73 Cerr(
"*****iEventHistoPET::AllocateSpecificData() -> Error, number of TOF bins has not been initialized (<1) !");
116 Cout(
"---------------------- iEventHistoPET::Describe() --------------------------" << endl);
117 Cout(
"sizeof(FLTNB): " <<
FLTNB) << endl);
139 Cout(
"----------------------------------------------------------------------------" << endl);
iEventHistoPET destructor.
void Describe()
This function can be used to get a description of the event printed out.
int AllocateSpecificData()
Function allowing the allocation of specific data. Instantiate and initialize the mp_eventValue and...
iEventHistoPET constructor. Initialize the member variables to their default values.
Declaration of class iEventHistoPET.
Declaration of class vDataFile.
uint16_t m_eventNbTOFBins
FLTNB GetAdditiveCorrections(int a_bin)
Inherit from vEvent. Main PET class for the Event objects.
Declaration of class sOutputManager.