CASToR  3.0
Tomographic Reconstruction (PET/SPECT/CT)
Go to the documentation of this file.
1 /*
2 This file is part of CASToR.
4  CASToR is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
5  terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
6  Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
7  version.
9  CASToR is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY
10  WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
11  FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
12  details.
14  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
15  CASToR (in file GNU_GPL.TXT). If not, see <>.
17 Copyright 2017-2019 all CASToR contributors listed below:
19  --> Didier BENOIT, Claude COMTAT, Marina FILIPOVIC, Thibaut MERLIN, Mael MILLARDET, Simon STUTE, Valentin VIELZEUF
21 This is CASToR version 3.0.
22 */
31 #include "sOutputManager.hh"
33 // =====================================================================
34 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
35 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
36 // =====================================================================
39 {
40  // ---------------------------
41  // Mandatory member parameters
42  // ---------------------------
44  // Initial value at 1
45  m_initialValue = 1.;
46  // Only one backward image
48  // This algorithm accepts penalty and requires the first and second derivatives
50  // PreconditionedGradientMAP is only compatible with histogram data
53  // PreconditionedGradientMAP is only compatible with emission data
57  // --------------------------
58  // Specific member parameters
59  // --------------------------
66 }
68 // =====================================================================
69 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
70 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
71 // =====================================================================
74 {
75  // Note: there is no need to deallocate the images themselves as they are allocate using the
76  // miscellaneous image function from the image space, which automatically deals with
77  // memory deallocations.
78  // Delete the first order derivative penalty image
80  {
81  // Loop over time basis functions
83  {
85  {
86  // Loop over respiratory basis functions
88  {
89  if (m4p_firstDerivativePenaltyImage[tbf][rbf])
90  {
91  free(m4p_firstDerivativePenaltyImage[tbf][rbf]);
92  }
93  }
95  }
96  }
98  }
99  // Delete the second order derivative penalty image
101  {
102  // Loop over time basis functions
103  for (int tbf=0; tbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbTimeBasisFunctions(); tbf++)
104  {
106  {
107  // Loop over respiratory basis functions
108  for (int rbf=0; rbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbRespBasisFunctions(); rbf++)
109  {
110  if (m4p_secondDerivativePenaltyImage[tbf][rbf])
111  {
112  free(m4p_secondDerivativePenaltyImage[tbf][rbf]);
113  }
114  }
116  }
117  }
119  }
120 }
122 // =====================================================================
123 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
124 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
125 // =====================================================================
128 {
129  cout << "This optimizer is the Penalized Preconditioned Gradient algorithm from J. Nuyts et al, IEEE TNS, Feb 2002, vol. 49, pp. 56-60." << endl;
130  cout << "As usually described by its inventor, it is a heuristic but effective gradient ascent algorithm" << endl;
131  cout << "for penalized maximum-likelihood reconstruction. It addresses the shortcoming of One-Step-Late when large" << endl;
132  cout << "penalty strengths can create numerical problems. Penalty terms must have a derivative order of at least two." << endl;
133  cout << "Subsets can be used as for OSEM. Without penalty, it is equivalent to the gradient ascent form of the MLEM algorithm." << endl;
134  cout << "Based on likelihood gradient and penalty, a multiplicative update factor is computed and its range is limited by provided parameters." << endl;
135  cout << "Thus, negative values cannot occur and voxels cannot be trapped into 0 values, providing a first positive estimate." << endl;
136  cout << "The following options can be used (in this particular order when provided as a list):" << endl;
137  cout << " initial image value: to set the uniform voxel value for the initial image" << endl;
138  cout << " denominator threshold: to set the threshold of the data space denominator under which the ratio is set to 1" << endl;
139  cout << " minimum image update: to set the minimum of the image update factor under which it stays constant (0 or a negative value" << endl;
140  cout << " means no minimum thus allowing a 0 update)" << endl;
141  cout << " maximum image update: to set the maximum of the image update factor over which it stays constant (0 or a negative value means" << endl;
142  cout << " no maximum)" << endl;
143 }
145 // =====================================================================
146 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
147 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
148 // =====================================================================
151 {
152  string key_word = "";
153  string buffer = "";
154  // Read the initial image value option
155  key_word = "initial image value";
156  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_initialValue, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
157  {
158  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
159  return 1;
160  }
161  // Read the denominator threshold option
162  key_word = "denominator threshold";
163  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
164  {
165  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
166  return 1;
167  }
168  // Read the minimum image update option
169  key_word = "minimum image update";
170  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_minimumImageUpdateFactor, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
171  {
172  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
173  return 1;
174  }
175  // Read the maximum image update option
176  key_word = "maximum image update";
177  if (ReadDataASCIIFile(a_configurationFile, key_word, &m_maximumImageUpdateFactor, 1, KEYWORD_MANDATORY))
178  {
179  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::ReadConfigurationFile() -> Failed to get the '" << key_word << "' keyword !" << endl);
180  return 1;
181  }
182  // Normal end
183  return 0;
184 }
186 // =====================================================================
187 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
188 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
189 // =====================================================================
192 {
193  // There are 4 floating point variables as options
194  const int nb_options = 4;
195  FLTNB options[nb_options];
196  // Read them
197  if (ReadStringOption(a_optionsList, options, nb_options, ",", "PenalizedPreconditionedGradient configuration"))
198  {
199  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::ReadOptionsList() -> Failed to correctly read the list of options !" << endl);
200  return 1;
201  }
202  // Affect options
203  m_initialValue = options[0];
204  m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold = options[1];
205  m_minimumImageUpdateFactor = options[2];
206  m_maximumImageUpdateFactor = options[3];
207  // Normal end
208  return 0;
209 }
211 // =====================================================================
212 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
213 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
214 // =====================================================================
217 {
218  // Check that initial image value is strictly positive
219  if (m_initialValue<=0.)
220  {
221  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML->CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided initial image value (" << m_initialValue << ") must be strictly positive !" << endl);
222  return 1;
223  }
224  // Check that denominator threshold value is strictly positive
226  {
227  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML->CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided data space denominator threshold (" << m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold << ") must be strictly positive !" << endl);
228  return 1;
229  }
230  // Check that maximum image update factor is higher than the minimum
232  {
233  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML->CheckSpecificParameters() -> Provided minimum/maximum (" << m_minimumImageUpdateFactor << "/" << m_maximumImageUpdateFactor << " are inconsistent !" << endl);
234  return 1;
235  }
236  // Normal end
237  return 0;
238 }
240 // =====================================================================
241 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
242 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
243 // =====================================================================
246 {
247  // Allocate and create the penalty image
249  // Loop over time basis functions
250  for (int tbf=0; tbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbTimeBasisFunctions(); tbf++)
251  {
253  // Loop over respiratory basis functions
254  for (int rbf=0; rbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbRespBasisFunctions(); rbf++)
255  {
257  // Loop over cardiac basis functions
258  for (int cbf=0; cbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbCardBasisFunctions(); cbf++)
259  {
260  // Get a pointer to a newly allocated image
261  m4p_firstDerivativePenaltyImage[tbf][rbf][cbf] = mp_ImageSpace -> AllocateMiscellaneousImage();
262  // Initialize to 0, in case the penalty is not used
263  for (INTNB v=0; v<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbVoxXYZ(); v++) m4p_firstDerivativePenaltyImage[tbf][rbf][cbf][v] = 0.;
264  }
265  }
266  }
267  // Allocate and create the second order derivative penalty image
269  // Loop over time basis functions
270  for (int tbf=0; tbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbTimeBasisFunctions(); tbf++)
271  {
273  // Loop over respiratory basis functions
274  for (int rbf=0; rbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbRespBasisFunctions(); rbf++)
275  {
277  // Loop over cardiac basis functions
278  for (int cbf=0; cbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbCardBasisFunctions(); cbf++)
279  {
280  // Get a pointer to a newly allocated image
281  m4p_secondDerivativePenaltyImage[tbf][rbf][cbf] = mp_ImageSpace -> AllocateMiscellaneousImage();
282  // Initialize to 0, in case the penalty is not used
284  }
285  }
286  }
287  // Verbose
288  if (m_verbose>=2)
289  {
290  Cout("iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::InitializeSpecific() -> Use the Penalized Preconditioned Gradient optimizer" << endl);
291  if (m_verbose>=3)
292  {
293  Cout(" --> Initial image value: " << m_initialValue << endl);
294  Cout(" --> Data space denominator threshold: " << m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold << endl);
295  if (m_minimumImageUpdateFactor>0.) Cout(" --> Minimum image update factor: " << m_minimumImageUpdateFactor << endl);
296  else Cerr("!!!!! The minimum update value is not set, if using subsets, voxels could be trapped in 0 value causing some negative bias !" << endl);
297  if (m_maximumImageUpdateFactor>0.) Cout(" --> Maximum image update factor: " << m_maximumImageUpdateFactor << endl);
298  }
299  }
300  // Normal end
301  return 0;
302 }
304 // =====================================================================
305 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
306 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
307 // =====================================================================
310 {
311  // ==========================================================================================
312  // If no penalty, then exit (the penalty image term has been initialized to 0)
313  if (mp_Penalty==NULL) return 0;
314  // Set the number of threads
315  #ifdef CASTOR_OMP
317  #endif
318  // Verbose
319  if (m_verbose>=1) Cout("iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::PreImageUpdateSpecificStep() -> Compute penalty term" << endl);
320  // ==========================================================================================
321  // Global precomputation step if needed by the penalty
323  {
324  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::PreImageUpdateSpecificStep() -> A problem occurred while computing the penalty pre-processing step !" << endl);
325  return 1;
326  }
327  // ==========================================================================================
328  // Loop over time basis functions
329  for (int tbf=0; tbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbTimeBasisFunctions(); tbf++)
330  {
331  // Loop over respiratory basis functions
332  for (int rbf=0; rbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbRespBasisFunctions(); rbf++)
333  {
334  // Loop over cardiac basis functions
335  for (int cbf=0; cbf<mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification->GetNbCardBasisFunctions(); cbf++)
336  {
337  // In order to detect problems in the multi-threaded loop
338  bool problem = false;
339  // Voxel index
340  INTNB v;
341  // Multi-threading over voxels
342  #pragma omp parallel for private(v) schedule(guided)
344  {
345  // Get the thread index
346  int th = 0;
347  #ifdef CASTOR_OMP
348  th = omp_get_thread_num();
349  #endif
350  // Local precomputation step if needed by the penalty
351  if (mp_Penalty->LocalPreProcessingStep(tbf,rbf,cbf,v,th))
352  {
353  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::PreImageUpdateSpecificStep() -> A problem occurred while computing the penalty local pre-processing step for voxel " << v << " !" << endl);
354  problem = true;
355  }
356  // Compute first and second derivative order penalty terms
357  m4p_firstDerivativePenaltyImage[tbf][rbf][cbf][v] = mp_Penalty->ComputeFirstDerivative(tbf,rbf,cbf,v,th);
358  m4p_secondDerivativePenaltyImage[tbf][rbf][cbf][v] = mp_Penalty->ComputeSecondDerivative(tbf,rbf,cbf,v,th);
359  }
360  // Check for problems
361  if (problem)
362  {
363  Cerr("***** iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML::PreImageUpdateSpecificStep() -> A problem occurred inside the multi-threaded loop, stop now !" << endl);
364  return 1;
365  }
366  }
367  }
368  }
369  // Normal end
370  return 0;
371 }
373 // =====================================================================
374 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
375 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
376 // =====================================================================
379  FLTNB a_multiplicativeCorrections, FLTNB a_additiveCorrections, FLTNB a_blankValue,
380  FLTNB a_quantificationFactor, oProjectionLine* ap_Line )
381 {
382  // Line weight here is simply 1
383  *ap_weight = 1.;
384  // That's all
385  return 0;
386 }
388 // =====================================================================
389 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
390 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
391 // =====================================================================
394  FLTNB a_multiplicativeCorrections, FLTNB a_additiveCorrections, FLTNB a_blankValue,
395  FLTNB a_quantificationFactor, oProjectionLine* ap_Line )
396 {
397  // Truncate data to 0 if negative
398  if (a_data<0.) a_data = 0.;
399  // Compute numerator
400  FLTNB numerator = a_data - a_forwardModel;
402  // If the foward model is too close to zero, then ignore this data (set to 0 as the update is additive)
403  if (a_forwardModel>m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold) *ap_backwardValues = numerator / a_forwardModel;
404  else *ap_backwardValues = 0.;
405 /*
406  // Compute denominator that will be strictly positive
407  FLTNB denominator = max(a_forwardModel,m_dataSpaceDenominatorThreshold);
408  // Update backward values
409  *ap_backwardValues = numerator / denominator;
410 */
411  // That's all
412  return 0;
414 }
416 // =====================================================================
417 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
418 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
419 // =====================================================================
422  FLTNB a_sensitivity, FLTNB* ap_correctionValues,
423  INTNB a_voxel, int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf )
424 {
425  // Note 1: the penalty terms are divided by the current number of subsets, for balance.
426  // Note 2: we did not deal with negative values as suggest by original Johan's paper, because it traps voxels
427  // into 0 value. We rather compute a multiplicative update factor and limit its range as for MLEM.
428  // Compute numerator
429  FLTNB numerator = *ap_correctionValues - m4p_firstDerivativePenaltyImage[a_tbf][a_rbf][a_cbf][a_voxel] / (FLTNB)mp_nbSubsets[m_currentIteration];
430  // Compute denominator
431  FLTNB denominator = a_sensitivity + a_currentImageValue * m4p_secondDerivativePenaltyImage[a_tbf][a_rbf][a_cbf][a_voxel] / (FLTNB)mp_nbSubsets[m_currentIteration];
432  // Compute multiplicative image update factor
433  FLTNB image_update_factor = 1. + numerator / denominator;
434  // Apply minimum image update factor
435  if ( m_minimumImageUpdateFactor > 0. && image_update_factor < m_minimumImageUpdateFactor ) image_update_factor = m_minimumImageUpdateFactor;
436  // Apply maximum image update factor
437  if ( m_maximumImageUpdateFactor > 0. && image_update_factor > m_maximumImageUpdateFactor ) image_update_factor = m_maximumImageUpdateFactor;
438  // Update image
439  *ap_newImageValue = a_currentImageValue * image_update_factor;
440  // Check if it is a number, if not, keep the value unchanged
441  if (!isfinite(*ap_newImageValue)) *ap_newImageValue = a_currentImageValue;
442  // End
443  return 0;
444 }
446 // =====================================================================
447 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
448 // ---------------------------------------------------------------------
449 // =====================================================================
int m_requiredPenaltyDerivativesOrder
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:697
int GetNbCardBasisFunctions()
Get the number of cardiac basis functions.
#define FLTNB
Definition: gVariables.hh:81
FLTNB m_initialValue
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:663
Declaration of class iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradient.
bool m_listmodeCompatibility
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:664
int ReadOptionsList(const string &a_optionsList)
A function used to read options from a list of options.
void ShowHelpSpecific()
A function used to show help about the child optimizer.
oImageDimensionsAndQuantification * mp_ImageDimensionsAndQuantification
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:669
The destructor of iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML.
virtual int LocalPreProcessingStep(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)
A public function computing a local pre-processing step for the penalty.
int GetNbTimeBasisFunctions()
Get the number of time basis functions.
virtual FLTNB ComputeSecondDerivative(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)=0
A public function computing the second derivative of the penalty (the two derivatives are according t...
#define Cerr(MESSAGE)
int CheckSpecificParameters()
A private function used to check the parameters settings specific to the child optimizer.
bool m_emissionCompatibility
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:666
The constructor of iOptimizerPenalizedPreconditionedGradientML.
int SensitivitySpecificOperations(FLTNB a_data, FLTNB a_forwardModel, FLTNB *ap_weight, FLTNB a_multiplicativeCorrections, FLTNB a_additiveCorrections, FLTNB a_blankValue, FLTNB a_quantificationFactor, oProjectionLine *ap_Line)
This function compute the weight associated to the provided event (for sensitivity computation) ...
int m_nbBackwardImages
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:659
virtual int GlobalPreProcessingStep()
A public function computing a global pre-processing step for the penalty.
int ReadDataASCIIFile(const string &a_file, const string &a_keyword, T *ap_return, int a_nbElts, bool a_mandatoryFlag)
Look for "a_nbElts" elts in the "a_file" file matching the "a_keyword" string passed as parameter a...
bool m_histogramCompatibility
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:665
int ImageSpaceSpecificOperations(FLTNB a_currentImageValue, FLTNB *ap_newImageValue, FLTNB a_sensitivity, FLTNB *ap_correctionValues, INTNB a_voxel, int a_tbf=-1, int a_rbf=-1, int a_cbf=-1)
This function perform the image update step specific to the optimizer.
int ReadConfigurationFile(const string &a_configurationFile)
A function used to read options from a configuration file.
Definition: gOptions.hh:47
#define INTNB
Definition: gVariables.hh:92
bool m_transmissionCompatibility
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:667
This class is designed to generically described any iterative optimizer.
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:59
This class is designed to manage and store system matrix elements associated to a vEvent...
vPenalty * mp_Penalty
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:698
int m_currentIteration
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:678
Declaration of class sOutputManager.
oImageSpace * mp_ImageSpace
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:670
int GetNbThreadsForImageComputation()
Get the number of threads used for image operations.
Get the total number of voxels.
int DataSpaceSpecificOperations(FLTNB a_data, FLTNB a_forwardModel, FLTNB *ap_backwardValues, FLTNB a_multiplicativeCorrections, FLTNB a_additiveCorrections, FLTNB a_blankValue, FLTNB a_quantificationFactor, oProjectionLine *ap_Line)
This function performs the data space operations specific to the optimizer (computes the values to be...
int * mp_nbSubsets
Definition: vOptimizer.hh:677
#define Cout(MESSAGE)
int PreImageUpdateSpecificStep()
A private function used to compute the penalty term of the PreconditionedGradientMAP algorithm...
int ReadStringOption(const string &a_input, T *ap_return, int a_nbElts, const string &sep, const string &a_option)
Parse the &#39;a_input&#39; string corresponding to the &#39;a_option&#39; into &#39;a_nbElts&#39; elements, using the &#39;sep&#39; separator. The results are returned in the templated &#39;ap_return&#39; dynamic templated array. Call "ConvertFromString()" to perform the correct conversion depending on the type of the data to convert.
int GetNbRespBasisFunctions()
Get the number of respiratory basis functions.
virtual FLTNB ComputeFirstDerivative(int a_tbf, int a_rbf, int a_cbf, INTNB a_voxel, int a_th)=0
A public function computing the derivative of the penalty.
int InitializeSpecific()
This function is used to initialize specific stuff to the child optimizer.