativeDifferenceGamma, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
349  {
350  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
351  return 1;
352  }
353  }
354  // Geman and McClure function
355  else if (buffer == "geman mcclure")
356  {
358  m_penaltyDerivativesOrder = INT_MAX;
359  key_word = "deltaGMC";
360  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_potentialGemanMcClureDelta, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
361  {
362  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
363  return 1;
364  }
365  }
366  // Green's logcosh
367  else if (buffer == "green logcosh")
368  {
370  m_penaltyDerivativesOrder = INT_MAX;
371  key_word = "deltaLogCosh";
372  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_potentialGreenLogCoshDelta, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
373  {
374  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
375  return 1;
376  }
377  }
378  // Hebert and Leahy function
379  else if (buffer == "hebert leahy")
380  {
382  m_penaltyDerivativesOrder = INT_MAX;
383  key_word = "muHL";
384  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_potentialHebertLeahyMu, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
385  {
386  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
387  return 1;
388  }
389  }
390  // Huber function
391  else if (buffer == "huber piecewise")
392  {
394  m_penaltyDerivativesOrder = INT_MAX;
395  key_word = "deltaHuber";
396  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_potentialHuberDelta, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
397  {
398  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
399  return 1;
400  }
401  }
402  // Unknown
403  else
404  {
405  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Unknown potential function '" << buffer << "' !" << endl);
406  return 1;
407  }
409  // Normal end
410  return 0;
411 }
413 // =====================================================================
414 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
415 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
416 // =====================================================================
418 int iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadOptionsList(const string& a_optionsList)
419 {
420  // Too complicated to do it that way
421  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ReadOptionsList() -> Options can be specified only using a configuration file !" << endl);
422  return 1;
423 }
425 // =====================================================================
426 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
427 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
428 // =====================================================================
431 {
432  // Check potential function type
434  {
435  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Should provide a potential function type !" << endl);
436  return 1;
437  }
438  // Check proximity factor type
440  {
441  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Should provide a proximity factor type !" << endl);
442  return 1;
443  }
444  // Check similarity factor type
446  {
447  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Should provide a similarity factor type !" << endl);
448  return 1;
449  }
450  // Check neighborhood type
452  {
453  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Should provide a neighborhood type !" << endl);
454  return 1;
455  }
456  /*
457  // check parameters of the proximity factors
458  if (m_proximityType == MRF_PROXIMITY_EXP_DIST_SQUARED && m_proximityCharacteristicDistance <=0.)
459  {
460  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided proximity characteristic distance (" << m_proximityCharacteristicDistance << ") is non-positive" << endl);
461  return 1;
462  }
463  */
464  // Check parameters of the similarity factors
466  {
467  if (m_similarityBowsherThreshold<0. || m_similarityBowsherThreshold>100.)
468  {
469  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided threshold parameter for the Bowsher similarity " << m_similarityBowsherThreshold << " does not fall into [0,100]% !" << endl);
470  return 1;
471  }
473  {
474  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Bowsher similarity requires a multimodal image !"<< endl);
475  return 1;
476  }
478  {
479  Cout("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Warning : More than one multimodal image, Bowsher similarity will use only the first one !"<< endl);
480  }
481  }
482  // Check some parameters of the neighborhood
484  {
485  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided radius of the sphere neighborhood (" << m_neighborhoodSphereRadius << ") is negative" << endl);
486  return 1;
487  }
489  {
490  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided order of the box neighborhood (" << m_neighborhoodBoxOrder << ") is negative" << endl);
491  return 1;
492  }
493  // Check for gamma value of the relative distance potential function
495  {
496  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided gamma parameter of relative differences potential function must be positive or null !" << endl);
497  return 1;
498  }
499  // Check for delta value of the Geman and McClure potential function
501  {
502  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided delta parameter of Geman and McClure's potential function must be strictly positive !" << endl);
503  return 1;
504  }
505  // Check for delta value of the Green's log-cosh potential function
507  {
508  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided delta parameter of Green's log-cosh potential function must be strictly positive !" << endl);
509  return 1;
510  }
511  // Check for mu value of the Hebert and Leahy potential function
513  {
514  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided mu parameter of Hebert and Leahy's potential function must be strictly positive !" << endl);
515  return 1;
516  }
517  // Check for delta value of the Huber potential function
519  {
520  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided delta parameter of Huber's piecewise potential function must be strictly positive !" << endl);
521  return 1;
522  }
523  // Normal end
524  return 0;
525 }
527 // =====================================================================
528 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
529 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
530 // =====================================================================
533 {
534  // Build the neighborhood kernel that will be used to facilitate the computation of the neighborhood of each voxel later on
536  {
537  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::InitializeSpecific() -> Failed to build the neighborhood !" << endl);
538  return 1;
539  }
540  // Build the proximity factors of the neighborhood that remain constant for any voxel
541  if (BuildProximityFactors())
542  {
543  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::InitializeSpecific() -> Failed to build the proximity factors !" << endl);
544  return 1;
545  }
546  // Some allocations for the specific neighborhood of each voxel used during computations
551  {
554  // Initialize the similarity factors to 1, in case they stay uniform for the reconstruction
555  for (INTNB v=0; v<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; v++) m2p_similarityFactors[th][v] = 1.;
556  }
557  // Verbose
559  {
560  Cout("iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::InitializeSpecific() -> Use the MRF penalty" << endl);
562  {
563  // Type of neighborhood
565  {
566  Cout(" --> shape of neighborhood: sphere" << endl);
567  Cout(" --> radius of the sphere neighborhood: " << m_neighborhoodSphereRadius << " mm " << endl);
568  }
570  {
571  Cout(" --> shape of neighborhood: box" << endl);
572  Cout(" --> order of the box (number of voxels in each direction): " << m_neighborhoodBoxOrder << endl);
573  if (m_neighborhoodBoxExcludeCorners) Cout(" --> exclude corner voxels" << endl);
574  }
576  {
577  Cout(" --> shape of neighborhood: 6-nearest" << endl);
578  }
579  }
580  Cout(" --> Max number of voxels in the neighborhood: " << m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels << endl);
582  {
583  // Proximity factors
585  {
586  Cout(" --> proximity factor: uniform" << endl);
587  }
589  {
590  Cout(" --> proximity factor: inverse of euclidian distance" << endl);
591  }
593  {
594  Cout(" --> proximity factor: inverse of voxel distance (i.e. distance in numbers of voxels)" << endl);
595  }
596 /*
597  else if (m_proximityType == MRF_PROXIMITY_EXP_DIST_SQUARED)
598  {
599  Cout(" --> proximity factor: exponential square distances"<< endl);
600  Cout(" --> characteristic distance for the proximity factors: "<< m_proximityCharacteristicDistance << endl);
601  }
602 */
603  }
604  // Similarity factors
606  {
607  Cout(" --> similarity factor: uniform" << endl);
608  }
610  {
611  Cout(" --> similarity factor: asymmetric Bowsher" << endl);
613  {
614  Cout(" --> Bowsher's threshold: " << m_similarityBowsherThreshold << " %" << endl);
615  Cout(" --> Bowsher's most similar voxels kept: " << m_similarityBowsherNbVoxels << endl);
616  }
617  }
618  // Potential function
620  {
621  Cout(" --> potential function: quadratic" << endl);
622  }
624  {
625  Cout(" --> potential function: Nuyts relative differences 2002" << endl);
626  if (m_verbose>=VERBOSE_DETAIL) Cout(" --> gamma: " << m_potentialRelativeDifferenceGamma << endl);
627  }
629  {
630  Cout(" --> potential function: Geman and McClure 1985" << endl);
631  if (m_verbose>=VERBOSE_DETAIL) Cout(" --> delta: " << m_potentialGemanMcClureDelta << endl);
632  }
634  {
635  Cout(" --> potential function: Green log-cosh 1990" << endl);
636  if (m_verbose>=VERBOSE_DETAIL) Cout(" --> delta: " << m_potentialGreenLogCoshDelta << endl);
637  }
639  {
640  Cout(" --> potential function: Hebert and Leahy 1989" << endl);
641  if (m_verbose>=VERBOSE_DETAIL) Cout(" --> mu: " << m_potentialHebertLeahyMu << endl);
642  }
644  {
645  Cout(" --> potential function: Huber piecewise linear-quadratic" << endl);
646  if (m_verbose>=VERBOSE_DETAIL) Cout(" --> delta: " << m_potentialHuberDelta << endl);
647  }
648  if (m_verbose>=VERBOSE_DETAIL) Cout(" --> penalty energy function derivatives order: " << m_penaltyDerivativesOrder << endl);
649  }
650  // Normal end
651  return 0;
652 }
654 // =====================================================================
655 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
656 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
657 // =====================================================================
660 {
661  // Check if the neighborhood has already been created
663  {
664  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::BuildNeighborhoodKernel() -> Neighborhood kernel has already been created !" << endl);
665  return 1;
666  }
667  // Get voxel sizes locally
671  // ========================================================================================================
672  // Case where the neighborhood is defined by a sphere with radius provided in mm
673  // ========================================================================================================
675  {
676  // Compute the size of the box including the sphere (minimum of 1 voxel radius)
677  INTNB radius_vox_x = max( (INTNB)1 , ((INTNB)(m_neighborhoodSphereRadius/vox_size_x)) );
678  INTNB radius_vox_y = max( (INTNB)1 , ((INTNB)(m_neighborhoodSphereRadius/vox_size_y)) );
679  INTNB radius_vox_z = max( (INTNB)1 , ((INTNB)(m_neighborhoodSphereRadius/vox_size_z)) );
680  // Particular case for 2D reconstruction
681  if (mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbVoxZ()==1) radius_vox_z = 0;
682  // Precompute the maximum number of voxels in the neighborhood as the box including the sphere
683  m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels = (radius_vox_x*2+1) * (radius_vox_y*2+1) * (radius_vox_z*2+1);
684  // Allocate the neighborhood kernel
686  for (INTNB v = 0; v<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; v++) m2p_neighborhoodKernel[v] = (INTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(INTNB));
687  // Counter for the number of voxels in the neighborhood
688  INTNB nb_voxels_in_neighborhood = 0;
689  // Loop on increments of voxels indices in box neighborhood
690  for (INTNB vox_z = -radius_vox_z; vox_z<=radius_vox_z; vox_z++)
691  for (INTNB vox_y = -radius_vox_y; vox_y<=radius_vox_y; vox_y++)
692  for (INTNB vox_x = -radius_vox_x; vox_x<=radius_vox_x; vox_x++)
693  // Exclude the voxel itself
694  if (vox_x!=0 || vox_y!=0 || vox_z!=0)
695  {
696  // Compute the square distance between the two voxels
697  FLTNB squareDistance = ((FLTNB)(vox_x*vox_x))*vox_size_x*vox_size_x
698  + ((FLTNB)(vox_y*vox_y))*vox_size_y*vox_size_y
699  + ((FLTNB)(vox_z*vox_z))*vox_size_z*vox_size_z;
700  // Include voxel if the distance from the central voxel is less than the radius
702  {
703  m2p_neighborhoodKernel[nb_voxels_in_neighborhood][MRF_NEIGHBOR_X] = vox_x;
704  m2p_neighborhoodKernel[nb_voxels_in_neighborhood][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Y] = vox_y;
705  m2p_neighborhoodKernel[nb_voxels_in_neighborhood][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Z] = vox_z;
706  nb_voxels_in_neighborhood++;
707  }
708  }
709  // Update the maximum number of voxels in the neighborhood by the exact value
710  m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels = nb_voxels_in_neighborhood;
711  m2p_neighborhoodKernel = (INTNB**)realloc(m2p_neighborhoodKernel,m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels*sizeof(INTNB*));
712  }
713  // ========================================================================================================
714  // Case where the neighborhood is defined by a box as described in many papers
715  // ========================================================================================================
717  {
718  // Particular case for 2D reconstruction
719  INTNB neighborhood_box_order_z = m_neighborhoodBoxOrder;
720  if (mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbVoxZ()==1) neighborhood_box_order_z = 0;
721  // Maximum number of voxels in the neighborhood of a voxel with no image boundary constraints
723  // Allocate the neighborhood kernel
725  for (INTNB v = 0; v<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; v++) m2p_neighborhoodKernel[v] = (INTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(INTNB));
726  // Counter for the number of voxels in the neighborhood
727  INTNB nb_voxels_in_neighborhood = 0;
728  // Loop on increments of voxels indices in the box neighborhood
729  for (INTNB vox_z = -neighborhood_box_order_z; vox_z<=neighborhood_box_order_z; vox_z++)
730  for (INTNB vox_y = -m_neighborhoodBoxOrder; vox_y<=m_neighborhoodBoxOrder; vox_y++)
731  for (INTNB vox_x = -m_neighborhoodBoxOrder; vox_x<=m_neighborhoodBoxOrder; vox_x++)
732  // Exclude the voxel itself
733  if (vox_x!=0 || vox_y!=0 || vox_z!=0)
734  {
735  // Exclude corner voxels if requested
737  || (vox_y!=-m_neighborhoodBoxOrder && vox_y!=m_neighborhoodBoxOrder)
738  || (vox_z!=-m_neighborhoodBoxOrder && vox_z!=m_neighborhoodBoxOrder))
739  {
740  m2p_neighborhoodKernel[nb_voxels_in_neighborhood][MRF_NEIGHBOR_X] = vox_x;
741  m2p_neighborhoodKernel[nb_voxels_in_neighborhood][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Y] = vox_y;
742  m2p_neighborhoodKernel[nb_voxels_in_neighborhood][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Z] = vox_z;
743  nb_voxels_in_neighborhood++;
744  }
745  }
746  // Update the maximum number of voxels in the neighborhood by the exact value
747  m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels = nb_voxels_in_neighborhood;
748  m2p_neighborhoodKernel = (INTNB**)realloc(m2p_neighborhoodKernel,m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels*sizeof(INTNB*));
749  }
750  // ========================================================================================================
751  // Case where the neighborhood is defined simply by the 6-nearest neighbors
752  // ========================================================================================================
754  {
755  // Maximum number of voxels in the neighborhood is 6
757  // Particular case for 2D reconstruction
759  // Allocate the neighborhood kernel
761  for (INTNB v = 0; v<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; v++) m2p_neighborhoodKernel[v] = (INTNB*)malloc(3*sizeof(INTNB));
762  // The 6 voxels
763  for (INTNB v=0; v<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; v++) for (INTNB dim=0; dim<3; dim++) m2p_neighborhoodKernel[v][dim] = 0;
769  {
772  }
773  }
774  // ========================================================================================================
775  // Unknown neighborhood type
776  // ========================================================================================================
777  else
778  {
779  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::BuildNeighborhoodKernel() -> The provided shape of neighborhood (" << m_neighborhoodShape << ") is unknown !" << endl);
780  return 1;
781  }
782  // Check that there are some voxels in the neighborhood
784  {
785  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::BuildNeighborhoodKernel() -> There is no voxel in the neighborhood ! Check your neighborhood definition." << endl);
786  return 1;
787  }
788  // ========================================================================================================
789  // With Bowsher's similarity factors, we compute the number of voxels that will be kept in the penalty
790  // ========================================================================================================
792  {
794  }
795  // Normal end
796  return 0;
797 }
799 // =====================================================================
800 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
801 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
802 // =====================================================================
805 {
806  // Check for allocations
807  if (mp_proximityKernel)
808  {
809  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::BuildProximityFactors() -> Proximity kernel has already been created somewhere else !" << endl);
810  return 1;
811  }
813  {
814  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::BuildProximityFactors() -> Neighborhood kernel must have been created and initialized before !" << endl);
815  return 1;
816  }
817  // Compute the sum of proximity factors for normalization
818  FLTNB proximity_factor_sum = 0.;
819  // Allocate the proximity kernel
821  // Loop on the maximal neighborhood
822  for (INTNB neigh=0; neigh<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; neigh++)
823  {
824  // Proximity factors based on inverse of euclidian distance
826  {
829  * fabs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_X])
833  * fabs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Y])
837  * fabs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Z])
839  mp_proximityKernel[neigh] = 1./sqrt(mp_proximityKernel[neigh]);
840  }
841  // Proximity factors based on inverse of voxel distance (as described in many papers)
843  {
845  * fabs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_X]);
847  * fabs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Y]);
849  * fabs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Z]);
850  mp_proximityKernel[neigh] = 1./sqrt(mp_proximityKernel[neigh]);
851  }
852  /*
853  // Proximity factors based on decreasing exponential of squared distance
854  else if (m_proximityType == MRF_PROXIMITY_EXP_DIST_SQUARED)
855  {
856  FLTNB squareDistance = abs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_X])
857  * mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetVoxSizeX()
858  * abs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_X])
859  * mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetVoxSizeX();
860  squareDistance += abs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Y])
861  * mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetVoxSizeY()
862  * abs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Y])
863  * mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetVoxSizeY();
864  squareDistance += abs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Z])
865  * mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetVoxSizeZ()
866  * abs(m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Z])
867  * mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetVoxSizeZ();
868  mp_proximityKernel[neigh] = exp(-squareDistance/(m_proximityCharacteristicDistance*m_proximityCharacteristicDistance))/squareDistance;
869  }
870  */
871  // Uniform proximity factors
873  {
874  mp_proximityKernel[neigh] = 1.;
875  }
876  else
877  {
878  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::BuildProximityFactors() -> The provided type of proximity factor (" << m_proximityType << ") is unknown !" << endl);
879  return 1;
880  }
881  // Add to the sum
882  proximity_factor_sum += mp_proximityKernel[neigh];
883  }
884  // Normalize the proximity factors
885  for (INTNB neigh=0; neigh<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; neigh++) mp_proximityKernel[neigh] /= proximity_factor_sum;
886  // Normal end
887  return 0;
888 }
890 // =====================================================================
891 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
892 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
893 // =====================================================================
896 {
897  // Get number of voxels locally for code readability
902  // Compute the X, Y and Z components of the current voxel
903  INTNB index_x = a_voxel % nb_vox_x;
904  INTNB index_y = (a_voxel/nb_vox_x) % nb_vox_y;
905  INTNB index_z = a_voxel / nb_vox_xy;
906  // Count the number of valid neighbors
907  mp_neighborhoodNbVoxels[a_th] = 0;
908  // Loop on all possible neighbors in the kernel
909  for (INTNB neigh = 0; neigh<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; neigh++)
910  {
911  // Compute X, Y and Z indices of this potential neighbor
912  INTNB neighbor_x = index_x + m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_X];
913  INTNB neighbor_y = index_y + m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Y];
914  INTNB neighbor_z = index_z + m2p_neighborhoodKernel[neigh][MRF_NEIGHBOR_Z];
915  // Check if the neighbour is inside the image
916  if ( neighbor_x>=0 && neighbor_x<nb_vox_x && neighbor_y>=0 && neighbor_y<nb_vox_y && neighbor_z>=0 && neighbor_z<nb_vox_z )
917  {
918  // Add the global index of this neighbor to the neighborhood list
919  m2p_neighborhoodIndices[a_th][neigh] = neighbor_x + neighbor_y*nb_vox_x + neighbor_z*nb_vox_xy;
920  // One more neighbor
921  mp_neighborhoodNbVoxels[a_th]++;
922  }
923  // Otherwise, discard it by setting -1
924  else
925  {
926  m2p_neighborhoodIndices[a_th][neigh] = -1;
927  }
928  }
929  // Normal end
930  return 0;
931 }
933 // =====================================================================
934 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
935 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
936 // =====================================================================
938 int iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ComputeSimilarityFactors(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
939 {
940  // No similarity factor (uniform)
942  {
943  // We just return as the factors were set to one after allocation
944  return 0;
945  }
946  // Bowsher's similarity factors
948  {
949  // Apply Bowsher's similarity only if there are more voxels in the neighborhood of this voxel than Bowsher's voxels
951  {
952  // Sort the neighborhood indices according to ascending absolute intensity difference from the voxel v
954  [a_voxel,a_tbf,a_rbf,a_cbf,a_th,this](INTNB i1, INTNB i2)
955  {
956  // This two lines pushes the -1 indices (voxels out of image) at the end
957  if (i1 == -1) return false;
958  if (i2 == -1) return true;
959  return (abs(mp_ImageSpace-> m2p_multiModalImage[0][i1] - mp_ImageSpace-> m2p_multiModalImage[0][a_voxel]))
960  < (abs(mp_ImageSpace-> m2p_multiModalImage[0][i2] - mp_ImageSpace-> m2p_multiModalImage[0][a_voxel]));
961  });
962  // Consider the most similar neighbors as defined by the number of Bowsher's voxels
963  for (INTNB n=0; n<m_similarityBowsherNbVoxels; n++) m2p_similarityFactors[a_th][n] = 1.;
964  // And discard all the others
965  for (INTNB n=m_similarityBowsherNbVoxels; n<mp_neighborhoodNbVoxels[a_th]; n++) m2p_similarityFactors[a_th][n] = 0.;
966  }
967  }
968  // Unknown
969  else
970  {
971  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ComputeSimilarityFactors() -> Unknown similarity type provided !" << endl);
972  return 1;
973  }
974  // Normal end
975  return 0;
976 }
978 // =====================================================================
979 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
980 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
981 // =====================================================================
983 int iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::LocalPreProcessingStep(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
984 {
985  // First build the list of neighbours of this voxel
986  if (BuildSpecificNeighborhood(a_voxel,a_th))
987  {
988  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::LocalPreProcessingStep() -> A problem occurred while building specific neighborhood of voxel " << a_voxel << " !" << endl);
989  return 1;
990  }
991  // Then compute the similarity factors
992  if (ComputeSimilarityFactors(a_tbf,a_rbf,a_cbf,a_voxel,a_th))
993  {
994  Cerr("***** iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::LocalPreProcessingStep() -> A problem occurred while computing the similirity factors of the neighborhood of voxel " << a_voxel << " !" << endl);
995  return 1;
996  }
997  // Normal end
998  return 0;
999 }
1001 // =====================================================================
1002 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1003 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1004 // =====================================================================
1006 FLTNB iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ComputePenaltyValue(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
1007 {
1008  // Compute the value of the penalty
1009  FLTNB result = 0.;
1010  // Sum on the contribution of the different neighbors
1011  for (INTNB n=0; n<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; n++)
1012  {
1013  // Get the neighbor index
1014  INTNB neighbor = m2p_neighborhoodIndices[a_th][n];
1015  // If the voxel is not in the neighborhood, skip it
1016  if (neighbor==-1) continue;
1017  else
1018  {
1019  // Pointer to the image
1020  FLTNB* p_image = mp_ImageSpace->m4p_image[a_tbf][a_rbf][a_cbf];
1021  // Proximity factor
1022  FLTNB proximity_factor = mp_proximityKernel[n];
1023  // Similarity factor
1024  FLTNB similarity_factor = m2p_similarityFactors[a_th][n];
1025  // Precompute the difference
1026  FLTNB difference = p_image[a_voxel] - p_image[neighbor];
1027  // Compute value of the potential function (consider the potential function to be symmetric)
1028  FLTNB value = 0.;
1029  switch(m_potentialType)
1030  {
1031  // Quadratic
1033  {
1034  value = 0.5 * difference * difference;
1035  break;
1036  }
1037  // Relative differences
1039  {
1040  FLTNB denominator = p_image[a_voxel] + p_image[neighbor] + m_potentialRelativeDifferenceGamma * abs(difference);
1041  if (denominator==0.) value = 0.;
1042  else value = difference * difference / denominator;
1043  break;
1044  }
1045  // Geman and McClure + 1 (we add 1 to the original definition to make it positive)
1047  {
1048  FLTNB squared_difference = difference * difference;
1049  value = squared_difference / (m_potentialGemanMcClureDelta*m_potentialGemanMcClureDelta + squared_difference);
1050  break;
1051  }
1052  // Green logcosh
1054  {
1055  value = log(cosh( difference / m_potentialGreenLogCoshDelta));
1056  break;
1057  }
1058  // Hebert and Leahy
1060  {
1061  value = log( 1. + difference * difference / (m_potentialHebertLeahyMu * m_potentialHebertLeahyMu));
1062  break;
1063  }
1064  // Huber piecewise
1066  {
1067  FLTNB abs_difference = fabs(difference);
1068  if (abs_difference>m_potentialHuberDelta) value = m_potentialHuberDelta*abs_difference - 0.5*m_potentialHuberDelta*m_potentialHuberDelta;
1069  else value = 0.5 * abs_difference * abs_difference;
1070  break;
1071  }
1072  }
1073  // Check that the value is a normal number
1074  if (fpclassify(value) != FP_NORMAL) value = 0.;
1075  // Add the final contribution to the penalty value
1076  else result += proximity_factor * similarity_factor * value;
1077  }
1078  }
1079  // Apply the penalty strength
1080  result *= m_penaltyStrength;
1081  // Check for Inf, Nan, etc
1082  if (fpclassify(result) != FP_NORMAL) result = 0.;
1083  // Return result
1084  return result;
1085 }
1087 // =====================================================================
1088 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1089 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1090 // =====================================================================
1092 FLTNB iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ComputeFirstDerivative(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
1093 {
1094  // Compute the first derivative of the penalty
1095  FLTNB result = 0.;
1096  // Sum on the contribution of the different neighbors
1097  for (INTNB n=0; n<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; n++)
1098  {
1099  // Get the neighbor index
1100  INTNB neighbor = m2p_neighborhoodIndices[a_th][n];
1101  // If the voxel is not in the neighborhood, skip it
1102  if (neighbor==-1) continue;
1103  else
1104  {
1105  // Pointer to the image
1106  FLTNB* p_image = mp_ImageSpace->m4p_image[a_tbf][a_rbf][a_cbf];
1107  // Proximity factor
1108  FLTNB proximity_factor = mp_proximityKernel[n];
1109  // Similarity factor
1110  FLTNB similarity_factor = m2p_similarityFactors[a_th][n];
1111  // Precompute the difference
1112  FLTNB difference = p_image[a_voxel] - p_image[neighbor];
1113  // Compute first derivative of the potential function (consider the potential function to be symmetric)
1114  FLTNB first_derivative = 0.;
1115  switch(m_potentialType)
1116  {
1117  // Quadratic
1119  {
1120  first_derivative = difference;
1121  break;
1122  }
1123  // Relative differences
1125  {
1126  FLTNB term = p_image[a_voxel] + p_image[neighbor] + m_potentialRelativeDifferenceGamma * fabs(difference);
1127  FLTNB term_square = term * term;
1128  if (term_square==0.) first_derivative = 0.;
1129  else first_derivative = difference * (term + 2.*p_image[neighbor]) / (term_square);
1130  break;
1131  }
1132  // Geman and McClure
1134  {
1135  FLTNB difference = p_image[a_voxel] - p_image[neighbor];
1137  first_derivative = 2. * delta_square * difference
1138  / pow( difference*difference + delta_square , 2. );
1139  break;
1140  }
1141  // Green logcosh
1143  {
1144  FLTNB rel_diff = difference / m_potentialGreenLogCoshDelta;
1145  first_derivative = tanh(rel_diff) / m_potentialGreenLogCoshDelta;
1146  break;
1147  }
1148  // Hebert and Leahy
1150  {
1151  first_derivative = 2. * difference / (difference*difference + m_potentialHebertLeahyMu*m_potentialHebertLeahyMu);
1152  break;
1153  }
1154  // Huber piecewise
1156  {
1157  if (difference==0.) first_derivative = 0.;
1158  else
1159  {
1160  FLTNB abs_difference = fabs(difference);
1161  if (abs_difference>m_potentialHuberDelta) first_derivative = m_potentialHuberDelta * difference / abs_difference;
1162  else first_derivative = difference;
1163  }
1164  break;
1165  }
1166  }
1167  // Check that the derivative is a normal number
1168  if (fpclassify(first_derivative) != FP_NORMAL) first_derivative = 0.;
1169  // Add the final contribution to the derivative value
1170  else result += proximity_factor * similarity_factor * first_derivative;
1171  }
1172  }
1173  // Apply the penalty strength
1174  result *= m_penaltyStrength;
1175  // Check for Inf, Nan, etc
1176  if (fpclassify(result) != FP_NORMAL) result = 0.;
1177  // Return result
1178  return result;
1179 }
1182 // =====================================================================
1183 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1184 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1185 // =====================================================================
1187 FLTNB iPenaltyMarkovRandomField::ComputeSecondDerivative(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
1188 {
1189  // Compute the second derivative of the penalty
1190  FLTNB result = 0.;
1191  // Sum on the contribution of the different neighbors
1192  for (INTNB n=0; n<m_neighborhoodMaxNbVoxels; n++)
1193  {
1194  // Get the neighbor index
1195  INTNB neighbor = m2p_neighborhoodIndices[a_th][n];
1196  // If the voxel is not in the neighborhood, skip it
1197  if (neighbor==-1) continue;
1198  else
1199  {
1200  // Pointer to the image
1201  FLTNB* p_image = mp_ImageSpace->m4p_image[a_tbf][a_rbf][a_cbf];
1202  // Proximity factor
1203  FLTNB proximity_factor = mp_proximityKernel[n];
1204  // Similarity factor
1205  FLTNB similarity_factor = m2p_similarityFactors[a_th][n];
1206  // Compute second derivative of the potential function (consider the potential function to be symmetric)
1207  FLTNB second_derivative = 0.;
1208  switch(m_potentialType)
1209  {
1210  // Quadratic
1212  {
1213  second_derivative = 1.;
1214  break;
1215  }
1216  // Relative differences
1218  {
1219  FLTNB term = p_image[a_voxel] + p_image[neighbor] + m_potentialRelativeDifferenceGamma * fabs(p_image[a_voxel] - p_image[neighbor]);
1220  FLTNB term_cube = term * term * term;
1221  if (term_cube==0.) second_derivative = 0.;
1222  else second_derivative = (8.*p_image[neighbor]*p_image[neighbor])/(term_cube);
1223  break;
1224  }
1225  // Geman and McClure
1227  {
1228  FLTNB difference = p_image[a_voxel] - p_image[neighbor];
1229  FLTNB difference_square = difference * difference;
1231  second_derivative = -2. * delta_square * (3.*difference_square - delta_square)
1232  / pow( difference_square + delta_square , 3. );
1233  break;
1234  }
1235  // Green logcosh
1237  {
1238  second_derivative = 1. / (m_potentialGreenLogCoshDelta * cosh((p_image[a_voxel]-p_image[neighbor])/m_potentialGreenLogCoshDelta));
1239  second_derivative *= second_derivative;
1240  break;
1241  }
1242  // Hebert and Leahy
1244  {
1245  FLTNB difference = p_image[a_voxel] - p_image[neighbor];
1246  second_derivative = - 2. * (difference+m_potentialHebertLeahyMu) * (difference-m_potentialHebertLeahyMu)
1247  / pow( difference*difference + m_potentialHebertLeahyMu*m_potentialHebertLeahyMu , 2. );
1248  break;
1249  }
1250  // Huber piecewise
1252  {
1253  // Assume null derivative in all domain
1254  second_derivative = 0.;
1255  break;
1256  }
1257  }
1258  // Check that the derivative is a normal number
1259  if (fpclassify(second_derivative) != FP_NORMAL) second_derivative = 0.;
1260  // Add the final contribution to the derivative value
1261  else result += proximity_factor * similarity_factor * second_derivative;
1262  }
1263  }
1264  // Apply the penalty strength
1265  result *= m_penaltyStrength;
1266  // Check for Inf, Nan, etc
1267  if (fpclassify(result) != FP_NORMAL) result = 0.;
1268  // Return result
1269  return result;
1270 }
int BuildSpecificNeighborhood(INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
Computes the specific neighborhood of a voxel, m2p_neighborhoodIndices, as well as mp_neighborhoodNbV...
int m_penaltyDerivativesOrder
Definition: vPenalty.hh:293
#define FLTNB
Definition: gVariables.hh:81
oImageSpace * mp_ImageSpace
Definition: vPenalty.hh:289
FLTNB GetVoxSizeX()
Get the voxel&#39;s size along the X axis, in mm.
FLTNB GetVoxSizeZ()
Get the voxel&#39;s size along the Z axis, in mm.
FLTNB m_penaltyStrength
Definition: vPenalty.hh:294
int GetNbMultiModalImages()
Get the number of additional multimodal images.
int BuildProximityFactors()
A function used to build the kernel of the proximity factors.
string m_penaltyID
Definition: vPenalty.hh:285
int LocalPreProcessingStep(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
A public function computing a local pre-processing step for the penalty.
FLTNB ComputeSecondDerivative(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
Implementation of the pure virtual vPenalty::ComputeSecondDerivative()
int ReadConfigurationFile(const string &a_configurationFile)
A function used to read options from a configuration file.
FLTNB ComputeFirstDerivative(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
Implementation of the pure virtual vPenalty::ComputeFirstDerivative()
int m_verbose
Definition: vPenalty.hh:291
int InitializeSpecific()
This function is used to initialize specific stuff to the child penalty.
FLTNB GetVoxSizeY()
Get the voxel&#39;s size along the Y axis, in mm.
#define Cerr(MESSAGE)
FLTNB **** m4p_image
Definition: oImageSpace.hh:80
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification * mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification
Definition: vPenalty.hh:288
int ReadDataASCIIFile(const string &a_file, const string &a_keyword, T *ap_return, int a_nbElts, bool a_mandatoryFlag)
Look for "a_nbElts" elts in the "a_file" file matching the "a_keyword" string passed as parameter a...
The constructor of iPenaltyMarkovRandomField.
Get the number of voxels in a slice.
This class is designed to generically described any penalty applied to MAP algorithms.
Definition: vPenalty.hh:48
Declaration of class iPenaltyMarkovRandomField.
Definition: gOptions.hh:47
Definition: gOptions.hh:49
int ReadOptionsList(const string &a_optionsList)
A function used to read options from a list of options.
#define INTNB
Definition: gVariables.hh:92
FLTNB ComputePenaltyValue(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
Implementation of the pure virtual vPenalty::ComputePenaltyValue()
int ComputeSimilarityFactors(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
Computes the similarity factors of this specific voxel with respect to the similarity type used...
int GetNbThreadsForImageComputation()
Get the number of threads used for image operations.
The destructor of iPenaltyMarkovRandomField.
Get the number of voxels along the X axis.
Get the number of voxels along the Z axis.
#define Cout(MESSAGE)
int CheckSpecificParameters()
A private function used to check the parameters settings specific to the child penalty.
int BuildNeighborhoodKernel()
A function used to build the neighborhood kernel.
void ShowHelpSpecific()
A function used to show help about the child penalty.
Get the number of voxels along the Y axis.
Definition: gOptions.hh:55